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Everything posted by jajajaja

  1. ugh that just breaks my heart. Regardless of the law, I just don't understand how a man can look at a child like that. Even if it is part of their custom. It's just disgusting. However, when I was in high school, my county had TWO! 9 year olds pregnant by men older than 28. Needless to say the men obviously spent some time in jail but the worst part was not that it was simply a pedifile case- the girls were actually upset because they considered the guys their boyfriends. WTF man? Sad sad sad.
  2. OMG- I'm guilty of a lot of those. haha Maybe I'm the "husband" in our relationship.
  3. Def post pics. With that price, I'm sure brides would love to snatch it up!
  4. haha can't wait. I think NY is a snoozer- I stopped watching. I hope NJ is better!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan $500 to get to copilot the plane for 5 minutes. Oh i would totally pay for this. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan $10 in flight movie And this too! I hardly have flights with movies. Some of my guests flew delta to MX and got one. We flew Alaska and instead I had Steve bugging me every 3 secs. Actually, I should have just paid $70 to have him moved away from me.
  6. Yes although I didn't have one for the marriag cert. We did that right after dinner.
  7. Ha see! We could get paid for this list we are compiling. These are some great ideas.
  8. I forget you had babies. Did they have a blast? Btw, they are so cute!
  9. haha that's awesome Abbie. You must have been taking notes in a recent exec meeting.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by DougsGirl $10.00 per whiff of jet-fuel Hey people pay to inhale oxygen. You may be onto something!
  11. haha maybe we should help the airlines out and just create a list of things to charge the guests for. 1. bathroom usages- .25 per bathroom break- just like some of the big cities. 2. $1 per barf bag. Maybe offer a buy one, get one. 3. with no free snacks, what's the point of flight attendants. Get rid of them- it's not like anyone needs to know how to not die in an accident. 4. Charge babies $5 each time they cry. 5. Remove above head lighting. Charge guests $10 for reading lights.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan northwest is charging for snacks now haha geez. Do you still get pillows and blankets for free? (this really grosses me out anyways.)
  13. Why don't they just cut out the snacks if they want to save a few pennies.
  14. Hmmm...you all just inspired me. I always sleep naked so maybe I should spice it up and put some clothes on. hehe- you never know, he could like it!
  15. Oh I didn't even notice the "tail" lmao. First of all, I think it looks great on her- even without spanx. I sure wasn't that curvy in high school so I would have LOVED to be built like a woman- not a small boy. Hell, I would love to be built like that now! Anyways, I love the necklace you have picked out. I think it's pretty. Add a flower and some cute braclet I think it would look great!
  16. shot gun? haha you animal Leia. This was at my parents house and they live kinda out in the middle of nowhere. They don't have a fence so the animals (like coyotes) just free roam around waiting for innocent peeing puppies. Their neighbors had their dogs attacked by a cougar. Now that's scary!
  17. haha are you serious? Now you have to pay to select your seats?
  18. Awesome. Those are so pretty and I love how it can be dressed up or down. They will love them!
  19. Ok when I first read this title I thought it was for a life insurance policy. lol My parents vet offers a wellness plan which covers all routine stuff (dental cleanings, shots, exams, etc.) for like $10 a month or something totally cheap like that. I wish my vet did- I asked if they could do something similar but they don't. Maybe ask your vet if they can do a plan like that. I had a brochure at one time when I was trying to ask my vet to consider the idea. Anyways, I didn't know there was such a thing as insurance for your pets. That's awesome! I had to pay 1K out of pocket when my dog had an emergency. Good to know. Also, about crazy raccoons, be careful of coyotes if you have them around too. One tried to attack my puppy late in the night when she was going potty. I had to foot race it there because I let the puppy get across the yard from where I was standing. I didn't even think about coyotes lurking in the shadows- or other creatures. Most of the time they run when they see humans, but this coyote must have been hungry. This was years ago and I have since learned.
  20. Oops too late Maura. I commented on all 10 blogs. hehe You should totally be the bionic bride. I'm the chillest after all.
  21. Ok so I'm thinking I should just take a day off work and go to all these offices. Damn- I was hoping I could just mail it all in, but it sounds more confusing to mail it than to just show up and wait in line.
  22. How many are there? How many people will really get confused? Or will they know it's inverted and call the right number? IF it's the latter, I would just roll with it.
  23. hahaha- slow your roll. Too funny because I do say that. I just noticed you have 10! blogs. I did one and then forgot about it. hehe. I'm going to start reading yours now just to make points about how you are bionic. You can be our "bionic bride."
  24. Did you guys mail in your social security information? It says that all documents must be either originals or copies certified by the issuing agency. We cannot accept photocopies or notarized copies of documents. Frick- how do I get a copy certified by issuing agency to mail in?
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