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Everything posted by jajajaja

  1. Well let's stop talking about candy and move onto banana hammocks. jeesh!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Christa This rotisserie tactic worked out most excellently. And I'm sure you looked delectable too. That's kinda my method too- not as scientific though because I would sometimes forget to rotisserie myself.
  3. All this talk of bars and alcohol, did you ever post bach party pics Sarah?
  4. I never hike but looking at those pictures, maybe I should. That's gorgeous! Thanks for sharing.
  5. OH and as a bossy person myself, I agree to not responding. When I'm being commanding and no one listens to me, I tend to reflect and realize I was being bossy. I hope your FMIL will do the same.
  6. Oh a burnt butt is never good either. It hurts. Every time I tan I try to be in a new position and I move around frequently. Much like yoga. Thank god there aren't cameras in there (I hope-haha)
  7. Sounds very "mommy" to me too. My mom likes to try to "mom" me all the time but I always have to remind her that I'm responsible now. Anyways, my parents also gave us $$$ to use on the wedding however we see fit. I didn't have to justify one thing to them. We paid for whatever we needed that went over budget. Basically, it ended up being my parents paying for half of everything. I think your FMIL is overstepping some boundaries. IF they gave you the money, then great. She shouldn't say you can use it how you want, then turn around and make stipulations for how you are spending it. That's something I would clear up really quick.
  8. muahhaha. these are awesome so far. Now I will have to think. I don't think I've had anything this good. Damn!
  9. see...the things you have to do when you are older than 25. haha
  10. Well I'd just ignore it and have the candy bar show up. You already paid for it. End of discussion. The candy bar will be there and her vote has been cast aside.
  11. my BM had really funny lines under her butt where the tanning bed didn't tan cause of her "butt wrinkle." OMG when she was in her bathing suit we died laughing at them. She blamed it on being 27 so her butt is a little saggier. She claims she didn't have that problem at 22.
  12. side boob? Like where your armpit is? Ya, we had that issue whenever we lifted our arms in Mexico. The sun doesn't hit there naturally, so I didn't think it was too obvious. I try to remember to lay in different spots/angles while tanning. Any time to tan a few times with your arms above your head?
  13. Wow. That's crazy. Is Saskatchewan on the west coast? I think I saw that on our drive to Whistler. Or it was some other unprounceable S name. I feel for you Canadian girls then.
  14. Good for you Sarah. Just so you know- my grandpa is 70 and he always has candy in his pocket- without wrappers. Nothing like pops giving you a piece of candy covered in lint. Young and old love candy. Poo poo on your FMIL for not being a candy lover herself!
  15. haha what kind of horoscopes are like that? Now that's funny. Beautiful picture as always. I miss seeing your work around here. I'll have to sneak over to your blog more often.
  16. did you look at Carmen Electra's wedding photos? She kinda did that look. She had a cute little barette.
  17. Although it probably doesn't even help much, I didn't notice your train at all in any of those pics. I thought the b&w window one was gorgeous. I can't believe all that was only $800 too! Wow.
  18. haha Sarah. You do need to be more assertive. You are certainly too nice- although you can't ever be too nice right? Anways, I like Maura's letter better. It's nice and it's not backing down. If you really want something, don't back down to your FMIL. Next thing you know she will be coaxing you into naming your first born "Fluffy" because it was her dog's name and it's really cute. (Sorry to those that are named Fluffy. haha)
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by TammyB Ok so I remember back when I got married many women were upset with JC because he was behind in his photos, ono bride posted a VERY honest review. JC commented to it and accepted that is was a problem and is taking the steps to correc it. I remember this Tammy and I was actually just thinking about his response. It was very humble and diplomatic. That impressed me MORE than his gorgeous photos.
  20. I haven't read your review, but personally, I think you have to be willing to take criticism-especially if you own your own business. I think critiques allow us a chance to better our business. After all, if no one provided honest feedback, how would someone be able to know their client felt their product/services weren't up to par? They would never have a chance to fix the problem, and the client would go on, not speaking highly of the product they received. I hope it works out in the end and your photog won't continue to take it to that personal level.
  21. Ok I don't mean to be ignorant, but is this a Canadian thing? I can't believe all the departure flights are booked 10 months in advance. We didn't even book our wedding travel that early! Most of my guests didn't even book their travel until about 4 months prior. I agree about sending out an email update. If they don't have email, maybe create some card for those you need to mail it to.
  22. I was there 4 days before as well. I was careful to always apply sunscreen and to wear a hat if my forehead felt a little too hot, but I certainly didn't sit in the shade either. I tanned for a month before going so I had a nice base. I sat pool side nearly every day and didn't get lines. After the wedding, I actually got burnt. Before- I was golden. No lines.
  23. I agree to just tell them the truth. I'd say that you appreciate everything, but some items are being duplicated and it's wasting money. Maybe find a project for them to do instead- like OOT bag stuff. You can't mess that up right?
  24. Even if she doesn't like the idea, I don't get it. It's just a candy bar- it's not like it's the primary focus of the AHR. Craziness. Plus for what it's worth- I think it's way better than a coffee bar. I think coffee is so boring (although I drink it nearly every day-haha) I think the more people you share ideas with the more opinions you will get. Some of those might not see your vision or have another wacko vision altogether. With that in mind, do whatever the hell you want. Share your ideas, but take the feedback with a grain of salt.
  25. Oh that's sweet. Doesn't it make you feel so good when they do something sweet like that? Steve brought me home tulips the other day and I was so happy.
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