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Everything posted by jajajaja

  1. Whoa watch out- boxing hamsters. This truly puts Mike Tyson to shame. Not everyone can sport a diaper while giving someone the left hook.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 Last time I was in mexico I had to have a translator for a guy from NY lol mind you I was doing some of it on purpose was he was a PITA lmao I think that's a blessing. When Steve gets annoyed with people, he pretends he's deaf and starts signing. He thinks he's brilliant, but really- the people know he's not deaf and continue talking.
  3. Wow- gorgeous water, gorgeous sand. I love the palm trees as an arch.
  4. She looks annoyed- like "Just hurry up and take the picture. My barely there knees are about ready to collapse from the weight of the dress."
  5. Oh Christa- it's a super long story but the short version- this guy heard my friends talking in the elevator about the party and debating on the room number. He interrupted them and said "Oh you are at 2517 room? I have been hired to strip for that room." They said he was wearing tight spandex shorts with an obvious boner. They came up to the room (2518 ) telling us about this freak and I was like no way. I planned this night and I didn't hire a stripper. Well the girls had our room number wrong so when they got there, they were like "well he must be for the room next door." We propped our door open so we could see this guy go walking by. This older guy in jeans came walking in and started talking my friend about how he hadn't seen her in a long time. He then asked to use the restroom. Once he went in there, she was like "OMG- that's the stripper!" Then bam! bathroom door opens and here he is. That's my roommate behind him trying to get away. It was hilarious.
  6. Sarah- Where's the banana hammock pics? I told you I would be forced to post my really nasty one. This guy showed up uninvited to my friend's 21st bday party claiming to be our hired stripper. We always thought someone did this as a prank, but I'm not so sure about that now. I think he was just some perv trying to get his jollies with young girls. Sorry if I crossed the line and posted an offensive pic. Nothing is offensive to me so I have horrible judgement.
  7. My cousin read this during our ceremony. She bawled the whole time. It was a really sweet moment though.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Christa I tend to agree w/Rachel on this. As silly as it seems, all this being over a candy buffet, it really is a pivotal moment in time. If you accept this treatment, which in essence is inappropriately controlling, you send a message back that gives permission for things to go down like this in the future. Perhaps finding an alternative & neutral location to have your AHR will be a big signal to FMIL that you are indeed adults, you don't need her crap & you can handle this stuff just fine without intervention designed to "teach you a lesson." haha this was more well said. Stupid people won't stop giving me Admin gifts today so I couldn't get out a clear thought!
  9. I don't think there is a nice way to uninvite people either- especially if you already sent out Save the Dates. I'm assuming you have done some planning in order to be able to send them out. I would let this all blow over for awhile. In the beginning, I had major stress issues because I would get upset over who was coming and who wasn't coming. Eventually I decided to just be thankful for those that could make it and stop being upset because some couldn't come. It was an easy fix- I just had to adjust my attitude.
  10. well crap- then I say make sure you lay down the line with them. You are adults- you deserve to be treated as such. IF they are going to hold the money, the house or whatever else they use as leverage, then you should find a nice place to have it instead.
  11. Oh what big eyes- that's so cute! Congrats Anny- he's a doll!
  12. Do you want an AHR? Or are you doing it because the parents want it? I'm so sorry this snowballed. THat seems to happen when there are bigger issues that haven't come to surface. It sounds like his parents haven't cut the cord yet. It's like they are grounding you because they don't think you are spending the wedding money the way they see fit. That's bullshit. You two are adults. I would be pissed if my parents gave us our wedding money as leverage to boss us around. That's what it sounds like they did.
  13. Oh Yay! Those are gorgeous Heidi. I'm so excited for you. I love the picture in your siggy. I can't wait to see the TTD.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Christa HAHA!! Ok, I'm sorry, but for me to understand what you were venting about I had to imagine the whole tirade in a british accent so I could make sense of it. got it. You are cute!! ME TOO CHRISTA! That's crazy. lol Anyways, guys do everything last minute. That's why I never rely on my DH to do anything. I end up calling everyone myself. I'm talking about the simpliest stuff too. Just seeing if his parent's can meet us for dinner on X night. Nope, I have to call them myself. You just reminded me that I need to say "bloody" more when talking about something. It's highly effective and totally cool.
  15. Sarah it sounds like she has the best intentions. She shouldn't have gone off about a candy buffet to her husband so obviously, there is a deeper issue going on. I hope you all can get it hashed out because it sounds like you will have wonderful in-laws. This planning stuff is stressful and people pick fights over the dumbest stuff. It will all be over soon.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Just Martha Well, they do "things", but I am not exactly sure what....I know no intercourse though. I never wanted to ask her what they have done...but she has made comments that she not dead, just a virgin. Which is true. My friends always thought I was a saint because I was a virgin. That is until they saw me at the club. I was a bad virgin. If there is such a thing.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Just Martha they get drunk together all the time then just go to bed to sleep! Are you sure they just go to bed and sleep? LOL My FI and I were like horny teenagers but we would never actually do "it." We waited for 2 years. It was hard but he was super supportive and would often times remind me of what I was waiting for if my judgement got clouded and I just wanted to pounce on him.
  18. Welcome to the forum. I love our mommies to be. I have no advice for the itch, since I've never had something like that. I would love to see the tummy pics. I think they are cute.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Opice34 It's shocking, but FI and I met at the Ghost Bar in Vegas. I still can't believe it. Neither of us are "club" people, so the fact that we met there is just insane!!! That's different though. Meeting someone in a club that's not the typical club goer is VERY different than meeting guys who are there just to pick up chicks. Now if you had picked him up in a bar and had him as your booty call for a month and then made him your FI, I'd be more inclined to be surprised. Ugh- so glad those single club days are over!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by JamaicaBride062108 I know! It's like boys using a sock to cover their stuff! I don't know if all of them do it, but I used to work with a guy who said he burned once and ever since then, he swore by the sock! haha my FI tanned a bit before the wedding too. He had never been before and was super afraid of burning the junk. I suggested a sock but he thought I was being stupid. He instead rolled up his shorts. I told him his tan lines would be stupid if he kept doing that. He didn't listen to me until his best man told him that he just used a sock on his winky. I was like Helloooooo-that's what I'm talking about!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by twinkletoes Congrats I'm glad you explained what the exam was for in your post, b/c I had no clue what it was! LMAO I still have no idea. But passing any type of exam needs to partying to celebrate! : Congrats!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Christa I got up to go to the bathroom, and when I came back he was seriously passed the F out on the table! haha I love this part. That's great. My gf was just complaining to me today about men. I was like "You do realize everyone you date you have met in a bar." What a shocker they end up being a loser come date #2. Geez.
  23. It just seems maybe that you guys had a conflict with your "vision." As Leigh described, some photogs have styles that might not mesh with all brides. To me, it seems like that might have been part of the problem- although I'm just basing this off what I read. I wouldn't call my portion of photos fun either- and it's certainly not because my photog wasn't "fun." To me, it was just posing for pictures. The only part that I think would be fun would be the TTD part. That's just me though. I haven't gotten my pictures back either. I didn't feel like I was "posing" a lot-I think she snapped a lot of pictures of us just being natural. Regardless of the issue though, I don't think your photog should have been so unprofessional in her reaction to your review. Personally if that was me, I would have tried to see it from your perspective. Even if she couldn't see where you were coming from, I would have just tried the "agree to disagree" approach and certainly not argue back.
  24. Oh ya. Squamish. I saw that they had a small community college there. We were ready to transfer after the wild trip we had in Whistler. haha and thanks for the map. I'm not only ignorant of Canadian provinces but also my own states. hehe
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