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Everything posted by jajajaja

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by NYJen Brendan started softball tonight so I'm doing what I LOVE to do on a Friday night - stay home, hang out on BDW and watch TV. What is everyone else up to? Wow Jen- it sounds like we have a date. I'm doing the same thing this fine Friday night.
  2. Oh my goodness- could your wedding be any more fabulous? You didn't miss a detail. I'm so happy that it went perfect! I wish I was there- I love ice cream stations and smores. lol
  3. I like em. Plus they won't get dirty or wet! The ones I bought my girls got super dirty. I didn't like that much.
  4. A groom too Lauren? You're the best BDWer we have!
  5. haha- does she know what a complex sentence is? I remember in linguistics we had a sentence structure break down detailing the types of sentence each grade level should be able to write. Complex-compound sentences are obviously out of this girls league. I'm guessing she's at the 5th-6th grade level. Or maybe she was drunk? Maura- I didn't know you taught college classes. I hope my professors aren't secretly laughing at me on the professor forum. haha
  6. Those are cute Abbie. I love your hair- the color and volume. Yay for anti-frizz.
  7. Love your dress! Mine was a Maggie too- I just love the details on her dresses. I wish I did an illusion train. It would have been a lot lighter and the bustle was heavy! This dress will be comfy. Love the BM dresses too! Looks great so far!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan Is he the same guy that did Ann's wedding? I always tune out wedding ceremonies, but I bawled watching hers. He really was great (if that's the same guy). I think it touched me because it seemed so real. So often I think ceremonies get kind of bland & don't really touch on what a marriage is really about. The hand ceremony gets me everytime. I hope I'm not all snotty from the crying. Maybe I should make a recording of it I can listen to on my ipod to desensitize myself Yep same dude does all the LC weddings. He's got that place on lock down.
  9. Ok so I used to say I would NEVER get a myspace. However, I began to feel left out because it seems that it may be the way most people communicate now days. Plus I have noticed 10 years olds getting progressively more technologically advanced than myself. I blame it either on me eating poop as a child or them learning all through myspace. Obviously, I chose the latter as my lame excuse. The hubby and I folded and we created a myspace (ok I confess here- I didn't want to feel like a loser so I created a myspace page and added hubby's name. You know, more power in numbers. ) So now that I have like 8 friends (I'm beginning to really feel stupid) and I was wondering if anyone would like to be my new myspace friend? I don't really have to know you- just want to have more friend's than my five year old cousin. lol Ok no for real, I like my BDW girls. I wanna be friends.
  10. These are FOR SURE nicer than our invites. Crap- your civil ceremony is putting me to shame.
  11. Man, I think your civil ceremony might be fancier than my wedding. lol I love the calla lillies though. Very classy.
  12. Oh ya- make sure to let this bad boy hang freely ASAP. Does your hotel have a steamer? I hope so!
  13. All very cute! Does your hair curl easily? My hair is naturally curly, but surprisingly it doesn't hold curling iron curl well. That's one of the reasons I chose to wear it up.
  14. Oh I LOVE these! So cute Maura! Why didn't you tell me about them sooner?
  15. These are adorable! Your gf needs to be BDWer. I love the overlay thingy ma-bob.
  16. Work it girl. You must watch America's Next Top Model like me. Love the veil with the dress. Super cute!
  17. haha I CAN see your undies. Maybe just don't wear any? That would sexy and pure. lol
  18. Writing papers was my speciality in college. lol I think. I had to write so many but then again I was an English major. (Don't judge my posts- I've forgotten how to spell since I haven't got my learn on for the last 5 years.) I even wrote one drunk and still got a B. That's just sad that it's my one proud moment. Hang in there girl! Nearly done. Next thing you know, you will be like me and wanting to write something intelligent! I miss school/learning.
  19. I'm freakin terrified of sharks. I wouldn't go in the ocean forever my first time in Mx. This time I did but I had the damn sharks in the back of my mind the whole time.
  20. haha MAURA! You ungrateful girl. lol I already stimulated Mexico's economy. We plan to pay off our plasma with this. We bought it once we heard about the stimulus. haha Thank you government!
  21. Oh I think that's a Hollywood proposal. It's quirky and romantic. Such a great story.
  22. Oh I am so sorry Alyssa. My thoughts are with you and your family. This has to be such a difficult time.
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan How does it work? Does the person doing the ceremony contact you some time before to find out what you want said? My date-buddy is working on her's so it makes me feel like I should be working on mine My minister emailed me like 4 days before we left. This is his ceremony and I think he does a fabulous job. Everyone remarked how beautiful it is. I never listen to this part of weddings because its all to me. I listened this time. lol
  24. Woohoo! Bring on my stimulus check.
  25. I like the backyard idea. I wouldn't do a tent though- that's expensive. Plus I think the setting would be pretty- do you have pics to share the of the backyard? We need a visual. lol Glenda- you can borrow my veil if you would like? It's ivory shimmer. I'd offer my dress, but it probably wouldn't fit and it's really dirty right now. Plus it has a whole in the ass. That screams class.
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