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Everything posted by jajajaja

  1. I love Tango. I think he is the CUTEST guy (well not in the hot guy factor, but more in personality) He just cracks me up! Yay! A fellow Ghost Hunter. When we were in Philly we made sure to go to Eastern State Penn. I would love to live on the East coast and go to all the places they hunted.
  2. Ghost Hunters | SCIFI.COM Anyone watch this show? We are obsessed with it in my house! Generally on Weds. I watch it and freak myself out and can't go to the bathroom by myself. DH gets so annoyed. Anyways, just wondering if there were any other fans out there. I love discussing the episodes with my friends at work who are also obsessed. Any crazy ghost stories/experiences to share?
  3. Love this little guy. Excellent job of expressing comradery It says a naughty word- love that. The boobies are so unexpected. This reminds me to use more smilies. We have some good ones.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by AnnR Yep, I think they live in igloos and get around via sled dogs. and speak French and say "eh?" a lot.
  5. This is the first time I have seen this. SOOO pretty!
  6. Have you found anything Julia? For the longest time Vanessa had all the pics in her siggy. That's the only ones I ever saw.
  7. Jamie- it's very entertaining to go to the SS office. Bring a back of popcorn and enjoy the show.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Maura another resource other than the WC is to call your local mexican consulate and ask them if they can find out for you. They will be like "this lady is crazy." haha so random. "Hi. Can I bring ostrich feathers to your country?" Please do call, then let us know how they react.
  9. Oh I can't point and laugh too much. I could see myself being all nervous and trying to have a drink to settle down. Then a drink turns to 2, 3, floor. I've gotten drunk on accident too many times to count. No self control.
  10. Those were the good ol' days! I'm so sorry for your brother but I'm glad it worked out. Now he can be like "Ha! Take that biatch" to his ex. I love sweet revenge. Quote: Originally Posted by JaimeLynne Aww how cute. Is it just me or does date #2 look a little like Kirsten Dunst in the face?? Totally. Interview with a Vampire Slayer Kirsten Dunst. Well minus the fangs.
  11. Oh you have to watch like the first episode Ann- or maybe it was the second. The bimbo girl was so drunk she passed out in another room. It was hysterical.
  12. Oh tell me about it! I know how easy it is to gain! I lost 20 lbs last summer and I should have known it would come back. I stopped eating white flour and sugars all together. It was so hard to keep up so once I introduced sugar (even though I don't eat a ton of it) and flour back- BAM! Helloooo poundage.
  13. $4.04 for premium! We commute 45 mins each way to work too! I noticed on my trip back East last summer that the prices were lower than the West coast. What's up with that?
  14. If this were me, I would be more worried about the secret spending and lack of communication vs. the porn. The porn is just probably an outlet for him- he probably used to turn to it back in his single days whenver he got lonely and now he views it as a way to relieve his loneliness again. I would suggest just talking to him- an open, honest conversation can help air some issues and allow them to agree on a way to solve the problems. I think it's also important to compromise. If my hubby liked porn and I didn't, I would consider it a "as long as I don't know" situation. However, we ocassionally watch porn together- just to laugh you know. Maybe she could be more openminded to it, so it wasn't a dirty little secret on the side. Plus it might inspire them to heat the bedroom up again. lol
  15. Did you see the preview with Ms. Sparkles in her blue dress again? Oh hilarious! She reminds me of a SNL skit.
  16. Good luck Yari. I'm pretty fortunate because my work offers "WW at work" program. We only pay $85 for a 19wk session. Every Weds I get to attend the meetings while on the clock. I weigh in tomorrow. I'm praying for a loss because I have been so diligent in my tracking and decision making for the last 3 weeks and have only lost 1.6lbs. SO frustrating!
  17. haha are we the only people that had nothing better to do last night?
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by brittbrowne That's really great news. I've heard a few mixed reviews on trip advisor, so that is very reassuring. Tripadvisor BASHED my resort after we booked. My guests and myself were so scared to go. Once we got there, the food was incredible. I'm not sure what everyone was talking about on tripadvisor. I'm a picky eater too! I can't recommend anything about your resort, but I just wouldn't put a lot of stake into what tripadvisor says. Just look at the candid pics- it gives you a better idea of what the resort looks like rather than the resorts pro photos.
  19. I know she's most of the girls favorite, but honestly I think she's fake too. I kinda think she's acting.
  20. The details of your dress photographed so well! You looked beautiful. The hanging flowers were a great touch! I loved it. And the veil looked great too. lol
  21. Allowed Imports Smoking tobacco Leather products, except for endangered species like wild lamb, jaguar, black bear, etc. Honey Dogs and cats (a maximum of two per traveler) with health certificates and rabies vaccine records. Visit our "Traveling with Pets in Mexico" page for more information. Roasted coffee, dried prunes, packaged spices, dried herbs, preserved fruits and vegetables cooked or dried mushrooms and dried truffles. Dry cooked, packed and bottled foods From the USA and Canada: refrigerated, frozen, vacuum packed, pork and processed vacuum packed pate, milk and cheese. All must be in the original package and properly labeled. Regulated Imports - there are special requirements for these products Poultry and poultry products Wild plants and hunt trophies Rabbits, ferrets, hamsters, etc. Hide Seeds, seedlings, fresh plant parts, etc. Plants, fresh fruit, vegetables, flowers, raw cereals, etc. Dairy products Bees and bees' products (except honey) Fresh, dried, canned, smoked or frozen meat and meat products from quarantined countries Flours like corn meal, etc. Veterinary medications and biological products Agricultural chemicals and raw materials Prohibited Imports Soil Bales of hay, natural straw or any straw decoration Homemade food items Meal of bone or meat
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