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Everything posted by jajajaja

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by JennyK same here.......... what happened with you Jenny?
  2. Thankfully my employer is trying to help employees out- the company is kinda in the middle of nowhere. We sometimes get gas vouchers (we have a gas station on property) and they are trying to reschedule employees with 4 10's to help reduce their commute. I wish I could go to 4 10's! Gas is a huge killer and I can't cut it out. We don't have public transportation there. So it's either drive or find a new job.
  3. Crazy. Was this a sorority house? 11 bedrooms? WOW!
  4. Great review! So glad everything was perfect- well minus some small details. We didn't like our room during the honeymoon either. Our guests had way nicer!
  5. Oh those look so good! I want the one filled with peanut butter.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by deznchris2006 I do and they totally creap me out. In college I lived in a house that was hauted and we played with one in one of the rooms that had the most "activity" It was the first and ONLY time I will ever play with one of those. Creepy!!!! What happened? What did it do?
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by JennyK ANyone believe in the Ouija boards? Oh geez. I'd like to say no so I don't sound like even more of a freak but I had a really scary experience with it when I was 17 or so. Still to this day, I can't rationalize it.
  8. Yeah, they have a "tech" department. Haha in one episode they showed some dude randomly making toys for them. It was the one where they went to the house down the street from the infamous Charles Mason killings. THat was the first time they used it I think. They would get direct responses to that- like flash the lights for yes. Very freaky.
  9. I think it also depends on when you filed. Did you do it early Martha?
  10. haha I'm a freak and believe in aliens too Celina. My FI doesn't. I tried watching that UFO hunters show but FI wouldn't watch it with me. Plus aliens scare the crap out of me. I'm ok with ghosts (as long as they aren't mean) but aliens- I get freaked. I can't believe your 10 yr old watches it!! I can barely watch it without getting all freaked out.
  11. Wooohooo! I already spent mine though so I'm not sure why I'm pumped. lol I guess because I need to pay the bill off?
  12. That's for sure! I bet if you allowed him to vote he would just "naked!"
  13. The princess? Oh ya. That was good. We had to rewind that several times. Sorry but hands down I think the best EVP was "There is no Jean here."
  14. Well I'm filling up! Thanks Abbie & Glenda. Even if it doesn't go to $5, it will still rise regardless. The trend hasn't shown the prices decreasing.
  15. btw- I feel like such a dork getting this excited. lol
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Pazoop No I never found them! Looks like she changed them a while ago and hasn't logged back in for a bit. That's ok though and thanks though to everyone who helped me try! I want to know where your pictures are Rachel!!!!! Your wedding was over a month ago and I am so excited to see more! You must be anxiously awaiting! Oh man. I check my email like 50 times a day. NO JOKE! This is by far the worst part of the wedding stuff! I hate waiting!
  17. YOU LIVE NEXT TO WAVERLY HILLS? sorry, I'm a little excited! That place was so freaky! THey did their live investigation there during Halloween. I tried to watch all of it inbetween getting drunk and putting on my pirate costume. Arrgh! Season 3 - Episode 0318 - Page 1 | Ghost Hunters | SCIFI.COM You can read about it here- since you can't watch. lol Or you could always watch the short clips on their website too!
  18. I vote for #1. My canvas bags got FILTHY!! That really bothered me. Now I'm home wiht a dirty bag and I'm not sure if I can wash it.
  19. I think the swimsuit is so cute. HOWEVER, I would not pay that much for it. Just me though- I think there are a ton of stuff just as cute. As for the bra and undies, while I think they are cute, I think you could find something VERY similar for less. If money is no object, get both!
  20. YES! My twin cousin's room is upstairs. It's a really old farmhouse, but it's like the room is the master and the front part has like a sitting room. So they share this area. Well they were painting the sitting area, which closes off from the main house and the master bedroom area. The girls shared the master room during the painting. They had plastic down so the carpet didn't get paint on it. They were in their bedroom one day talking. They heard someone running around on the plastic outside the master room. They opened it up to see if it was their little brother. No one was there and the door was closed that led to the stairs. So they went back in the master area and heard the footsteps and running again. So they went and looked again- no one. They then called for my aunt to come up and check it out because they were getting freaked out. She sat in their room and all three heard the running again. So they opened the door and nothing was there. It kept doing that and they said it sounded like a bunch of children running around on the plastic. Needless to say, they all three slept downstairs together because my uncle was out of town.
  21. Nope. But then again, we were only down in the tunnels for like 2 hours. I bitched the whole time so everyone probably was ready to go. lol Sorry but I didn't know it was being torn down at the time we were there. I thought they were getting ready to tear it down. Big difference IMO. I want to go to my aunt's house and investigate. I've hinted around at it but she didn't bite. She ran into something solid in broad daylight- TWICE!! She said it felt exactly like someone was standing in front of her and she didn't see anything. Needless to say, It freaked her out bad. They have freaky crap always happen at her house. It's for sure haunted.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by JennyK my friend's mom is a ghost hunter and has done a lot of places with TAPS. I'm dying to go with her sometime but I know I'll freak.. at least I think I would lol From what my friends tell me Dave is a lil creapy lmao He graduated a few years after me so I don't know him like my friends do Well crap. He does seem to be an odd duck, but he just makes me laugh. The banter between him and Steve mainly. We tried to do a ghost hunt on a place here in Oregon. It was some old insane asylum that they are tearing down. They have all these unground tunnels. Well I got dragged into it and I was so freakin scared the whole time. Not from ghosts, but from the possibility of being burried alive! It was so unsafe. We ended up getting caught by security and that was a pretty funny moment. I will NEVER do that again. However, I want to go do Seattle's underground tunnels. I didn't even know they existed until GH.
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by Rachelle E. oh gosh! I love that show too! I don't watch it near enough though. But if I'm looking for something I'll totally search to see if it's on...that or Paranormal State. Love those shows! My friends that love Ghost Hunters absolutely hates Paranormal State...is there some kind of rivalry that I should know about?! ;-) haha we watch both. I like GH better. PS isn't as scientific based as GH. That's probably the reason for the hate. The PS episode where those weird coyotes/some other freaky ass creature made those sounds- FREAKED me the hell out! That wasn't right.
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