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Everything posted by jajajaja

  1. Girls I posted the slideshow link here: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t20794 Just in case you missed it!
  2. Updated- I loaded these in shutterfly so you don't have to sign up for an account! Enjoy! http://share.shutterfly.com/action/w...id=link4&v_r=t
  3. Well I got a booty but I'm pre-diabetic (hypoglycemic). Let's hope the booty shakes the diabetes off!
  4. no no I'm not going to make you wait- I'm uploading them onto my computer right now. I think I will share a good portion. I'm going to try to make a slideshow but there are just so many pics right now- it's overwhelming!
  5. So I'm going through the pics and I must have 2000 or so. There are so many! Should I post a few teaser pics- like my fav that stand out right away? I would like to put them together in some type of order and have like an "official" posting of them, but I think it's going to take a few days to get them uploading on shutterfly then shared.
  6. WHAT! I swear I saw a preview for this week. GRRR- that's totally gonna make me mad. This stupid show is always so unpredictable. Their seasons are short and then you never know when it's coming back.
  7. Oh awesome! I can't wait. I'm PT time so I have a LONG time to wait. We used to get ET tv, but we switched providers and now I must stay up late.
  8. I also loved the brown runners too- when it's night time, it just looks so rich on the tables with the soft candlelight glow. Just in case anyone is considering that as a runner. It's very pretty looking.
  9. Well crap! Sorry Jenny. Remember to watch tonight! Set your DVR if you have one!
  10. I think Tan is a great idea too Tara. I forgot that they had tan. I think it will make your centerpieces pop more too!
  11. haha sorry guys. I got the official phone call from my sis that the pics have been delivered. So tonight I will oh and ah over them for a few mins then begin the upload process. We will have them sometime this evening! Woohoo!
  12. Great pics! Looks a lot like mine- LOL. I was there a week before you. I'm so glad they weren't doing the burning during that time. I wonder if they do that around the same time every year. That would suck for wedding day pics to have the sky all hazy.
  13. yay me too! My dad was my HS principal so there was no hanging with the "bad" crowd. He knew everyone. My first year in college I went to school in Northern Cali. Weed was EVERYWHERE and I was so shocked. Everyone couldn't believe how naive I was, but honestly I'd rather be naive. I know it kept me out of trouble more.
  14. Your doc is awesome Lisa. I'm sure as a first time mommy things can be a little scary. It's so great that your doctor is supportive and doesn't make you feel foolish.
  15. Weird. I grew up in such a naive little bubble- especially regarding drugs. It's a little upsetting for me to think about the world my future children will be entering and how things like this are a little more common.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Christine The big problem when I was there was date rape drugs (some people actually chose to take them). Wait- what?! What were the benefits of taking it? I thought it just made you loopy and pretty much incoherent. Is there a high associated with it as well?
  17. Holy crap- in the greek system. I would suspect massive amounts of kegs, but drug dealing? WOW. I agree- sounds like a frat gang.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by becks Where are they?!?!? I have been sooooo patient! Quote: Originally Posted by Yari I seriously need some pics to look at!!! OK FINE! Here we are- exchanging our vows. Candid shot of us right after the ceremony. We quickly did many wardrobe changes throughout the evening. I definitely was not a one dress bride! Then a great pic with the bridal party. No one complained once on our choices of attire for them. Such a great supportive group. Steve & I during the toast. He just loves when people say sappy things he can get all emotional over. Cutting of the cake! During our vows, I promised to always wipe spittle off Steve's lips for the rest of our lives and the photog was great at capturing the first of many times I will wipe up his drool. Whew- I'll upload more later.
  19. You had braces? Wow- didn't know. I bet you are super excited to feel your slimy teeth! LOL At least that's what everyone says they feel like after braces are removed.
  20. Ok I totally haven't researched any of this, but I think it wasn't because of the act of "riding" the dolphin, but more for the lack of care given to the dolpins. Meaning they are kept in too small of living quarters and not enough mental stimulation, etc. Hopefully others will chime in and give you more information!
  21. I'm happy today too. 1. my pictures come today- yippee and you are all probably tired of me talking about it. 2. We celebrated "drink til your happy" Tuesday cause hubby was in a bad mood for no good reason. I think it worked and I feel happier too!
  22. Wow...i'm surprised how everyone loves it. I haven't seen it yet, but I wasn't too excited because I saw it was Robert Downey, Jr. I dunno what it is, but his mopey face just bugs me. I will totally consider seeing it now since you all loved it. I'm not a geek (LOL) but I have liked all the spidermans and Xmens. Surprisingly too because I didn't think I would.
  23. I will probably start a new one because I think this portion of the forum is cleaned out regularly. I want my pics to stay in the pic thread because I waited this long for them, they better be there for life! haha
  24. Awww he's cute. I wish my dogs would learn more tricks.
  25. Quote: Originally Posted by Pazoop Is today the day? Can you go home at lunch to check the mail? Seriously. :-) I wish! I work like 45 mins from home. I will try to talk the hubby into leaving work a bit early (yes, we work at the same company). I'm so excited too! I told my sister to call if the delivery man shows up while she's at the house.
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