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Posts posted by jajajaja

  1. A little BDW history- we used to call threads like this the "shout box" because the forum originally had a little chat room that we could "shout" in. When that feature was removed with a forum upgrade, we created shout box threads to keep the daily chit chat going. 6 years later I'm still super close with all the girls I originally use to chat with. Keep plugging away- who knows, you might end up making some really good friends in the process!

  2. 150 post rule for downloads was to encourage members to share, interact, and create a giving culture. BDW wanted to shy away from members just "taking" and not contributing back to the resources. Good luck on your quest for 150!

  3. I voted "maybe" because where I got married didn't have a lot of vendor options due to location, but they accommodated every request we made using the vendors they normally contract with.  I was allowed to bring my own photographer and this is the only area that would be a deal breaker.


    In the example you provided though, that's crap!  A policy change should grandfather those already on the books.  Awful business practice!

  4. Erin I feel like I needed to rewatch last season- especially after just rereading the last few pages. I don't remember what happened last season. I'm so lost right now- what were those fairy things? I tried to remember in the book if this was covered but it's been so long. Were they "goblins" or something. And Claud and Claudine??? I'm so lost! And time travel?! WTf is going on?? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  5. ??  What are you referring to?  I'm guessing you are talking about someone asking you to search instead of answering your question that has been answered numerous times....


    So with that in mind, do you think it would be really easy to find answers on this site if all you found were the same questions over and over again? 


    I'm not trying to be rude, but just asking you to think about it in a different way.  There is a TON of info on this site, but it all gets bogged down by people asking the same questions over and over again so some of the other information isn't as easily found.

  6. Ali- photographers usually come over on a little boat but I'm not sure where they take off from....Kelley will be able to fill you in on that.  I once asked about it and you can pay a fisherman to take you over in their boat from the nearest town.  Our boys came over in the morning with the wedding party, so they didn't come over separate or anything.

  7. Originally Posted by AliMcBaal View Post


    Thx Rachel - very good info to know about the Mismaloya area. 

    We are thinking about Barcelo as a resort - how did you/your guests like it?  What kind of vibe was it? (we have a pretty wild group) We read on TripAdvisor people got sick from the food... how was your experience there?  One last question, how far/easy was it to get to the downtown area?


    Well I stayed there back in 2008 so I can't comment on the food- although no one was sick on our trip.  As for tripadvisor, I take all that info with a grain of salt.  You can get sick anywhere and another thing to think about with buffets- it might not necessarily be the food, but rather people having dirty hands and using the utensils to dish up their food.  So you can wash your hands before you go to the buffet, but it doesn't do any good unless EVERYONE does it.  I always pack hand sanitzer and give my hands a good dousing before eating the food.


    As for the hotel, we stayed there two weeks- and the first week was spring break.  It was pretty wild in the pool at times.  However, once all our guests left and we honeymooned the second week, it was much more calm and old people-ish.  It was fine for us, but I'm not sure if our group made it fun or if the resort did- kwim?


    Very easy to get to downtown.  You can always take a taxi, but we just walked across the street and caught the bus.  It came every 15 mins and dropped you off right downtown.  We used it basically each time we went in, except on the wedding day.  We paid for taxis there and back for our guests.


  8. But just in case you stay in Mismaloya region- ask if the catamaran stops to pick up there.  We stayed at Barcelo and took taxis to the marina, but then on the way to LC the damn catamaran stopped to pick up guests at our hotel.  I was like WTF??  I have no idea why/how that worked out, but just in case- wanted to throw it out there for people to ask about!

  9. Originally Posted by cougs View Post

    am i the only one who doesn't give a rat's ass about the whole crystal/jason/hotshot storyline? i'm over it already and i don't even know what's going on.



    I am interested in it... only because I'm curious if it's going the way the books say.  But they are dragging it out.... and so far, it's not the way of the books.



    Originally Posted by cougs View Post

    wait really? only 3 months total? some of these chicks are ho-bags then!

    I think that's the only way possible for her to be pg with his baby!  I wonder if the writers were like "oops!" once they put the timeline together.  I mean- is each season only going to cover a month's worth of time?  LOL 


    oh and i forgot about hoyt saying how much he hated his stupid gf ... hahahhaa funniest thing ever! i've been rooting for him and jess to get back together all along.


    I'm rooting for it too.  I can see how dating a vamp would be quite inconvenient and I get why Jessica would be trying to take it upon herself for allowing Hoyt to move on and find a human chick.  But geez, the man can decide for himself.  No sense being the martyr so I root for them to be back together too!


  10. My DVR cut it short.  We recorded a later episode and tacked on 5 mins.  I want to see the previews!  Sam going crazy was a tad out of character!  Very interested to see what all this pent up aggression is coming from.  Has a bit of his brother in him eh?

  11. I know right-- when Arlene said the baby was Renee's my Dh was like "huh? He's been dead forever."  LOL  I was like apparently it's only been 3 months or so.


    And can I point out how much Sookie and Bill have broken up in the last 3 months.... insanity. 

  12. Holy crap- last night's episode was completely off track with the books so it totally had me guessing the whole time.  Soo Sookie is staying with Bill huh?  Damn...


    So this holly chick- something weird is going on.  Is she good or bad?  I'm thinking bad- like she is making people feel comfortable, pulling them all in and then we are going to see her true intentions- kind of like Maryanne.


    The Russell ending was hilarious and totally caught me off guard.

  13. Originally Posted by BachataBride View Post


    Does anyone know if it's more beneficial to work out before you go to bed, or when you first wake up? I already have to get up at 6am...and I don't think I could do 5:30 in order to work out before work!!


    I've read that mornings are the best, because the exercise gives your metabolism a boost and you burn all day.  I tried the 5a workouts--- sooo rough!  But hey- as long as you do it, that's all that counts.  Getting up early to workout just gave me another excuse not to do it at all!  So not a morning person over here!


  14. I think you taking the high road was the best idea!  When drama is going down, it's really easy to get very involved in it and want to murder everyone and burn their house down.  However, as time passes and the wounds aren't as fresh, you tend to get a bit more clarity and see just how ridiculous it all was- not saying your position isn't valid- it TOTALLY is.  But because your sister is well... your sister--- it carries more weight than a normal person who can easily be cut out of your life.  You are absolutely correct that she can publicly make the choice to look like the jackass and it's out of your hands.


    I hope your party goes well and I really hope all this is a thing of the past!  Planning any event is nerve-recking but there isn't a lot of events where you are the soul person responsible and it's all on your head.  Weddings are pretty much it.  After that you can usually have "co-hosts" and they can take some of the work and blame- if things don't go well.  LOL


    I bet you have a great time! wink.gif

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