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Everything posted by Cassondra2009

  1. Welcome to the forum! I'm really surprised to here that you didn't have a great experience at Dreams. Most of the brides here said that they were really pleased. I'm so sorry to hear that!! Can you give some examples of what went wrong?
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by stkitts2010 I am a behavioral analyst working for a large hospital. I have a master's in clinical psychology. Are you a BCBA? I see that you live in MA, so do I! I work for the New England Center for Children, have you heard of it? Right...this is supposed to be about my FI. He is a software engineer and makes almost 3x what I make. However, I was in graduate school which was paid for by my employer. But...I'm a teacher and he will always make more...I've gotten used to the fact that I will never make lots of $$$. I'm happy with my choices though because I work with children with autism and feel like I'm changing the world...one child at a time!
  3. I went to high school with a kid named Richard Small. His nickname was Dick. When they called out last names first he was called "Small, Dick". Thats just wrong. This thread was a great idea. I've been laughing out loud for at least 10 minutes! My friend's mom is a nurse and said that a woman who didn't speak English thought the nurse's named her baby "Female" but really they were just recording the sex of the baby. Thats just wrong...someone should have told her.
  4. That is absolutely sickening! I can't believe that someone would ever think of doing that to harmless animals. I'm glad to hear that your dog is safe. Please keep us posted. I hope they catch the creep that is poisoning the water/food.
  5. I've narrowed it down to 2 photographers...Cecilia Dumas or Citalli from Claudia Rodriquez Photography. I've read some that people are interested in booking Cecilia but I haven't come across anyone who has already hired her. So...brides that have pictures from Cecilia Dumas...where are you?!?
  6. I hope your furbaby is doing okay! It's so sad to have your "baby" need stitches! My little puppy just needed to have surgery and we were sooo sad. She wore a cone for a week and was running around like a mad woman. I'm sure your doggie will be back to normal in no time at all! Keep us posted on how he is doing.
  7. I LOVE your OOT bags! Thanks for the inspiration. They look professionally made. P.S. I would probably use a timer too!
  8. It sounds like you had a great time! I actually went pole dancing last weekend! It was soo much fun...its so much harder than it looks! I could only do one of the pole moves that she showed us...and I certainly could NOT go backwards! It probably would have been a little more fun if my future mother in law wasn't there taking pictures!!!
  9. Cassondra2009


    Welcome to the forum! Happy planning!
  10. Welcome to the forum!
  11. Congrats on your engagement! Choosing a resort is definitely that hardest part of the planning process (in my opinion anyway). I finally decided on Dreams Cancun because I fell in love with the gazebo and couldn't find another one like it. Good luck with your planning. There is a ton of information on here and everyone is so helpful. Have fun!
  12. Welcome to the forum and congratulations on your upcoming wedding! Happy Planning!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by amyrak I love Jodi Picoult's books. I've read quite a few but I liked 19 minutes, The Pact, Plain truth, and Vanishing Acts. I haven't really had one of hers I didn't like. There are still some I haven't read of hers yet. Any reccomendations I haven't read?? I also read My sisters keeper and 10th Circle. I think that's it. Keeping Faith was pretty good.
  14. I know people have mentioned here and there where to purchase materials, but I've been searching for an hour or so and finding the information slowly. I would love if some of you could post info on this thread for those of us who are just starting out. Thanks!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Maura karen not sure this book totally fits your requirements, but i still think its a great read for anywhere, including the beach. i love this book - i read it for the first time about 2 or 3 years ago and have read it 3 times since. the time traveler's wife by audrey niffenegger Thats my favorite book!! It's great...I should read it again sometime. My favorite author of the moment is Jodi Picoult. Her books are easy to read but are usually about serious topics. Anyone else reading her books?
  16. Welcome to the forum! Happy planning!
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