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Posts posted by Cassondra2009

  1. My four month old puppies chewed through my favorite pair of sandals today...not quite as bad as the computer cord. They tried that last week but my FI got to them in time and they haven't tried it again.


    This may make you feel a little better...I stepped in poo with my bare foot last night!! I called out to my FI to get me a paper towel and instead he comes in with the camera!!!


    oh puppies...love them and want to kill them all at once...but mostly love them!

  2. I just finished grad school (WAHOO) and have my Masters in Special Education. I am working full time this summer as a 1:1 teacher in a program that is YEAR ROUND smile105.gif. But I will have my own classroom next year and my first summer off!!! And my wedding!!!


    focus.gif This summer I am going to Myrtle Beach for a week and going camping over Labor Day weekend. Thats pretty much it. Hope you all have better, more exciting plans.

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Just Martha View Post
    Ya, that's more than I thought....I guess if I had 4 or 5 kids a day I might be able to live. BUT, I don't think I could charge that much down here....But, that could be an option.
    I think the trick is to find a rich family that needs a tutor and will pay out of pocket. Do you ever look at Craigslist.com? They usually have some type of tutoring positions.
  4. I don't work from home...but I was thinking you could possibly tutor for a couple of hours a day. I know you said daycare isn't your thing but tutoring is just like teaching and pays really well (in MA anyway). You may have to go to the kids home but that would only be for an hour or so a day. Just a thought.

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by gen moriya View Post
    because you are getting married on a sunday...is it a "symbolic" ceremony? are you getting "legally" married before the trip? I am so confused about the sunday thing...thanks much.
    Hi! My wedding is on a Sunday and I was told that you could only do a symbolic ceremony NOT a legal ceremony on a Sunday. We are planning to get legally married in the US prior to our wedding in Cancun to avoid the extra paperwork. If you need a legal ceremony I would contact Claudia and/or Gaby to reserve another date. Hope that helps!

  6. Hi ladies...just wanted to post an update. I ordered paper from Discount Wedding Invitations, Vellum Paper, Vellum Envelopes, Card Stock Source - Paperandmore.com and I LOVE IT! I ordered a sample of each color that I was choosing between and the package came within a couple of days. The paper is very pretty and thick and I'm really happy with it. I just wanted to post this just in case others were looking for paper.


    Tami and Andi thanks for your help! I appreciate it!

  7. Welcome to the forum!


    I'm really surprised to here that you didn't have a great experience at Dreams. Most of the brides here said that they were really pleased. I'm so sorry to hear that!! Can you give some examples of what went wrong?

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by stkitts2010 View Post
    I am a behavioral analyst working for a large hospital. I have a master's in clinical psychology.
    Are you a BCBA? I see that you live in MA, so do I! I work for the New England Center for Children, have you heard of it?

    Right...this is supposed to be about my FI. He is a software engineer and makes almost 3x what I make. However, I was in graduate school which was paid for by my employer. But...I'm a teacher and he will always make more...I've gotten used to the fact that I will never make lots of $$$. I'm happy with my choices though because I work with children with autism and feel like I'm changing the world...one child at a time!
  9. I went to high school with a kid named Richard Small. His nickname was Dick. When they called out last names first he was called "Small, Dick". Thats just wrong.


    This thread was a great idea. I've been laughing out loud for at least 10 minutes!


    My friend's mom is a nurse and said that a woman who didn't speak English thought the nurse's named her baby "Female" but really they were just recording the sex of the baby. Thats just wrong...someone should have told her.

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