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Everything posted by TracyK

  1. I do not recommend the IUD at all. I had it for almost 3 years and had many troubles with it. The main issue for me was I was so bloated for most of the month, I looked 5 months pregnant at any given time. Since I had my daughter I have been asked by strangers more than a dozen times if I was expecting or how cute my belly was. Ohh it was soooo frustrating, I am 5'4 and weigh 115lbs, how do you even ask such a question without knowing for sure, sorry, sore subject for me. I had it removed and had a tubal ligation in August. My stomach is back to normal thankfully. I also used the nuva ring when it first came out and I liked it until one morning I was making the bed and found it in the sheets. We had gotten busy the night before and it must have came out then. The next month I went back on the pill. Not taking that chance again. Not that the pill worked either, 3 months after that I found out I was expecting my daughter. It really only does take one missed pill. Good luck deciding, every choice has drawbacks. Hopefully you'll find one that works for you.
  2. I would contact a travel agent, they seem to be able to get good deals. We went through a travel agent and are flying on a charter plane. We got really good rates and every 21 person is free (air and hotel) just have to pay taxes which was $160.
  3. I wanted to keep it very small so we sent out 20 invites and we have 37 people booked and paid for. A few more say they are coming, but we will see. We have people who were not technically invited coming, they kinda invited themselves.
  4. I cannot find a picture of us holding hands. So I found this one of my daughter and my best friends son. He is going to be the ring bearer at the wedding. Kylee worships him and says she is going to marry him!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by maggiemaylou Thanks girls! The video is awesome and we are hoping the setups will be very similar. I am going into this kind of blind since there are no previous weddings to go off of. Am I stupid to be doing this? I do not think you are stupid for doing this. A lot of us have never been to the resorts we are getting married at. The Royal gets very good reviews on Tripadvisor, it has to be a good resort.
  6. Pretty sure this is the dress she will wear. I want to go to Burlington Coat factory and just make sure I don't find something I like better. Seems like they have good stuff from what everyone here is buying from there. I just need to find the time to run out there.
  7. That is a tough one. I would probably do your idea of father first then step-dad then husband. I think as long as you tell your dad before hand that your stepdad will be cutting in, it won't be rude. I would also go with the stepdad to do the speech for the reasons you stated.
  8. to the forum! Can't wait to see your pictures!
  9. This picture is not a close up, but you can get an idea This is a pretty one too.
  10. Great pictures, you two are quite the beautiful couple!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by MoBride My daughter is 11 years old and from a previous relationship. She has no contact with her biological father so for me, our wedding is about us becoming a family. My daughter and I are a package deal and poor Tim is marrying both of us. He will adopt her after the wedding and we are legally changing her name so we will all have Tim's last name. This is the family I have always wanted for myself and my daughter. So to answer your question, my daughter, Morgan, will be a Jr. Bridesmaid. She is wearing white to match me rather than aqua like the rest of the BM's. She will be part of our sand ceremony. And as a surprise Tim is getting her a ring to give to her during the ceremony after we exchange our rings. I know this is going to make my family cry. If you do the math with my age being 27 and my daughter 11 you can see just how young I was. It was a struggle and against everyone's advice I decided to have my daughter and keep her and I thought we were bound to be just the 2 of us forever like the Gilmore Girls but we found someone to love both of us and be a wonderful husband and father so that will definitely be a huge part of my ceremony. I am in similar shoes. It was just my son and I for almost seven years until I met Tommy. I was actually with Tommy for about a year and half before I let the two of them meet. Had to make sure it was going to be long term before I let any feelings happen between the two. So I need my son to feel very apart of this. It is a very big deal to him, he is getting a Dad. I am pretty sure I am going to have my son and my Dad walk me down the isle. I was originally just wanting my son seeing he has been the "man" of my house, but got the guilt trip from my mom about me being his only daughter. I also really want to do the sand ceremony, I think it is just beautiful. I found these really nice medallions that I want to give to each of the kids. I like the idea of yours Kelly and perhaps doing that part privately. I don't want the whole ceremony to be about the kids but I need to have some for my son. There are just so many great options to choose from.
  12. Were they or are they going to be in your wedding? How did you incorporate them in? Did you get them a ring or the family medallion? Just curious what everyone else is doing!
  13. I have a bottle of this at home. It does not have the rum in it, just the bark and roots and whatever else they use. They said I just had to add rum when I got home. Haven't gotten around to that yet! I didn't have any problems getting it through customs. This was last March, so security was tight. They sell it in the flea markets for pretty cheap. I tried it when I was there, but was with girlfriends so not sure if it works. None of us liked the taste of it, but the idea behind it is great and it is a good souvenir
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