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Everything posted by SonyandRob2008

  1. Margaret, I am using Manuela de Novak of Paradise Weddings. They are an independent coordinating company and she charges $500. She is awesome. her email address is [email protected], let her know that Sunamita referred you if you decide to go with them. Their website address is Destination Weddings - Rivera Maya Weddings in Playa del Carmen, Tulum, Cancun and Mayan Riviera
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Susan101207 I just found this pic. I really like the flower, but don't know what it is. Any flower experts out there? Hi Susan, I was just in my friends wedding last week and she had flowers just like these and said they are peonies. Unfortunately they are only availabe from May to the beginning of June
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by dragonfly Wear it everybody loves looking at a bride. People will be thrilled to see you in it . Kelly~ I bought a dress from White House Black Market for my AHR. As much as I would love to wear my wedding dress, I am having two AHR's, both before the wedding ceremony in Mexico, and I kind of wanted to save that dress for that occassion. is it weird that I want Rob to see me in it for the first time in Mexico at what we would consider our wedding date? If the receptions were after the fact, I think I would wear it, although they are both going to be casual events, so I would stick out like a sore thumb. By the way, this makes me think of something. I don't know how many of you are getting legally married in the states before you have your ceremony in Mexico, but this is the route that we're taking. For those of you that are doing this, which date are you going to celebrate as your anniversary? The date that you got your marriage license, or the date the you had your ceremony? Just curious.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by AQHARIDER I got Jeff the B-Pics, and was planning a Tag Link Series watch until he changed his mind on his wedding band and ended up with a 7mm Platinum Tacori that was more expensive than the watch I was going to buy...I just didn't have that much money to do both, boohoo...So, I think the new watch will have to be an anniversary present. I bought him a Movado for Christmas 2 years ago tho, so he does have a nice watch. On a different note, I am loving the trash the dress photo! Did you wear your same wedding gown, or did you purchase a separate one for this occassion?
  5. Hey girls, I am glad that there are so many girls with good taste here! ;-) I bought the compass at Compass Jewelry and Compass Gifts. They are VERY reasonably priced as well, just in case your budget is tight...which is most likely the case!!! I know mine is...thanks for the input, all of you, I think I am leaning towards #5 as well
  6. Kelly had mentioned on another post that a compass (among other ideas) would be great as an engagement gift for on FI, and I absolutely fell in love with the idea, so much so that I purchased one today! Now I am thinking of what to engrave on it and I came up with a couple of beginning ideas. Will you gals let me know which ones you like, and if you have any other suggestions, i would love to hear them...keep in mind that it is a compass, so I am thinking of something related to that somehow, and i am limited to 50 characters, including spaces. 1.) I can't wait to find what lies ahead of us 05/23/08 2.) One of our many adventures begins today 05/23/08 3.) So blessed we found each other 05/23/08 4.) I am never lost with you by my side 05/23/08 5.) Two lives, one journey...I love you always 05/23/08
  7. Yes, Paradise Weddings in Playa del Carmen is what I meant. I've been in contact with Manuela for a couple of weeks, but it is really hard to get a hold of her, and I am constantly repeating what I want because she'll come back to me with stuff that i didn't request. I am not sure if it is the language barrier or what. Those of you that are working with WC, does it take a while for them to get back to you??
  8. I agree with you, Kelly, I am hesitant about the ipod thing, because even though he will appreciate it the day of, it will go out of style and eventually be archaic just like cassettes and video tapes are. Hmmm...I do like the compass idea, that is very sweet.
  9. Ah, I had no idea that was the technical term for them, I am getting those for him for our anniversary next month, since it's our last anniversary as bf/gf. I was going to give him a card first that says "are you SURE you still want to marry me" and then show him the album...nice, huh?
  10. Okay, i am obviously coming into this thread very late, but thought I'd add my two cents. First of all, what are B-pics I was going to get my FI's ring engraved with "Te amo mas" which means "I love you more" and it is what we say back and forth to each other. Also, this isn't very expensive like the other gifts mentioned, but I thought my FI would like it. I was going to buy him one of the newer, nicer iPods and have it engraved and load it with our favorite songs and photos of us so he has that music to listen to and pictures to look at the day of our wedding before we get married.
  11. Anyone ever worked with this company before? They do wedding coordination and so far things have been going well, but I wanted to know if anyone else is having them plan your wedding as well. Thanks! Micas de Miralls weddings in Playa del Carmen and Riviera Maya
  12. How about the El Dorade Seaside Suites? Forbes and Frommers rated them one of the top resorts in the area for 2006. They are all-inclusive, adults only, supposedly just a fabulous resort. Downfall: if you are planning on having your wedding here, you cannot bring your own photographer unless you want to pay $500 for a day pass (even though the rest of your guests would only pay $72).
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by mexicomelissa Here is the link to our pics... melandjohn/Wedding 2 - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Great pictures, Melissa! Thanks for sharing
  14. Hi Melissa, thanks for your response. I know that these photographers are top picks, however I had not actually read post-wedding reviews, which is what I was getting at and looking for. I am glad to know you had a great experience with Claudia's group. I went to your website to view more photos of your wedding day but could not find any. Can you post some? Thanks!
  15. Hey guys, maybe I am not looking in the right place for my answer but I wanted to know if anyone has actually used the following photographers, and what is your opinion? Obviously they all look great on their websites, but I want to know what your experience was like, and did you actually get the photos of your dreams? 1.) Del Sol Photography 2.) Elizabeth Medina 3.) Claudia Rodriguez Your opinions are much appreciated. Thanks!
  16. Thanks for the links, Ann. It looks like I should just resign myself to the fact that I am going to spend at least $10K. Well, we certainly need to have SOME sort of ceremony...I already bought my beautiful dress!!!
  17. We wanted to do a DW because we knew it would be more intimate and less expensive, however it seems that every person we tell where we're getting married wants to come. We really want to buy a house and would rather have some money to put towards that than be in debt because of our wedding (since we're paying for it ourselves), so we started throwing around ideas and I think what we might end up doing is having a party in San Diego and Kansas City for friends and relatives (other than immediate family like parents and siblings) and then we'll have a wedding for only immediate family in Mexico...then we can actually splurge on a photographer which is all we truly interested in spending a lot of money on. Hmmm...yeah, I think that is sounding pretty good right about now.
  18. I don't know about why all of you chose to have a destination wedding, but for us, we thought it would be romantic, and less expensive since not a whole lot of people would be able to make it. However it is turning out to be quite a pricey ordeal? Do you guys have a wedding budget? Are you meeting it? If so, do you mind sharing? I am wondering if it will be possible and my fiance and I are seriously considering just running off and getting married just the two of us.
  19. Hi girls- I am ready to yank my hair out because I have no idea where to have our wedding. First of all, for those of you that are closer to your wedding day, what were the pros and cons that steered you to, or directed you away from Cancun, Playa del Carmen, Tulum, etc. Also, I have just recently found that for the most part, unless guests are staying at the same location, they will have to pay to visit friends/family members who are staying at other resorts...yikes! So...another question is, where are you staying/getting married (as far as resorts go) and what does it run per night Any help would be greatly appreciated, I cannot afford to lose my hair before the wedding! Sunamita
  20. Hi Leigh, actually is a Wildcat and he makes me watch the football and basketball games with him - even bought me a jersey! LOL
  21. Thanks for the warm welcome. To answer some of the questions: Robert proposed to me in Santa Barbara, California. It was my birthday weekend, so I thought that he took me to Santa Barbara only for a birthday celebration. Saturday morning he gave me all my presents (he always spoils me!) and told me we had a fun day ahead of us. We went wine tasting and walking around the beach, it was a great day. That evening he took me to a very nice French restaurant and we had a great dinner. When we got back to the hotel, we took the elevator up and when we got to our floor he said "This is as far as you go" and he asked me to wait in the hallway while he ran to our room to get us some coats. He said that we were going to head up to the roof of the hotel for a while to enjoy the stars (it was about 11:30 pm at this point). When we got to the roof, I knew something was up - not and engagement thing, but I thought he had another birthday surprise waiting for me. I guess while I was in the shower earlier that day, he contacted the concierge of the hotel and told them his plans (that he was going to propose) and asked them to make sure no one was allowed on the roof. As promised, we were all alone. They had the outdoor fireplace lit and a couple of glasses of champagne waiting. Robert and I sat down by the fire and he handed me another card - a birthday card. But inside it he simply put that he had one more present for me that he hoped would make it the most memorable birthday of my life. At that point he got down on his knee and asked me to marry him. It was amazing. To top it off, the whole reason why he didn't want me to go into the room is that he had the hotel staff decorate it for us. After about 30 minutes on the roof of laughing and crying, we headed down to our room. When I opened the door, there were red rose petals everywhere, candles lit, and music playing. He really did make it my most memorable birthday ever. As far as my name, and I guess it's fitting right now, it means "happiness". It's a Hebrew name translated into Spanish. We decided on Playa del Carmen because we knew that we wanted to honeymoon there (we had pretty much decided on the location of the honeymoon about a year ago!) and decided why not get married there? My family lives in San Diego and his lives in Kansas City and so rather than choose favorites, we decided to go somewhere else altogether. Wow, I have really said more than my fair share!!!
  22. Good morning all. My name is Sunamita. My fiance, Robert, and I were engaged two weekends ago and we've *started* planning our wedding. We know we are going to get married in Playa del Carmen and depending on whether we can get the photographers we want, it will either be the 16th or 17th of May, 2008. Anyway, I was told that this is a great informative site,and I am looking forward to planning the wedding of my dreams.
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