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Everything posted by boscobel

  1. Here is the one that I was thinking of - http://www.bestdestinationwedding.com/t/8310/instructions-to-make-a-logo-using-powerpoint, but I'm sure there are plenty more if you do a search. Post back if you need help, or bump the existing threads and we can help you.
  2. When I was creating them, I also used powerpoint. But there are some threads on here that are like tutorials on how to create your own that might be helpful. Also, there are quite a few vendors on here that are great at making creative logos/invitations/etc. I'll see if I can find some of the helpful threads with how-to's and post back in a few...
  3. I like the contrast between the blue and pink. Then again, my wedding colors were orange, blue and pink so there ya go!
  4. I'm jumping in way late to this thread, but congrats to all the momma's and momma's to be!! I also love the name Cruz and wish the hubs would allow it on our list, b/c if it wasn't obvious - I'm pregnant too! I start my 16th week tomorrow with my due date being 04/13/12. It's been a long road for us with a few losses and lots of ups and downs, so we will be happy with either a boy or a girl, but I secretly hope a teeny tiny bit more for a girl. Our gender scan is 11/28 but Matt doesn't want to find out the sex and I do, so the compromise is that we will keep it a secret (even from ourselves) until the shower and make an announcement there.
  5. Can you post the link here so I can look into it? I'm not sure what a "classified" is, but if you can give me the link, I'll try to figure it out.
  6. Ab - can you make this a sticky? I tried but apparently my brain isn't working b/c I can't figure it out!
  7. Oh i had it all backwards, I thought you thought you were having a boy and found out it was a girl, not the other way around. D'oh! Do you have any D boy names? I always liked Donovan, but living in Philly, you can't do that b/c of McNabb (football player).
  8. No names yet here. Since we JUST starting thinking that this was for real like 3 days ago, I have alot of catching up and daydreaming to do! My husband is Italian, first generation, with a nice Italian last name, so I really want something italian. One of my fave girls names that I had to get rid of b/c it doesn't work with my last name is Delaney. I don't know if it works for you, but I love it.
  9. Thank you so much! Honestly, I don't think it's real to me yet. We've kinda kept it distant and not thought about "baby" and only been thinking about "pregnancy" since it's been such a long and bumpy road, but now that I'm in the second tri, I guess I need to start being a tad more confident and start thinking BABY! Congrats on baby girl! I'm such a girly girl that I thnk planning for a baby girl would be so much easier for me, but for whatever reason, I really think boy for me too. Do you have names and stuff picked out? Talking names is one of my fave things.
  10. I've been avoiding this thread for the last few months for fear that sharing my news would be a jinx, but we are officially in our second trimester this week, so I feel safer announcing - we're finally pregnant! After two losses, 2 years of treatments and taking a break this summer after losing someone very close to me, we got pregnant the birthday month of my lost brother and I know that he is pulling some strings from wherever he is to make this happen for us. Our EDD is 04/13/12. And I'm guessing boy.
  11. Points were lost in one of the forum upgrades, so they no longer exist.
  12. I'm sure it was mentioned in this thread at some point, but if you want to learn more about your body and how it works, you should buy a copy of TCOYF (Taking Charge of Your Fertility) and join Fertility Friend. TCOYF was a bit boring for me and I never really used it, but I love FF for tracking your info and cycles. Temps were never a good indication for me since mine were all over the place, but I learned other things like using OPK (ovulation predictor kit). OPK's are a stick that you pee on (much like a pregnancy test) and it will tell you when your LH surge is happening so you know that you are ovulating within the next 12-24 hours and need to have sex. Plus FF has an online tutorial that was quicker and easier then TCOYF. FF is free to chart, but you have to pay to be a member of the forums. If you "like" them on facebook, you can sometimes get discounts, but you have to be quick b/c they only give a certain amount out and they go FAST. So from my personal experience, if you want to learn more, you should sign up for the FF free version and see how it feels and how much you learn.
  13. Actually, we would prefer that you comment on anything where you can add something to the conversation. An opinion on which dress/shoes/hairstyle/etc is better or add something to the conversation. If a member is found to be "spamming" the forum with redundant posts that do not add anything to the thread they are posted in, they will be temporarily banned.
  14. I'm not sure I understand the question. If YOUR account was banned, then YOU can't post at all. (It's the usage of "the account" that confuses me, I guess...)
  15. I knew I was going to be happy with either Sasha or Melanie, but I would've preferred Sasha. I'm still ok with Melanie winning, but there was just something lacking in her dancing for me as opposed to Sasha's. All in all, I think it was a really good season and I was happy with most of the people they sent home when they did. I felt like they got most of the season right.
  16. Did you notice how they put Marc (from a previous season) right next to Lady Gaga for her performace? It was like, "look where you can be if you!" I did not agree with the girl that went home (don't want to spoil it for anyone). But they got the boys right.
  17. I think your guesses for the finale are what I would've said. At least, those are my hopes b/c those are the ones that I like the best. I think Jess & Caitlynn should go home tonight.
  18. I haven't watched that other show you mentioned. I'm watching the show tonight and just wanted to comment as I saw stuff, but my computer sucks and took forever to restart and load up and now I'm an hour into it. Anyway, here goes: Sasha & Pasha (was that quick step? I forget) - Even though she's my favorite, I did not love that dance. I don't know what it was, but it just didn't connect for me. But I'm still super jealous of her incredible body. Caitlynn & Ivan (hip hop) - Awww, I remember loving Ivan before! They were good and it was actually one of the times that Caitlynn stood out to me, so I liked it. Jordan & Ade - I actually didn't love it as much as the judges did. I didn't like the music at all. Jordan was good, she's my 3rd fave girl. And I used to like Ade, but I didn't care for him in that piece. Maybe it was b/c he was so big and she's so tiny, I don't know. He just seemed like a big lumbering giant. Melanie & Neil - holy ridiculousness. That was awesome. She's my second favorite girl. I don't like how her face scrunches up b/c I feel like it's kinda fake, but again, has nothing to do with dance. When it comes to dance, girl is flawless. And Neil...swoon. Oh and the way she dove into his arms? That was amazing. I had to rewind and watch that. She should enter the olympics for long jump or something! Ricky & Anya - Eh. I like Ricky's personality and he's a good dancer and all that, but I wasn't impressed by that performance. Maybe I was expecting too much of Anya too since everyone had been compared to her and her hips for years, and I used to think she was great too, but I wasn't blown away. Maybe it was the choreographer... Jess & Lauren - he needs to go home. He gets on my nerves so bad. Something about his face and he seems like he'd be a heavy breather cuz his mouth is always hanging open. I know those have nothing to do with dance, but I can't get passed it. I want him to leave. Plus I don't love the way he dances either. Tadd & Lauren - prob my fave boy. Ihave a soft spot for the bboys or hip hoppers. Also, he's cute. I liked the dance and they were right on point with each other. And seriously, how hot were her legs! (Don't mind me if I'm focused on looks, I'm 2 glasses of wine in and a little free with my thoughts) Marko & Ashley - (Sonya Tayek is my fave choreo) - I think I like Sonya's "angrier" dances better. I don't know why everyone is crying though. They were good and danced it well, but crying? I didn't get that level of dancing. ___________________________________________________ Caitlynn & Tadd - I never love the foxtrot b/c I find it mostly boring, but they danced it elegantly and did a good job. Marko & Ricky - I love the boy/boy dances! Ricky surprised me by going so good, but Marko outdanced him. Ricky was too something and didn't get down into it as much as Marko did. But I really love the boy/boy hip hops, they tend to be the funnest. Jordan & Jess - I actually really liked it. The things that usually bother me about Jess didn't. Except that he's a bit too short or makes the girls not look as dainty as I feel that they are/should. It's not getting great reviews which always cracks me up b/c usually I can't stand to watch Jess dance and this time I liked him and they didn't like him. Sasha & Melanie - my two faves! And I'm actually glad to see them dance together, cuz I know I KNOW that Sasha is my favorite. She just never makes anything look like it's a dance step. It's so flowy and smooth. Yes, I think I have a girl crush in Sasha. Also, on a total side note. How the frig tall is Kat? She towers over even the guys who you think are tall!
  19. It depends on the reason you are banned, whether it's permanent or temporary. But as long as you read up on the rules and don't break any of them, you shouldn't have to worry about that anyway.
  20. That's so funny, my husband can't stand her either and leaves the room when she starts talking! And shit, when you say you "liked" Clarice, does that mean she got booted? I'm off to google if it was just Mitchell or a girl too... ETA: Damn, I'm really surprised! I thought she was really good!
  21. Oh I also really like Clarice. It might be b/c she's super pretty and I'm superficial like that, but I like her. I haven't watched the show yet, but I'm ok with Mitchell being gone. I actually would really like Jess to be gone. He bothers me for some reason. He's a good dancer even though most of the girls are bigger then him, but I just don't care for his personality and how he is always making faces. And I still totally crush on Twitch. I think he's my alltime favorite. And Kathryn. From the all stars.
  22. I like Tadd too. Caitlyn is good and all, but she doesn't stand out to me for some reason. Usually I like the boys better then the girls, but this year, I don't really have a favorite boy. They are all good, but I have a major girl crush on Sasha. She's such a great dancer with a great attitude and the way she moves her body - that jump thing she did last night in her dance with Twitch where she jumped from the ground and balanced, wow, the strength that took! I really like most of the choreographers this year, sometimes I don't connect with the dances like the slow dances and ballrooms, but I'm enjoying the alot more this season. I love Scott something? The new hip hop guy I think? He does a great job. And I'm loving the celebrity guests - Neil Patrick Harris and Jess Tyler Ferguson - HILARIOUS!
  23. Is anyone watching SYTYCD summer 2011? I am obsessed with Sasha. That is all for now.
  24. It makes an old thread "new" again by making it show up in the new threads.
  25. Etsy is an online shopping site. www.etsy.com http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Etsy Etsy is an e-commerce website focused on handmade or vintage items as well as art and craft supplies. These items cover a wide range including art, photography, clothing, jewelry, edibles, bath & beauty products, quilts, knick-knacks and toys. Many individuals also sell craft supplies like beads, wire, and jewelry-making tools. All vintage items must be at least 20 years old. These items range from old boots and ice skates, to dresses, hats and scarves. The site follows in the tradition of open craft fairs, giving sellers personal storefronts where they list their goods for a fee of $0.20.[2] It has been compared to "a crafty cross between Amazon and eBay,"[3] and to "your grandma's basement."
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