Dear Boss,
Thank you for not firing me for doing ALL my wedding planning at work. Also for not monitoring my computer to see that I never ever ever ever log out of BDW except when I leave to go home.
Dear Heidi,
You are often in my thoughts, I am so sorry you are going thru so much drama.
Dear Julie,
You bring tears to my eyes with the way you write about your BIL. I am so sorry for your families loss.
Dear Matt,
I am sorry that I haven't had time to shave my legs lately, I just don't have time and the bathroom is cold, so goosebumps make it pointless. Be thankful I am blonde.
Dear School,
I hate you. That is all.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for Glenda and Christa and Trisha and Sarah and Alyssa and Maria and (seriously, need I go on?). Thank you most of all for this forum!