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Everything posted by boscobel

  1. I think this is a great idea and now need to work on getting some cool fonts! Oh yeah, and figuring out how to extend my trial of winzip without actually BUYING it!
  2. In case anyone else is interested, the photog will need to finalize the count pretty soon... For those that PM'd me for info, I am still waiting for her to get back to me with some sample photos, but I've been home sick for a few days, so haven't had time to chase her down....
  3. There are a few threads on here that discuss it and which websites are best. Basically though, it's an account that you open for people to upload their high-res pictures too and anyone with the account name and password can purchase or have access to view. I ordered 100 free postcards from Vistaprint, here are the pics... Quote: Originally Posted by janellepo Sorry about my ignorance, but what is a photoshare card? Thanks
  4. They look great! I am loving that reddish color you used. Glad I was of some assistance as well!
  5. I agree with all said above, and will repeat what I always say - you are doing a DW, so tradition is out the window, do what you want!
  6. We are just sticking with the included pics that were in our wedding package, but for our AHR we are paying $1,200 for 6+ hours and full res copies. There is probably more, but I forget... I didn't want to commit to a photog at the resort that wouldn't be that great and I didn't have the budget to fly in a photog. I am giving out photoshare cards and just hoping that between all the guests and the ones the resort photog takes, there should be some good ones.
  7. Oh, Alyssa, I am SO glad to hear that! I've been worried that it wouldn't be nice enough. Yay, no more worrying!! About that anyway....
  8. Morgan, I think that's actually a great idea. But I like the uploaded one better. Only cuz burning CD's of fonts would get kinda old real quick. I signed up for megaupload.com. Perhaps we could create a BDWusers account or something...
  9. Hmmm, thought I just posted a response, where'd it go!? Anyway, I am unavailable the 13th, as that's my shower. I am pretty flexible the other days, as far as I know. I voted for the 27th, but it kinda doesn't matter to me... Wow, there are 28 people that voted on this poll! Can you imagine if we got that many people togehter
  10. Yes! Those were exactly the pics I meant, thanks!! Quote: Originally Posted by Helen_S81 Were those the Brittney Murphy pics? My daughter has curly hair so I'd saved a few pictures for ideas for her
  11. Heidi, I think what was said above is right. The hairstyle looks pretty close to the pic, but perhaps you would feel more finished with the veil or flowers you are going to be using. Also having your makeup done the way you will wear it always helps to complete the look and give the full effect. Here are some hairstyles that I have saved cuz I didn't want to worry about straightening my hair on my wedding day. Now my hair is only wavy, not curly like yours, but it turns into a big fuzzball if I straighten it and it's too humid. Shoot, there is another one that I really like of Brittney Murphy, but I must've saved it on my work computer and I am home sick. I will look for it when I go back to work...
  12. That is a great story, and I completely agree! I fall in love with dogs everytime I meet a new one (most of the time anyway), and I couldn't imagine doing waht TammyB does! You are an incredible person Tammy! Oh, and Kate that was great what you did! I know that guy and dog are so happy that you are the one that found her that morning.
  13. Non taken, Lauren! I am not really sentimental either, but I think it's cool to have something that we all kinda share. Even if there are 500 starfish out there, the theme is still united, and I just htink it's cool. That is probably what I would write. Or maybe just my name and date and location of wedidng. Hahahahaa, yeah, that's probably more like something that I would write... Quote: Originally Posted by lauren c. i'd write something to post to the blog, but i'm not the most sentimental person...to me, the starfish was more about having something borrowed than writing about the starfish's journey (sorry carly!)
  14. Jenn, so happy for you and Sam! The house looks lovely and it's all yours!
  15. OMG, you guys are so fun. I wish I was there at that party! Do the guys feel better now, since their first party was such a bummer and yours was awesome?
  16. Erin - I've never seen the streamer throws! That is a cute idea and I agree about the cleanup. Hmmmmm, bookmaarking that site...
  17. That is funny, cuz we use that word (skanks) as another word for slut or whore. And your whole fam says it. And to mean such a good thing! hahahahaa, funny stuff.
  18. Maid of honor - not married Matron of honor - married I never knew that until recently either!!!
  19. I think you should choose the one that you are closer to. For me, that would always be my sister at this point in my life. Even if she wasn't able to participate fully due to having children, I am still closer to her then anyone else. So I agree with Alyssa in that there is no right or wrong answer. You will just need to figure out who is better suited for the role. This was mentioned in another thread today, but what about not having them escorted at all? Have the men stand up front with your hubbie to be and the BM/MOH/MTH can all walk in separately and alone. Or something of the sort. I have 3 BM's and 6 GM's, so I think that is probably waht we will be doing....
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