Matt and I are a good combo of dependence and independence, I think. He works close to home (like 5 minutes) and I travel 1.5+ hours to and then the same home each day. I am a pretty solitary person, like I like to be home alone and read my book, or just be alone. Matt is so not like that. If he is home, he is like right beside me. He is such a social person (which helps me out in social situations, I think he has helped me relax a bit in those situations). But we do most stuff together. We go food shopping together, and if we go out, it is together. I live over an hour away from my friends, so if we hang out, it's mostly with his friends. Although, sometimes I chose to stay home and soak up my alone time!
Oh yeah, and we text all day long, but usually only talk once at lunch time.
I agree with the previous poster though, that each couple will find their own balance and what's normal for one might not be normal for another.