So this thread has been dead for a while, but I thought I had to revive it with a quick update. Matt and I did the whole Colonix program in like January maybe? I can't remember when really. After we finished the program, we continued with the fiber morning drinks. Until we went to Jamaica that is. When we got back, the routine was just gone for me. So last week or so I realized that I was just feeling kinda gross and full and I was never going to the bathroom. Two days ago, I took the fiber drink again and within minutes went to the bathroom. So I have taken the drink each morning since, and I feel so much better! I am even having some weird poo (sorry if tmi!) that's like that stringy looking weird stuff. So I dont know if I eat like shit, or if my body doens't digest properly or what, but I don't think I will EVER stop taking the fiber drink!
Just figured I would let you all know that it doesn't have to be the entrie program, cuz I do feel better already.