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Posts posted by Amy&Andy

  1. Here it is. cheer2.gif


    Andy wanted me to tell you all that he worked "many hours" (liar) to get the DVD converted and loaded up for you all! I think he was just up in the computer room "researching" what to buy me for a newleywed gift...kidding.

    I kept bugging him......and he finally figured out how to convert the DVD disc to a format for loading on youtube.....anyways.....here it is! It doesn't seem to be showing with very good quality, but you get the overall picture :)


    YouTube - Amy and Andy - Dreams Los Cabos Wedding 6/27/08

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TammyB View Post
    Wow great pictures. who was your photographer
    We LOVED our photog. He was so creative and hardworking. I would recommend him in an instant. He was very calming and really had an artistic eye, which is what were were looking for.

    Manuel Burgoin:
    Manuel Burgoin - Artistic Wedding Photographer

    Here is his blog:
    Weddings in Los Cabos
  3. These are all such wonderful tips! I'm so excited there are people like me who are trying to green up their lives. I totally don't consider myself a "hippie" but feel like no one really talks about these issues being part of the mainstream. We are moving in the right direction :) smile159.gif


    I forgot about the unplugging things when you aren't using them...that is such an overlooked use of energy consumption most people aren't aware of.


    Keep em' coming!

  4. So in the past year Andy and I have tried to start living more "green" in an attempt to lessen our "footprint" on the environment.


    It's so overwhelming when you start to think about all the ways we are affecting the world, and I start getting anxiety when I try to take it all in! smile41.gif


    I want to know some of your tips/tricks for living more green. What are some small changes we can all make to live a bit greener? foshizzle.bmp


    Here are a few "green" things we have done so far......


    *The biggest change is that I went totally Vegan in the past 4 months, which I feel really good about since it saves about 100 animals a year, and helps to decrease the overexploited natural resources, deforestation & water and air pollution.

    *Replaced all of our most used lightbulbs with energy efficient ones

    *Bought new front loading HE washer & dryer

    *Recycle everything we can

    *Never use plastic bags (have the canvas totes for groceries)

    *Buy local produce as much as possible

    *Buy organic produce & products

    *Buy organic & vegan face, body, and personal care items

    *Use water jugs daily instead of water bottles

    *Only run dishwasher when full

    *Use "green" cleaning products (Method from Target are the best!)


    Any more tipshuh.gifhuh.gif

  5. I absolutely LOVE my Alba body butters....and I only use Pureology shampoos and conditioners since they are sulfite free and vegan. I use this face wash:

    Buy Desert Essence Thoroughly Clean Face Wash with Organic Tea Tree Oil and Awapuhi Online at drugstore.com

    And just started using this daily face moisturizer and night serum...they are paraben free and I love them so far:

    Nutri-Collagen Daily Moisturizer SPF 15 with Nutrx 8 Complex | Skin Appetit | Beauty & Spa | Walgreens

    Nutri-Pro Night Serum with Nutrx 8 Complex | Skin Appetit | Beauty & Spa | Walgreens

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