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Everything posted by Amy&Andy

  1. Hello there ladies, I've got my much anticipated photo shoot on Saturday and was hoping for some fabulous tips/tricks for how to look and feel my best....! The feeling good part will hopefully be accellerated with the champagne and wine I'm bringing for myself! I am getting airbrushed spray tanned today after work and have been working out like a mad woman; I also am having hair and makeup done at a salon before the shoot...so that should help with the looking good part as well. Are there any tips those of you who have had the pics done before can suggest? I want to make sure I'm totally prepared and ready to roll! Thanks gals! Wish me luck....Iv'e been so excited for these pictures!
  2. WOW!!! I love the style of that dress. It is very sexy and romantic. I cannot wait to see what it looks like on you and in person! Great choice!
  3. This is our tentative itinerary for our Cabo wedding next year Sunday: we arrive; both sets of parents coming that day as well Tuesday: Boys are fishing (FI's father is hosting and paying this); I will plan something for the girls (spa or something) Wednesday: the majority of our guests arrive; Welcome dinner at Dreams (private Mexican themed beach party) We are paying for this Thursday: Sunset cruise on Sunrider (this is our "rehersal dinner") We are paying for this; 28ppl=$1,000 Friday: Wedding and reception: Boys golfing that morning; Girls... Saturday: Brunch with newlyweds: hosted by us at dreams
  4. What an absolutely amazing and thoughtful proposal! You are such a lucky girl! I'm so happy for you two. Now the fun of planning a fabulous wedding begins. I luv luv luv those two pics.....you just know the rest will be amazing! Congrats to you both!
  5. #6 AND #9.....very flattering shots of both of you. I tend to pick the ones where the girl looks best...hee hee
  6. Well let's just say I had a bad day yesterday. I've been so so so good for the past few months preparing for this photo shoot, and kind of fell off the wagon yesterday. It started with me spilling my entire Venti sized americano all over my desk....the whole thing just went splash....everything soaked and dripping; files, phone, mousepad....it wasn't pretty. Then I had to go sit an open house for one of my realtors...got there and went to pull out my healthy cottage cheese mid afternoon snack from my purse....the whole container dumped inside my white bag! So I'm at someone else's house....had to clean it up, empty my purse and all! I almost started crying. So, as I'm looking for ziplocks to put all of my wet things in I stumble upon what appears to be a drawer full of the kid's Halloween candy! I was feeling sorry for myself, and havn't touched a piece of candy or anything bad for me like that for a long time.....needless to say there were about 10 empty fun size wrappers leaving with me when I left! It wasn't really that bad, since they were mini sized, but I still felt icky! I did go to the gym last night though and did cardio for 65 min to get my energy level back up. I'm feeling better today and am heading back after work for more weights and cardio. My FI can only handle so much of my workout/eating craziness....so thats why I'm sharing with you poor souls! Sorry for the long one!
  7. Very Seattle Chic my dear! You have killer style. I can't wait to see more of your ideas! Those turned out amazing. I love love love the colors and patterns. Good choices!
  8. My costs: Session fee: $150 Hotel: $225 Hair and Makeup at outside salon: $75 Airbrushed Spray tanning: $25 Countless $$$ on clear shoes and lingere: $300+?? Photo Book: making myself? $100? Seeing the look on Andy's face when he see's my decked out bod in print.......priceless! I'm going to the same gal Kate (Lala) went to......she's cheap, but super good!
  9. Good questions.....I have my photo shoot next Saturday in Seattle. I am not doing any fully nude. I have about 5 outfits/shots planned and none are anything less than at least panites/boyshorts. I'm probably having my photog make my photobook for the exact reasons you mentioned previously. I just don't want to upload topless pics of me anywhere! Of course I'll show the "nice" ones here.....
  10. Wow! So may great pictures to choose from! I saved all of those TTD pics to my computer to convince my FI to do the shoot! I think I will have an easy time convincing him to do it now with the licking shots in there! They are all amazing. I'm so happy you shared!
  11. Welcome! I'm also a June 08 Dreams Los Cabos Bride! What is your actual date? Mine is June 27th......maybe we will be there the same time! Congrats on your engagement and happy happy planning!
  12. Holy hell woman......those came me little chills....or something tingly happening when I saw that pic of him licking you. Those are super hot! He has the most amazing arms and shoulders. I love those where he is on top of you....course I would! So excited to see the rest. Welcome back!
  13. You gals are cracking me up......I'm wondering if subconsciously thats why I decided against BM's and GM.....I guess I'm too selfish to have the chance of someone upstaging me......whatever! It's our day damnit!
  14. Great Job Laura! Thats such a good idea to do the lemon ice cubes. I'm trying that! Keep it up! It feels so good when you finally start seeing your hard work paying off!
  15. Wow girl! So so cute. I'm fully ripping the blinged out starfish from you. I have also just ordered my white finger starfish for that exact project. I'm doing the pocketfold invites but with that starfish on the outsides. My colors are similar, but more sky blue and silver than turquoise. We can share! I just love those! You did a fantastic job and you should be very happy and proud with the result! Yay for you!!!
  16. Just had to let you know I keep coming back to this review to make my decisions for my wedding....what a fantastic help! Hopefully you won't mind other's ripping ideas from your fabulous little DIY mind! I'm hooked on this planning!
  17. Still plugging away ladies! I just changed up my diet a bit to see if it sparks me to get over my weight loss hump. I'm actually trying to eat more! I usually stick to around 1200-1400 calories per day...but that's usually in 3 meals and just a few small snacks. Now I'm eating 5 times a day (4-200 calorie meals) and dinner is around 400. I'm down to about 115 or so and trying to just get really fit/toned for my BD pics in 3 weeks. I'm still working out about 5-6 days a week for 1.5 hrs. So far so good.....I'm not hungry all the time and I feel more energized. I'm trying to eat more protein and good carb combos....so here is what I'm eating on most days: These are all of the options...I choose one from each category Meal 1: 8:00; choose 1 *strawberries and carb control vanilla yogurt; venti sf hazelnut americano (200 or so) *1 cup light cereal and light vanilla soymilk (200 cal) *1/2 cup natural oats made with vanilla soymilk & water (200 cal) Meal 2: 10:30/10:45 *cottage cheese and grapes (200 cal) *cottage cheese and 5 Akmak crackers (200 cal) *South beach high protein bar (140 cal) and 60 cal light string cheese Meal 3: 12:30 *healthy soup (200) *frozen meal (usually find ones around 180 cal) with frozen veggies added (200) *low carb wrap (80 cal) with Hormel natural turkey (60 cal) lettuce, tomato, bit of balsamic salad dressing/ff mayo (200 or so) *tuna mixed with low cal balsamic dressing on sliced cucumers or stuffed into a tomato (so yummy) (200 cal) Meal 4: 4:00: pretty much same everyday *organic apple with 100 cal 17gram protein shake (I want to say the are body for life vanilla flavored...really tasty) Meal 5: 7:00 *dinner is totally random; most nights its bbq chicken/teriyaki chicken on bbq with steamed brocoli *taco salad (healthy version with ground chicken breast) *grilled salmon (FI fishes almost every weekend off the coast) and veggies *mahi with mango salsa and ff sour cream (buy mahi at costco-individually frozen) *black bean soup with fresh lime and ff sour cream--I have a recipe I make from scratch that bomb That's about it....I'll let you know if it makes me lose any more weight. Like I said...I already eat about 1200 or so calories a day, this is just trying to make my body always full and burning calories. We'll see.
  18. I'm going to drop it like it's hot for some BD pics..... I'm actually more excited to do it for myself than for him.....but I know he will absolutely flip! I think I'm a wannabee model/stripper inside a 5'3" college educated body...... it's nice to dream....... The cost of this photo shoot is really adding up though......I think I've spent about 300 bucks on lingere and shoes....thats not even including my hair and makeup and the swanky hotel and "sitting fee." Oh and also add in the gigantic ice cream sundae and french fries I"ll be eating when it's all over with! Working my butt off to get in shape for these pics has left me a bit crazy!
  19. We went to Isla de Mujeres in 05 and it was very pretty. However, it is very very different than the bigger cities in Mexico. It was right after the hurricanes so a lot of the beach fronts had been wiped out. That area got hit pretty hard. I personally did not see it as a good wedding spot. I think it would be a nice honeymoon location since it is more private. It seemed like it would be difficult to get everything over to the island from Cancun....but if you want something really private and low key that would work well. There was no night life and it seemed everything shut down very early. We stayed for about 5 nights after 5 nights in Akumal which we absolutely loved....and would go back there before we ever went back to Isla....... Just giving my honest opinion....
  20. I do both squats and lunges and I recently added deadlifts in also which are amazing. For squats I use a chair or bench and then squat until my booty touches the edge. Lunges are just lunges....difficult, painful....but really work the legs. Deadlifts I use weights (usually 10 or 12's) and the stand straight and bend at the waist like you are wearing a really short skirt and picking something off the ground....keep your legs straight and it really works the backs of the legs where the leg meets the butt spot...... I just made no sense and that was really long.....sorry!
  21. Oh God.....Wet Seal and Forever 21......I'm kind of embarassed They have really cute trendy stuff for cheap....but yes I know it's totally ghetto and reminds me of the stuff I used to wear in High School....don't tell! I try to get the dresses that look like they could be more expensive...but what the hell....I'll rock them!
  22. Go for it Shelley! I'm totally ordering the one you got from Macy's! Thats what got me rolling on getting all of these dresses right now! How funny.....we must have the same tastes. I figure I can wear all of these dresses again at some point. I'm shopping at the cheap places so I can really stock up!
  23. I am slowly starting to buy my outfits/dresses for the week of my wedding. I realized I should buy now since all of the summer clothes are on sale. I'm planning on wearing white dresses all week long.....I know....I'm a nerd. I want to stand out in our group so everyone knows I'm the BRIDE!!! This is what I have gotten so far....... http://www.forever21.com/product.asp...82944&Page=all Gauze Halter Dressby Wet Seal http://www.forever21.com/product.asp...1&showBACK=OK# Cross Back Crochet Topby Wet Seal Surplus Border Print Camiby Wet Seal Guess: Women: Dresses: Iris Crochet Dress
  24. Oh goodness this is quite the subject! I may be the only one who is paying for it all by myself! I have committed about 10-15k of my own money and my mom is giving a little also (maybe 3-4k). FI's parents said they would give some too (maybe 2k)....but I haven't asked anyone for the $$$ so I'm just leaving that out and not counting on it until it's in my bank account! Whatever they give me will just alleviate some of my expenses....I'm not going to spend it in addition to my current budget. I told my FI that I would pay everything since he spent about that amount or more on my ring.....I figure why should he spend even more of his money when I'm the one wearing the fatty rock on my finger every day! This way we are basically equal and will not be acquiring any debt which is fabulous.
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