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Posts posted by Amy&Andy

  1. Thanks! I was seriously rushing to get to work this morning to post pics!

    I was just so happy the dress fit when I picked it up on Saturday. I was so so so terrified it was going to be too small since I tried on a size 4 and the lady at the shop ordered a size 0...not even joking.


    I havn't been a size 0 since middle school but she assured me for every inch too big you go down a size. Thank god the dress fits like a glove. It definately zips up, but I was panicking when I couldn't do it myself. I will NOT be gaining any weight before my wedding!


    I have to have the bottom hemmed up a few inches, but otherwise it really fits just perfectly. I'm also having the neckline made into a sweetheart, which will make it more comfortable and also give me more cleavage......smile123.gif The vision of my dress in my head was always something like this.....but I want the sweetheart neckline. Also, my FI LOVE's lace...(course he does..reminds him of lingere!) so he will flip when he sees the dress.


    Obviously I'm excited! I'll shut up now!

  2. We have 30 including the two of us. So far almost everyone is booked! Also, as of this morning 11 of us are flying down on the same flight from Seattle, which should be super fun! cheer2.gif We only invited our very close family and friends whom we knew would be there no matter what. Everyone that we invited/or wanted to be there is coming. We feel very lucky everyone was on bored with our unconventional wedding plans! cheer2.gif

  3. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...first-diy.html


    Here is what I made. I have since purchased monograms which I would have used; otherwise I was very pleased with the results. I made 10 of them (plastic bottles) and shipping was about 3.00-3.50/box which included sand, shells, and stuffing. Since we added about 1/2 the bottle worth of sand this made it more expensive. Loved this project!

  4. OMG I love that idea! Those videos were totally hilarious! I forwarded them on to Andy. He has no dance skills whatsover....so I may be out of luck; I however grew up dropping it like it's hot to Prince and MJ so I'd be shakin my money maker by myself........smile29.gif I would love to see one of our BDW gals pull this off! Go for it!

  5. [

    Oh, have you gotten yours yet? I imagine your turned out super smokin' by the looks of your siggy pics girl! How many do you get to pick out to be in your coffee table (tee hee, can you imagine going to a friend/family's house and seeing a book like this out? hot damn, can a sista get something stronger than coffeehuh.gif) book or are you going the route of putting your own together? I've seen that a few of the girls on this forum put their own together and while I commend that, I know myself and I wouldn't do it justice like a professional would but definitely commend those who put the work into theirs.

    Geez thanks...blush2.gif I'm super pumped to see them. I still can't decide what to do for the book though. Thankfully I have some time before the wedding to figure out if I want to make my own or have the photog throw it together. I had about 7 different outfits/shots so I should have more that enough to choose from! I'm debating like you about the book part. I want it to turn out super good quality and I'm just scared mine wouldn't do the pictures justice like you said. We'll see! Morgan put together a nice book that she posted yesterday I think that looked amazing.......

  6. I did 35 min on eliptical and 10 on treadmill at 11 incline; 30 min "push" weights and 10 min abs.


    I gained back what feels like a few lbs after having a few mini "binges" over the last week since I was really sick with flu bug which was a bi-product of my hangover.


    Now I'm back to it with goal for a few more pounds/more toned and still 5 meals/day is working well.


    Great job Kate on 3 lbs in one week! Goodness be careful or you'll just waste right away......rofl.gif


    Everyone else....GREAT WORK! smile123.gif

  7. I Love CalorieKing! elefant.gif I use it all the time to see the nutritional value of things I eat. I mostly just keep a food diary to keep track of the amount of sugar/protein/carbs/etc I am eating everyday. It helps to see how good/bad things are for you! I mostly look up things like fruits and veggies, or things that don't come with a nutritional label. It's always alarming to see how many calories are actually in the foods you eat. smile105.gif It's more of a reality check website....but I have found killer recipes on there before (they are helpful because most come with nutritional facts per serving).


    Have fun searching!

  8. Welcome! smile159.gif


    I'm also a Los Cabos bride using Bajaweddings. I'm working with Emlee and I agree with you, they are fabulous at answering queistions immediately! Great Choice! Have fun planning! You will find amazing resources here! smile159.gif

  9. I'm baaaaaaccckkkk! I took 5 days off this week, which is the longest I have EVER gone without working out! I had to recover from my crazy diet/exercising of the past few months and give my little body a break. It felt good.....but now I'm ready to get back to it. I think I lost about 8 lbs overall in the past few months prepping for my BD shoot; but have gained back a little recovering from my hangover from Sat...smile35.gif


    I'm headed back to the gym tonight and again tomorrow to get back to feeling good. I will only be able to workout those two days....bummer! smile41.gif Then back at it on Monday! I'm glad we got this thread back to life! smile159.gif


    Keep up the good work ladies! It will pay off!

  10. Oh Shelley, I fully had a journal with all of my ideas written down. I had also been practicing my Zoolander model looks in the mirror for weeks. smile120.gif It helps to try on all of your outfits and pose in front of a mirror to know what looks the best. I'm sitting on pins and needles waiting to see a few teasers! I e-mailed her first thing this morning thanking her and insisting she send me SOMETHING! It was so fun. I had come up with all sorts of ideas......smile41.gif I will definately show you all as soon as I get any! I'm certaintly not shy....so I promise to do show and tell cheer2.gif

  11. WOW.....what can I say. So much fun, so liberating, so HUNGOVER!!! I'm seriously still recovering from my 2 day hangover from polishing off a whole bottle of champagne myself during the shoot. shots.gif


    Thankfully it didn't hit me until later that evening, but it wasn't pretty. The shoot went super good. I got some amazing shots. My photog showed me a few peeks on her camera that were amazing. I actually couldn't believe I was looking at myself in the ones she showed me. We did some really need shots with me in front of the mirror, writing "I DO" in red lipstick, and then an "American Beauty" inspired one on the bed with tons of red rose petals covering my bits. That one should be really cool looking. I told her she absolutely had to send me some teasers! I will post asap. bunny_4.gif


    Thanks for all the well wishes....everyone who has the cajones must do these pics! It was a blast!!!! smile159.gif

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