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Everything posted by Amy&Andy

  1. Oh Yay! Have fun and don't worry if you don't find anything you like! I finally found my dress at the 6th!!! bridal salon I visited. You will look amazing...can't wait to see pics
  2. God I really hoped I would never have to be writing this. I am absolutely devastated for you and Reggie. It's just not fair and I wish there was something we could all do to make you feel better, even though I'm sure that is just out of the question right now. I actually said "Oh shit" out loud at work when I read this. I'm so sad for you and I hope that you know we all are praying and hoping for you to get well again. Stay strong and know you are in our thoughts.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by lissah i really hope you know i'm just joking!! i would never say anything mean to ANY of you girls and actually mean it now i feel like an i'm so so sorry i am jealous though!! lol oh goodness gracious....I know you were joking! Hope everyone didn't think I actually took it seriously! Trust me however,...the grass is not always greener. I jump up and down in front of the mirror all the time and can't believe the stuff that is moving..... Some more things while I'm at it: Dear Stepdad: Please do not try and bring weed into Mexico or try and buy some down there. I will be really embarassed if you are in jail instead of walking me down the aisle. Andy's family doesn't get the whole "taking out the garbage" joke and I hardly think they will find it funny. You are a grown man and a high school teacher with responsibilities...stop smoking out. Dear FFIL: Are you going to shave your body hair before this vacation? You were called "the missing link" in college for a reason. Please don't embarass your wife with all that back hair...yikes. I pray Andy doesn't start sprouting that stuff. Dear Mom: I promise to call you more to talk about YOUR life....not just my little exploits about job/wedding/etc. I'm sorry for always talking about myself...next time I'll call and just ask about how your day was! I'm not appreciative enough of everything you sacraficed for me being a single mom....I am such a selfish brat!
  4. Well I am late....but regardless I chose #2!!! I think it really is very flattering and has a beautiful bottom to it. I agree that a sweetheart neckline and a bit of tule will really make it "yours." Great Choice......you look beautiful btw!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by lissah Dear amy&andy08, Your f'ing perfect body makes me want to sucker punch you. Have a nice day Wow........
  6. Geez Erica good job! 8lbs!!! You boot camp maniacs are keeping me motivated. I'm trying for 5 days a week of working out. I gained back what feels like a few pounds in the past month since the photo shoot....I let myself celebrate a bit too much. Whoops.
  7. Dear Self: Stop being mean and bratty to the people you love and whom love you the most; Just because they love you unconditionally does not give you freedom to take everything out on them. For every emotional "withdrawal" you make from the love bank, you should double the "investment." Dear FMIL: I know you have two sons and cannot hold a conversation with other females without taking everything the wrong way....but you are pushing me away with all of this wedding "etiquette" crap...do I strike you as the kind of girl who thinks endlessly about how to address things or who's name should come first I was raised by a single mom and am paying for this wedding almost entirely by myself....MY NAME COMES FIRST YOU PRETENTIOUS HAG!! Oh and BTW....I purposely bring up conversations about my lack of underwear or raunchy topics just to make you feel uncomfortable....you need to get laid. Dear FI: I don't appreciate you enough. You put up with my endless emotional rollercoaster. I promise give you more Lovins and bake you cookies.
  8. Oh yay! We are catching the 6:00am flight out of Seattle that morning and will be in Cabo by 2:00pm at the latest....so we will definately be there on time. We may have to sneak a peek! Too bad you probably will be gone already for our Friday ceremony.....
  9. Hi Ya'll......Here is a Discount code I received from MyPublisher. Apparently I shop too much because I am always posting something for you all to buy....geez! Order now and receive 40% off orders over $100 and 20% off orders over $50. Use Coupon Code FALL2040 at checkout Expires October 31, 2007 MyPublisher | Create your own Photo Book with BookMaker and receive a published hardcover book!
  10. Oh WOW!! That is so wonderful. You look Fantastic! More importantly, you FEEL fantastic! It's so much more of a lifestyle choice rather than a diet, isn't it. Great job on putting your health and happiness in top priority....it has paid off! Once again....you really do look amazing! This is such great motivation for everyone to see that hard work does pay off.
  11. I always say "Beach Chic." I've had a few people ask me about theme....but mostly they just figure it is naturally going to be beachy.......
  12. Alrighty here is mine. It was already part of my original siggy pic, so no big suprise! However, this was quite the project considering I made the whole thing from scratch including the skirt and shell bra. Basically it was held together with tape, safety pins and fabric glue. I cut out little fishys and starfish and hand glued sequens all over the skirt then covered everything with glitter. It was crazy looking! I actually had people asking to take pictures with me all night long.....so FUN!!!
  13. MrsMark...you are the closest thing to a date twin I have so far! We will be arriving Sunday the 22nd of June at Dreams! That means we will definately cross paths! Congrats on picking your location and date! How exciting!
  14. Really Beautiful pictures! I loved the whole look of your bridesmaids, your dress, the boys outfits...it was all great! I'm so glad you finally got your pictures.....definately worth the wait!
  15. Damn. I'm so sorry you are bummed right now. I wish there was something we could do to keep your mind busy and off thinking about it. I do fully believe however that where there is a will there is a way. I think there are so so many scientific advances out there that it is definately not time to lose hope. I think the best thing is to arm yourself with as much information as possible from your Doctors...not necessarily online info. It's so easy to self diagnose and read into symptoms, etc. when you are already feeling upset. Trust that the doctors will give you the best information and they will guide you how to make this better. I also think you will feel so much better when you talk with Amos about it. Holding it back is only adding to your stress. He will be able to hurt and worry with you....and two minds and hearts are better than one! I hope you feel better very very soon!
  16. You guys are doing so flippin good! Social eating situations always give me anxiety because I just know there is always that little angel or devil telling you what to eat from the buffet table! Sounds like everyone survived the last few events. I like the idea of eating before you go.....but then I'd probably just end up having two dinners...whoops! Keep it up ladies....you are almost to your wedding dates!!! yay!!!
  17. Oh Yay! Does it feel real yet That is super cute that he said "pick a date" I just love that story! Congrats!
  18. Yes the 4 days of working out is all good.....it was the "healthy" cookies I decided to bake and proceed to eat 7 of that wasn't. I tried a new recipe that uses Special K protein plus cereal, oats, choc chips and splenda brown sugar blend. Turns out the cookies are very good....I had to taste test three from each batch just to find out. Hmmmmm......kind of worth it though I have to admit.......
  19. I'm on my 4th day of working out this week. I'm having a hard time getting motivated again though. Now that the pictures are done and the wedding isn't until next June I've kind of fallen off of the wagon. I have nothing really to work hard towards now! Help!!!
  20. I couldn't find that exact dress anywhere but Nordies...but this website has lots of cute dresses on sale and they ship to Canada! Horray! Dresses On Sale
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Julesr I really wish they shipped to Canada, I am in love with this dress ECI Ruched Eyelet Dress - Dresses - Nordstrom.com That is really really cute! I'll fish around and see if I can find the dress somewhere else.....you must have it....it's too dang cute! I got this.... BCBGMAXAZRIA Bead Silk Dress - - Nordstrom.com
  22. The dress is perfect! How lucky are you that you got what you wanted on your first purchase! I think it looks just perfect on you. Like I said before....I can just see it blowing in the wind. So pretty!
  23. WOW----that dress!!! Very beautiful!!! Welcome back and enjoy being a married lady now!
  24. Oh goodness how did I miss these pictures....!!!! I LOVE that dress on you. The veil really complements the lace on the dress perfectly. It looks like it fits you perfect too! You look fantastic and super happy. I'm so glad you like it!
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