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Everything posted by Martha

  1. I just read in my US Weekly that Jon and Kate renewed their wedding vows in Maui on Aug. 12th. I wonder if TLC foot the bill for that also?
  2. Ha! Hopefully not! I think maybe it was extra humid because it rained for 3 days leading up to the wedding.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by AnnR Did you even "awww" at the screaming picture? lol Yes! But, that's only because Noah isn't here yet. Once I hear him screaming, I will not be "awwing" at any screamking pictures.
  4. I didn't watch the DNC because The Cleaner was on, so I "had" to watch that. But, I went to school with a guy who has a younger sister named Davina.
  5. Dez, you look so happy! You guys really made out in the gift department!
  6. OMG, Ann! She is getting so big!!! And she is so beautiful! I said "aww" at every single picture and showed Jay and he started laughing because I said "aww" at every picture. ha! Anyhow, she is precious!
  7. That's awesome! You are mos def spoiled!
  8. I don't mind the questions, I was the same way! We did the religious ceremony also....the chair covers were included. We had the Deluxe package. My BFF is a wedding planner, so she brought the linens down for us. She gets all her stuff from BBJ Linen I am not sure if you can buy them, but we rented ours. These are the ones we brought, but my BFF tied them differently... BBJ Linen
  9. Danielle, I can't remember when I got mine done. I think like 3 or 4 weeks. I guess I could check the date of when I first posted this thread to see when. Didn't think about that until I started typing. Becks, you took the LM make up artist with you
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by JoLo908 OMG, Martha, here I am again... we are having our wedding June 27 with poolside reception. Are people going to melt from the heat? LOL... Or is it breezy at all in the evening? I don't want our guests to be fainting! In all honesty, it was HOT and WINDY. Mostly during the wedding. After the sun went down, it was less hot and windy. But...it was also SUPER humid during the day. I am used to humidity because I live in the south near the gulf, but this was NUTS! Jay was sweating through his suit at the wedding. Poor guy! Quote: Originally Posted by twinkletoes Great review Martha. And omg you were sooo cute! You're glowing I love your dress! It looks nice and flowy, perfect for a DW. Congrats from one new Mrs to another Thank you! And, congratulations to you! I love your siggy pic!
  11. I didn't buy the concealer....that was the only thing that she put on me that I didn't buy. Oh I didn't buy the mascara either. I hope you get it figured out!
  12. We had dinner at Tortuga and the tables were rectangle and we had 10 to a table. Yes, they had table cloths and we just used our flowers from the wedding for the head table and I think they had little vases with flowers on the other tables. There is another option for how many guests you want at each table, but I can't remember what the number was...I know it wasn't 4 though. I wanna say 6?
  13. How did I miss this thread? You looked beautiful, Amy!!! And, everything looks great!
  14. Ana, I may have missed this before, but did you and Edyta know each other before this gathering? Speaking of Edyta, I haven't seen her on her in forever! You all look fabulous! And, a private jet, Amy? I wanna travel with you! I wanna see more!!!
  15. Joanna, we brought the chair ties down with us. No, they don't charge for the chair covers, they were included in our package. What package are you going with?
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by manda hi Martha - This review is very helpful! thank you! I am getting married at GBP Akumal in November and am currently trying to make decisions regarding the reception. It looks as though you chose the poolside reception. Did you have your dinner there too or did you have it at the restaraunt? I am trying to decide between the two right now and am not sure if it is worth the extra money to set up a buffet by the pool for the dinner. Also - after being at the resort, do you have any suggestions on what we could do for a meet n greet type party the day that our guests arrive? Is there a bar we could have everyone meet at to say hello and make introductions? We are not all coming from the same place. If anyone else has any thoughts, i'd love to hear them! Thanks! Manda, We had dinner at a restaurant then poolside reception. But, we just used our guests dinner for our reception...and most of them still got another dinner, all they had to do was ask! I would have loved to have had the dinner poolside, but we got married in July and it was WAY too hot. I bet it would be lovely in November though! I am not too familiar with Akumal side, but Tulum side had a lobby bar that would be perfect, I am sure Akumal side has one too.
  17. Congratulations, Mo!!! Amy, I love wearing maternity clothes! Did you hand ever feel like it was asleep or did it just feel wierd?
  18. Thanks, girlies. I will ask her what brand it is. Good idea!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Abbie martha, thats a great idea! and i just bet morgan can find you some codes on ebay! (not sure if mpix does that, but if they do, she will know!) For sure! But, even w/o codes $30 is WAY better than the $250 credit I was going to get.
  20. $30? Seriously! Awesome! We didn't have a TTD because we were too tired, so my photographer was going to do my maternity pictures in place of our TTD. Or if I didn't wanna do the maternity pics, she would give me $250 credit towards a coffee table book....I think I should just make my own and try to get back to Austin sometime this month to do the maternity pictures!
  21. Good to hear! I will be ordering from them soon! Did you also make your coffee table book on Mpix? Can't remember if it was you or someone else? If it was you, can you tell me how much you paid? I couldn't find pricing on the books on their site.
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