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Everything posted by Martha

  1. I say cream...BUT, I love the first dress on you. It is flattering and looks great! So...first dress in cream!
  2. Martha


    Good luck and happy planning! I am sure you will find tons of info on here! I think if you wanted to get married on 2-17-07, you are a little late! ha!
  3. Thank you. I think I have endo also although for some reason I have never been tested. Every woman in my immediate family has it, so the chances are pretty high. I have never had a cyst burst, I can't imagine the pain.
  4. Gee, now I have a complex, thanks! lol (Just kidding). Basically, I have several clusters of cysts on both ovaries. Sometimes they hurt when I am laying down and turn over on to my side. Not really painful, it's the other side effects that suck. I never, ever have periods and never ovulate. Not good for someone who REALLY wants to have babies...... I also had a tumor on my left ovary, so a year and a half ago, I had surgery to remove the tumor and half of that ovary. /end of TMI
  5. Didn't know where to post this at, so I figured this was a good place.... Just wanted to see if anyone else has this? I was diagnosed in 2001. Anyhow, just curious!
  6. You only have to declare items you purchased in Mexico when you return. But....if you have all your OOT bag items or decorations in one suitcase, it may raise a flag. They may assume you are taking all of that stuff in to Mexico to sell. Maybe separate all those multiple items?
  7. I was initially goint to do them as programs but decided not to. Just going to have them in case it is too hot. Not sure blowing hot air is going to make much of a difference! ha!
  8. Awesome! And, can I just say you are rockin' that schedule! When do you plan on mailing them out? You are getting married 2 months before me and I have done NOTHING.
  9. Good luck and have a great time! You are going to be a beautiful bride!!!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by MikkiStreak This is the cheapest I found cadstock... Scrapbook Cardstock I love this site, thanks for mentioning it! BUT...It's only allowing me to have 2 items in my cart. Everytime I had something new, it kicks off something I previously had.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by akh I don't remember if these are the same thing, and no idea how many you need ... but I do have 29 that I am willing to part with for $10 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...tuff-sale.html Ann, I still can't see your pictures, but your description says they are small? I want to use them during the ceremony, so I like the 10" ones. Are they this size or smaller?
  12. Crap guys, it was late and I was sleepy. I just Googled for them. They look exactly like the ones on Oriental...same size and everything. They were actually less than the Oriental ones.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by akh I like them - especially since that's similar to what I did. I bought some aqua sea glass and Nicole (WC) scattered it around the centerpieces on the table. I know there is a picture in my slideshow - but I don't have a regular pic of it yet. eBay: Beach Glass Sea Glass BULK 150pcs Aqua Teal Beautiful (item 230146048556 end time Jun-30-07 21:36:01 PDT) Did you use them with votives also? Thanks ladies!
  14. Ha! That might make for some very interesting pictures to place in your wedding album.
  15. I know I have seen a few websites on here of where some have ordered the paper for their DIY invitations. Why can I not find it now? Anyone?
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