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Everything posted by Martha

  1. We are getting married on a Friday....we are having a non legal ceremony, so we only have to be there 2 days prior... We are either going Mon-Mon, if we stay a week OR Sat-the following monday if we do 9 days.
  2. You live in Texas! The weather will be a tad cooler in Mexico. We are getting married in late July....I live in South Texas though, so its a little hotter here in Dallas, but still! We will only be outside for a little while for the ceremony then pictures. If you want summer, do summer!
  3. Good luck and have a great time!!!!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by mlb36 Thanks for the advice. I was wondering if the font was a little boring. I'll search around for a more original font. Do you think I should put the dots on the dark blue one, or is it getting too busy? I think it's too busy and will take away from the starfish.
  5. I like the second one! You can download different fonts on dafonts.com maybe you can experiment some more?
  6. Yay!!! I can't wait to read all about it!!!!
  7. Of course you all can post the ones you made for me. I would do it now, but they are saved on my other computer. Let me know if you want me to post them tonight....or you can do it yourselves! Amy, Heidi and Paula all made great logos for me! I can't decide which one I want to use for my bags......................and, we may have gone back to our original colors of the turquiose and pink.
  8. You look beautiful!!! I LOVE the flowers! I am also very jealous your tan! I am like see-through! I need to get out more!
  9. I am bumping this, because I think it's pretty interesting. Jay and I have been to a strip club, I guess like 3 or 4 times together (with friends). Every time we have gone, it has ended in an argument. I swear, I don't know what it is, but all the girls are drawn to him. We can just be sitting there having a conversation and they will pull up a chair and talk to him. He doesn't get dances and never goes to the stage...I don't get it. Anyhow, I would MUCH rather him go to a club than have a stripper at someone's house.
  10. Wow, that was a long title. Anyhow...Instead of using a ring bearer pillow, I think I want to use a shell. Anyone else? Or anyone have another cute, non-traditional idea?
  11. Oh, Ann reminded me of another thing. We love to play card games in bef before we go to sleep! Maria~~ See, that would be Jay! I couldn't imagine what he would do if in the same situation. I can appreaciate the fact that he feels do deeply about it though.
  12. Maria~~ Jay appreciates the art more than I do. While I think are is beautiful. He kinda "studies" it in amazement. I think you are my twin! Leigh~~Does he ever get to travel with you when you do weddings?
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by leigh miller my hubbys an accountant. in his spare time he builds robots. need i say more? ahhhh......Do you have an "I :heart: Nerds" shirt? And, I mean that in the NICEST way possible. I "heart: nerds too, so its ok!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by akh he was! ironically i was brought onto that project for 6-8 weeks to teach him everything i knew so that he could be the internal support guy. well, 3+ years later, i was still there, and we were dating. there's also jokes about how he just never caught on, or that he played dumb so i'd have to stay. in reality their company just thought they could take on a full implementation and they couldn't, but that's the boring part of the story ... That is way cute! I bet you guys really got to know one another during that time though.
  15. Hey, Kelly~ I bet Everton feels so cool driving those vans! ha! My dad worked for a car dealership YEARS ago (before he went to school to become a teacher) and he would always pick me up from school in a different car. It was almost always a sports car. I think he was going through a mid-life crisis. lol Now he drives a PT Cruiser. ha!
  16. Kelly~ He actually quit working there for about 6 months late last year/early this year. We are so accustomed to the money that he couldn't find a job that would pay him what he's worth and we have tons of credit cards right now. Our plan is to pay for the wedding, pay off our debt then build a house we can afford with my just my income. He wants to go to school for drafting or maybe art. Art is is passion but you cant do much with an art degree. And, he doesnt want to teach. We dont have children so he wants to go to school before we have them (if we are able to have them). I worry about his constantly but it's actually pretty safe. He is cautious and follows all their safety rules. But, ya, I worry...too much sometimes. Maria~ Ha! I found that if I somehow got credit for what they were calling for, they were fine. I switched over to OUTBOUND calling for about one day! I was like "heck no!" Put me back on inbound! I can't sell a life support system to someone who is dying. I totally suck!
  17. I don't mean that extracurricular activity! (ETA: I didn't realize this smilie girl did that crazy werewolf thing. I thought she was just a girl. oops). I guess I must be missing Jay tons right now...I wanna know what you and your FI/DH do together! We love to hike, float the river, go to the beach, fish (well, he fishes, I read a book), shop (he is my most favorite person to shop with. He's honest and never complains.), go to museums, EAT (we love to try new restaurants. We don't like to try odd foods though.), go to the movies, go to amusement parks (We love the big, crazy rides!), camp, take weekend trips (when he is home) to new places. Ummm...I am sure there are more. You?
  18. Maria~ I worked for an inbound call center in college. I worked for MCI. Ugh! It was nuts! That's cute, Ann! Was he one of your clients?
  19. It's fun to read what we all do for a living. I think we all have pretty interesting jobs! So, I thought it would be neat to see what the men (or women) in our lives do for a living. Jay is a Dynamite Shooter for a seismic company. He works out of state (in various parts of the country) for 6 weeks then he's home for 2 weeks. He shoots dynamite under the ground to check for natural resources. No amimals are ever hurt because they do it underground. He is currently working in New York. I miss him tons. :heart: He works 13 hour days/7 days a week for 6 weeks. His 2 weeks home is lovely and I look forward to it! He does this job because he loves it but he is also doing it so we can save money for our wedding, a new home we hope to build soon and to provide a comfortable life for us. His being gone sucks but we have been doing it for 2 years already. I love him!
  20. Hmmm....Ya, that sucks. Maybe they can manage to pay by tomorrow or can get a deal somewhere else? I am sure it would mean a lot to Everton to have his family there...if they have a problem with you or Liam, you would think they would at least do it for Everton. I am sorry you are having to go through this.
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