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Everything posted by Martha

  1. We paid for ours ourself. We gave ourselves a small budget and just stuck with it. We didn't cut back anywhere and we were super lucky because for about 4 months, my husband worked in Alaska and made double the amount he normally does so we just used that money for the wedding.
  2. Thank you so much guys! He moved around a lot last night too, just not like that other night. He does move around more at night, just nothng like I felt the other night. Sarah, I think if I ever feel something isn't "right" I will call. But, ya they may think I am nuts for calling because he was so active. Being pregnant is so scary.
  3. Karma, I LOVE it! It is so girly and pretty! Congratulations, Laura! How far along are you? Lisa, I love your bump! I don't see a love handle either, silly!
  4. This used to be my all time favorite show....until they switched over to FX. I never really found out what time or day it came on....so I haven't even seen it in like 2+ years.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by futureeilen Too funny! We are just the opposite on ski vacations - we love to go to the local grocery store and pick up food to cook in our condo for breakfast/dinner (lunch on mountain, usually). I've heard good things about Beaver Run Resort in Breck, but I've never stayed there. They have everything from hotel rooms to 2BR suites. It's also ski in/ski out, which is great. Beaver Run Resort Good luck! I'm sure you'll have a great time no matter what. Are you planning to take ski lessons? Thanks! I will look in to Beaver Run. We are def. going to take ski lessons! Quote: Originally Posted by CaliaA07 I also thought of Wolf Creek and Durango has skiiing too. And lots of places to stay. And such yummy food (lots of restaurants)!!! Plus Durango has an airport! Don't forget if you fly to Denver you have to drive to wherever you're going. In the snow. You can also fly into Albuquerque and drive up if you're in SW CO. Are you bringing Noah or will it just be you 2? Thanks for the info! It will just be Jay and I...my parents will watch Noah. He will be about 13 months by then, so I think we (I) will be okay leaving him for 4 days or so. I think. I may change my mind about that! But, my parents may wanna come, so if they do, then he will come with us. My parents wont ski so they will watch him while we are out. I may like this idea better!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by futureeilen JustMartha - I went to Steamboat as a "beginner" skiier a few years ago - it was great! Lots of beginner and intermediate terrain. It's a nice little town, too. We stayed in a condo there, which would probably be more romantic than the Sheraton. Have you looked at this website for Steamboat lodging? Steamboat Hotels and Lodging - Search For All Steamboat Hotel and Lodging Options for Steamboat Springs, Colorado I prefer staying in condos vs hotels, because condos offer more space and a full kitchen (usually), so you're not dependent on restaurants for all meals. I would also recommend Breckenridge. It's a great skiing mountain and one of my favorite mountain towns. Lots of restaurants, shops, etc. It also has condos, hotels, and B&Bs, for lodging, depending on your budget and desired location. The website for Breck will have lodging options: Breckenridge Ski Resort :: Perfect Mountain. Perfect Mountain Town. Would you be flying into Denver and then driving? If so, be prepared for a semi-long drive to Steamboat...especially if it's bad weather. It's about 3 hours in GOOD weather from downtown Denver. I think you can also fly into Steamboat, or at least near it, but I've never done that... Breckenridge is about 1.5 hours from Denver. Have a great time! It would be hard to choose a "bad" skiing spot in Colorado. Thanks for all this! The reason we wanted a hotel and not a condo is because I don't like to cook on vacation. Actually I don't like to cook at all. ha! Yes, I have been to the Steamboat website. I found some other places that might be options for us. I have never heard of Breckenridge....I will check out that other site. Thanks! We would probably have to fly in to Denver. I know there is another smaller airport near Springboat, but I think it is like a county airort or something. I think the website says Springboat is about 157 miles from the Denver airport...I didn't even think about the snow or ice! eek. That would be a long drive! Thank you so much for your help!
  7. Well, skiing and snowboarding....that's it. Not in to anything else. I figured Aspen would be "ritzy." That would be great if you could ask around, thanks!
  8. Ya, he is usually more active at night, but this was off the charts. I think i am becoming a bit obsessd with his well being.
  9. Jay and I are planning a trip next winter. Looks like Steamboat is going to be our best option. Neither one of us has ever skied before so we are super excited about this trip....even though it is more than a year away. ha! I have been looking at hotels and condos and it looks like the Sheraton is going to be our best option, but I wanted opinions of those that have actually been there. We are looking for a place close to all the action but also a place that is a little romantic (not sure if Sheraton can offer the second). Anyone? Also....if someone wants to recommend a different location other than Steamboat, go for it! This is not set in stone yet! Thanks!
  10. I was hoping someone would say lack of movement means distress, thank you! I was just so scared....he was pounding away on me! Little turkey!
  11. I was going to ask this in the "mommies-to-be" thread, but figured I would get more answers out here since not everyone that has experience with babies reads that thread. How will I know if Noah is distressed in utero? This may sound silly, but since I am new to this and never thought it would happen, (and I am a worrier by nature) I am super extra cautious.... Last night when I was trying to go to bed, it felt like Noah was beating the crap outta me. At first I thought it was funny, but then I got scared. Like what if he was in distress and was fighting for his life. I mean, he was hitting/kicking/moving hard (couldn't tell which it was)! Should I be glad he was doing this or worried? I woke Jay up to feel it and he freaked out. If he was stressed, like if the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck or something, would I go in to labor or would I never know? Oh and I Googled and couldn't find any answers....
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Just Martha Here we go...I know all to well what it is like to not be able to concieve. My first husband and I tried for FOUR years to get pregnant (we never went to a specialist). Jay and I tried the entire first 3 years we were together (before we ever got married or engaged, just because we knew we would always be together. What can I say, we are not traditional people). Anyhow, every time someone got pregnant that I knew, it was a kick in the gut. Every time we went to the store and saw something cute for a baby I would end up in tears. I really, truly thought there was no hope for me. When I got pregnant in February, we already had an appt. scheduled for April for me to start fertility treatment. I do not have but 1-2 periods a year and do not ovulate. It just so happened that I had a period a few weeks before I gor pregnant and guess I ovulated! I also only have 1.5 ovaries (I had 1/2 of one removed when I had a tumor removed on it). Which doesn't matter because you can still get pregnant with a hair of an ovary. Why we finally got pregnant on our own I will never know. I am grateful and thank God everynight for Noah and the chance to be a mother. Had we not gotten pregnant in February, I would also be taking fertility drugs. If it worked and I got pregnant with twins or triplets, you can bet I would need some extra help around here. I will be staying home with Noah for a year and am scared outta my mind. No doubt I will become a crazy woman and I pray that Jay understands that it's because I am stressed and whatnot and not just because I am a b!tch. Wow, I have no idea where I was going with this.....I guess I am just so not opposed to fertility. And, yes if I knew I was pregnant with multiples, I am sure I would b1tch sometimes after they were born. Not because I didn't love them and was not grateful for them but because I was stressed. Sorry for the rambling. Anyhow, I still watch the show....I must say that when one of the gilrs (Hannah?) had to use the restroom when they showed the 4th of July show and Kate wouldn't let her go unitl they all gathered together to take a group picture. She had to wait quite a while to go potty and that made me sad. She should have just let her run up and pee. I am glad she didn't have an accident.
  13. Here we go...I know all to well what it is like to not be able to concieve. My first husband and I tried for FOUR years to get pregnant (we never went to a specialist). Jay and I tried the entire first 3 years we were together (before we ever got married or engaged, just because we knew we would always be together. What can I say, we are not traditional people). Anyhow, every time someone got pregnant that I knew, it was a kick in the gut. Every time we went to the store and saw something cute for a baby I would end up in tears. I really, truly thought there was no hope for me. When I got pregnant in February, we already had an appt. scheduled for April for me to start fertility treatment. I do not have but 1-2 periods a year and do not ovulate. I also only have 1.5 ovaries (I had 1/2 of one removed when I had a tumor removed on it). Which doesn't matter because you can still get pregnant with a hair of an ovary. Why we finally got pregnant on our own I will never know. I am grateful and thank God everynight for Noah and the chance to be a mother. Had we not gotten pregnant in February, I would also be taking fertility drugs. If it worked and I got pregnant with twins or triplets, you can bet I would need some extra help around here. I will be staying home with Noah for a year and am scared outta my mind. No doubt I will become a crazy woman and I pray that Jay understands that it's because I am stressed and whatnot and not just because I am a b!tch. Wow, I have no idea where I was going with this.....I guess I am just so not opposed to fertility. And, yes if I knew I was pregnant with multiples, I am sure I would b1tch sometimes after they were born. Not because I didn't love them and was not grateful for them but because I was stressed.
  14. This is horrible. I hope it dies down before it hits the U.S. I don't want it to hit us here in Texas and I certianly don't want it to hit the areas affected by Katrina either. I hate hurricane season!
  15. Karma, I forgot about his pharmacy. Bummer! Mo, that sucks. But at least you feel better! Maybe the line can come out soon though?
  16. Sorry, I don't have a link that I am referring to. We watch Nancy Grace every night before bed and she is following a case of a missing girl. Just an update for those of you that are following it....the tests came back from the body farm and basically there is evidence that there was a decomposing body in her truck at one time. So sad.... And, I agree, some people should not be "allowed" to have children. So many people worthy of having a baby can't have one.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by KarmaB Oh yeah, I totally understand. I'm a huge planner so I just wanted to know too, regardless. I did both as well, Steve just was being a cheap-o cause he didn't want to pay the $600 for them. LOL. Do you have insurance? Mine covered the tests. My doctor didn't even give me an option....he just scheduled the blood work.
  18. We have been following this since Caylee was reported "missing." All along I was hoping that she was indeed with a friend of her mothers, Casey, but back in my mind, I knew she wasn't. I guess the findings today prove she is probably dead. Makes my heart so sad.....
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by JoLo908 You know what, someone said to me the other day, it is summer here in NJ too and it will be hot here too... My friend got married three years ago June 11th in NJ and it was so hot and humid, we all thought we were going to pass out. She still jokes around about how muggy it was lol... so, it is what you make of it right?! Very true! I bet everything will be totaqlly fine!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Lizz I got the results from the genetic testing yesterday and all is well. They said the risk is 1:10,000 of having a baby with Down Syndrome or Trisomy 18. The genetic counselor said it was an excellent score for my age, so I'm very relieved. Thanks for all of the good vibes! Awesome news, Lizz!
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