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Everything posted by Martha

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by gossip girl Ohmygosh I am so worried. I saw on CNN that it will be really bad Even up in Toronto we are watching the updates and hoping that everyone in Texas and in the path are safe and will continue to be safe. "Just Martha", I know I don't know you but from readings posts and stuff it oddly feels like I do! I REALLY hope everything goes well and that your in-laws are really well prepared. Please update us often because we worry!!!! Thank you! That was sweet of you..I think we are good here! Quote: Originally Posted by monicaswave I'm in Houston and the hurricane is coming this way. We are going to ride out the storm and think we are as ready as can be. We are far away from the shore where I think we will be ok but I am still a bit worried. We also have friends and family coming over from areas around here that were forced to evacuate. Hope all works out ok. oh no! Be safe! Try and keep us posted. I hope you guys have plenty of food and water, just in case. I'll keep you in my thoughts!
  2. I think we are in the clear where I'm at....just winds up to 55 mph and major rain. We can handle that. Sounds like Houston and Galveston are gonna get the hit of it. My in-laws live about 20 min south of Galveston and had mandatory evacuation and they aren't leaving. Jay is pissed....and worried! We are 4 hours south of Houston.... Morgan, since Victoria is only 2 hours from Houston, they are gona get stronger winds and the rain, but hopefully that's it!
  3. I'll keep in contact....looks like it's going to hit above us now...yay for us, boo for them. I am feeling good right now...nothing going on. We bought a crapton of water and food we can eat just in case we lose power....then my mom came home with a generator! ha! I am glad we are staying with my parents right now...I feel like I have to take care of them, even though they are in better "condition" than I am!
  4. I don't think it's tacky....down here it's expected. Just a matter of the culture, I guess. At my first wedding the DJ just announced it was our Dollar Dance and we were like "okay." Since we have never doscussed having one. Here the best man gets money from the women that wana dance with the groom and the maid of honor gets money from the guys that wanna dance with the bride. Jay and I didn't do this though....seems silly at a DW since everyone paid so much to go to your wedding.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari Oh my goodness! So what exactly our storm windows? Is everyone else in your town evacuating? So far they have a mandatory evacuation for the handicap & elderly. I think everyone I know is staying. People here don't like to leave the homes they raised their families in and stuff....which scares me because all the deaths that happened because of Katrina. Storm windows are double paned and are supposed to withstand hurricanes. That's all I know...it's my parents house and they say they are safe, so I am going with that! Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel Oh no Martha. I didn't realize this could send you into premature labor. So now I'm scared for you. I'm a sissy though and don't know a thing about hurricanes, but are you sure you shouldn't evacuate? What if you do go into labor? Could you get to a hospital? Ok, sorry if I'm dramatic, but I only have TV as my experience to a hurricane. LOL It's the change in barometric pressure that causes labor. My OB's office called to reschedule my appt. that was supposed to be tomorrow and I asked the nurse what she thought about me staying and she said it was up to me but because I was only 32 weeks I am probably okay, but if I was further along, evacuation would be best. But she said if I felt like I needed to go then to go. If I go into labor and have to go to the hospital here, Jay can't stay with me. Only patients will be allowed. Could you imagine me having Noah w/o Jay there Now, that is what freaks me out. I am just gonna take it easy and hope and pray that nothing happens. Usually I am a worrier, but I feel okay about this.
  6. Lisa, Luke is gonna be a good size! I wanna know how big Noah is....now I have to wait another week. It's nice that you will be home for Turkey Day..but just to warn ya, I hear the contractions are horrid when they induce. Of course I don't know personally tough.... Oh and right now I am still in pain (re: the va jay jay) and I am having a little trouble breathing, but I think that it might be allergies. This little man is having a dance party in my belly right now. He must like the nuggets I just ate! Shea, I like the first bedding! It's sooo cute!
  7. Yari- We will get something outta this...yesterday they said the "eye" was going to hit in my town, but now they are saying it might hit 2 hours north of us, kinda near where Morgan is from. If we just get rain and wind, that will be fine with me. We have storm windows on our home, so I don't think we will be boarding up...But, the house was built in the 20s and I know older homes are supposed to be built better. Hopefully!
  8. Mo- Our birthing class is $75 (or $20/session) but it's only once a week for 4 weeks at 1.5 hours each, so it sounds like yours is longer...I think they even out to be the same amount? Shea- Congratulations!!! Had you bought any boy stuf yet or were you waiting to see for sure? Good news about the placenta!
  9. I'm in Kingsville, Morgan. Looks like the hurricane is gonna hit us and will be at least a Cat 3. I am staying out and not evacuating....I would hate to have to deliver at the hospital here and not in Corpus because it SUCKS and they wont let Jay in, but my parents are staying and I am not gonna leave them. Normally I wouldn't even worry, but I have never been through a hurricane while pregnant! eek!
  10. I love the pictures, Karma! She sure does have some long fingers! ha! So cute!! I had an OB appt scheduled for tomorrow but had to reschedule for next Tues. because my doc's office is closing up shop today because of the hurricame. It's headed right for us...I decided to stay put and just hope and pray I don't go into pre term labor.
  11. I thought it was a Spanish thing also...we had one at my first wedding. In fact, every wedding I have ever been to down here there has been a dollar dance.
  12. I actually live in Corpus now....actually 35 minutes south of Corpus. I could always go to San Antonio but I don't even know if that will be a good option. We probably wont leave. My parents are here and I know they wont leave, so we will stay with them. I am not sure when exactly it is they will know when it's gonna hit...Normally I wouldn't care if it came here (I mean, I would, but I have already been through a few) but I so do not want to deliver now.
  13. Looks like that little bugger is headed right towards where I live. It could hit us head on or 300 miles north or 300 miles south. At the very least we will get tons of rain and tons more mosquitos than we already have. We haven't been able to go on our nightly walk because we get eaten alive by those little guys. I hope Ike isn't a Cat 3 by the time he hits land. I also hope the change in air pressure doesn't cause me to go into labor early!
  14. In all honesty, looking at girls on the internet may be the issue. If he is taking care of business himself, he may not want to have sex with you because he has already uh, pleasured himself. Know what I mean? It's easy for me to say to put a parental block on the computer, but in reality that would probably just piss him off and make things worse. You could always ask him to not look at the girls, but he probably wouldn't do that either. I would say just let him look at the girls then go have sex with you instead of himself, but I don't think that would make you feel good, because YOU should be the one turning him on. Could you look at the pictures together then get busy together? Don't know how I would personally feel about that one, but I am just giving you options.... Maybe he doesn't feel like he is "man enough" for you....does he have issues with arousal? Or maybe he doesn't feel like he lasts long enough? Sometimes there are underlying issues and sometimes there isn't. But, you are right, intimacy is important in a marriage...and I think it's better to work on it now then try to work on it after you are married. And don't worry about being too personal here...there have been topics more personal than this before. In fact, sharing here may be good, maybe some of the men could give their thoughts on this?
  15. 10:30pm-2:15am..WITH Tylenol PM.
  16. We were painting Noah's room last night and totally forgot about the episode that came on before the VMAs. I know Brody calls out Stephanie, anything else exciting happen? Didn't he and Doug end up in jail or is that tonight?
  17. Lisa! I can't wait to see the final product! We started painting Noah's room last night. I LOVE the color...it's going to take so long to do the mural though. I wanted to get some letters for Noah's name also...thanks for the link!
  18. This thread is like my own little blog! My insomnia blog... well, I slept from 9:30pm-11:30pm last night. I woke up when Jay's sister called and haven't gone back to bed. I tried to fall back to sleep but, no luck. It's now 5 am. I have to go make b-fast in 30 minutes... I have a doctor's appt at 11am, so I doubt I will be able to fall asleep after Jay goes to work. What's the point? :girl _werewolf:
  19. That was the MOST BORING VMAs EVER!!! I didn't even know most of the people performing or receiving awards. I must be getting old. I fell asleep at 9:30 watching it. I had a nice nap, now I will be up all darn night!
  20. ya, A few weeks ago US Weekly was talking about Paris' ring. Oh man, I forgot the Hills was coming on before the VMAs. I just turned it on...
  21. Only name I need to worry about this year is Noah! Come to think of it, I have never had any unusual names....well, I had a Cordero 2 years ago. Not too bad though.
  22. Is it your day already?! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I can't wait to hear all about it and see your pictures!!!
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