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Everything posted by Martha
Calia, The problem with the ceiling fans is that the monitor would not go off once the baby was taken out of the crib while the monitor was turned on. Did you take the baby out and leave the monitor on to see if the monitor would go off? People were saying it wouldn't go off because the monitor was picking up on the movement of the fan and not the baby. I would be interested to see what happens. Can you do this? We are going to buy the monitor soon but would love to know the outcome of your experiment.
Now that is a joke that MY damn doctor would say. Ugh!
Quote: Originally Posted by Anthony'sGirl I went to my doctor the week before I was due and I was only 3cm dilated and the baby hadn't dropped yet. He scheduled an induction for the Monday after I was due. I think that totally scared me into labour!! I went into labour Tuesday (the same day of my apt) and had my little girl on Wednesday. That and I did TONS of walking and I had a membrane sweep.. which hurt more than my contractions!! If you really want to get the ball rolling I recommend you ask for one.. just be prepared for about 45 secs of torture!! My daughter didn't drop because her arm was stuck. So. after almost 12 hours of labour they gave me the option of c-section or forceps.. I went for the forceps even though I was terrified. It turned out to be the best decision I made though.. they did an awesome job and she didn't have any bruising or marks Anyways, I went way off topic there.. I hope you go into labour before the 5th and don't worry.. baby doesn't always drop. Sometimes they will drop when you go into labour GOOD LUCK! I have read a little about membrane sweeps, guess I should read more about it. I am such a wuss when it comes to pain though. Was the forceps decision a hard one? Did they let you know if there would be any complications or risks? I hope he drops on his own and that I dialate on my own. I've heard contractions are way worse when you are induced. Lisa, that is NUTS!!! What did James say? I don't think Jay would want to have sex anymore if I told him that! ha! Oh, and Jay has no idea hat 11/05 is my ex's b-day. I didn't tell him...they don't exactly have a great relationship with one another (ha!) and I don't want him to have a negative reminder of that day (IF he is born that day).
Quote: Originally Posted by Anthony'sGirl Also, when did you start putting your baby in their own crib at night?? It makes me nervous.. so I haven't done it yet. London is almost 8 weeks old. My son isn't here yet, but ideally I wanted to keep him in our room (in a bassinett) for the first 3 months. However, I really have no idea if this will happen. I think you should do whatever feels right! Quote: Originally Posted by katrina i'm not a mom or a nanny.. infact i don't even know any babies right now (isn't that so sad?) buuuuut this fan versus sids statement seems like apples to oranges to me. i would definately want anything available that would possible help my baby live, even if that meant the possibililty of an ear infection.. (although i have heard that babies are absolutely miserable when they get one) I agree...But, ya, babies are so miserable when they have ear infections. Definitely apples to oranges though! Quote: Originally Posted by TA Maureen Thanks for posting Martha! I just read this on MSN too. I told DH that he better install a ceiling fan instead of just a light in the nursery as well! I don't see how having one could hurt so why not? My issue is that we keep our bedroom super cool at night (65 degrees) and we have a ceiling fan and a stand up fan. I think I mostly use the stand up fan for the noise, but we are buying another white noise machine so that will help there. Neither one of us can sleep if we are too warm and Jay exudes body heat, so I always wake up hot next to him. I read that babies should sleep in rooms that are 68-70 degrees. I wonder if we will have to adjust our thermostat to kep it safe for Noah? Oh wait, it just dawned on me that he will be here in November, so it might be a little cooler outside and we wont have to keep the thermostat so cold.
Quote: Originally Posted by CaliaA07 But we use the angel monitor and he has a fan going and it doesn't mess with it. Just for people to know who want to use that monitor and fans. All the reviews that I have read (lots!) on the AngelCare Monitor all state that if they had problems with the monitor it was because of a ceiling fan. Sometimes they would take the baby out of the crib and accidentally leave the monitor on, but it wouldn't alert them because of the motion of the celing fan. Do you guys test his periodically? We plan on getting the monitor, but keep the ceiling fan off and bring in a stand up fan... Quote: Originally Posted by Lizz Thanks, Martha. I read something about this on Baby Center today and already emailed Mike to tell him we should get a ceiling fan instead of just a light installed in the nursery. Good idea! I am so paranoid about everything...including SIDS.
I saw this on the evening news last night then again today on the Today Show... Fans (not just ceiling fans) may help reduce the risk of SIDS. It is important to keep the air/oxygen flowing in the room and not at a stand still. I was going to post this in the mommyto-be thread, but I thought it might be useful for all BDWers! Only downside is if you have the AngelCare Monitor, it may not work right because of the fan movement....
Well, I am pissed. More at myself than my doctor....He did my cervix check then asked if I have had any contractions. I told him no and then he said the baby hasn't dropped and I am not effaced or dialated. He then got out his calendar and said if I don't progress on my own then I will be induced on Nov. 5th. I was thrown off by the talk about inducing and even more thrown off because it's my ex's birthday. ha! Anyhow, after he told me about the induction, he walked out....it was then that I realized I needed to ask about the GBS test. So, I HAVE to ask next week FOR SURE! Lisa, I hope your appt goes well! The fair sounds fun, but how are you gonna do the Walk for the Cure? I would have to stop all the time to go potty! Lizz, I am HUGE, and everyone is different. My best friend had a baby almost 4 weeks ago and she only gained 11 pounds her entire pregnancy. Her baby was 7 pounds .05 ounces. I popped at like 12 or 14 weeks or so....I bet it will happen soon then you can wear your maternity clothes. I never felt Noah move much until after 20 weeks. Karma, looks like you will be the next Mommy since Noah is too comfy in here! Yay!
Thanks, everyone! My appt is tomorrow....I am just gonna ask him. If he says no, I will beg and plead at the hospital for them to give me antibiotics!
Quote: Originally Posted by JHarwood2Be Martha, I'm so sorry your doctor and office are being so difficult and stressing you out so much. GBS is a big deal and testing at 26 weeks seems crazy. If he won't retest you, find someone that will before you go into labor. Another option is to demand antibiotics in labor. I am a L&D RN and we give either Penicillin, Ancef or Clindamycin to GBS unknown. Our rule of thumb is to have at least one dose in for 4 hours prior to delivery. Good luck to you! How would I get someone else to retest me if the hospital wont do it? I am asking my OB tomorrow about it. I hope he agrees to! Do you think I could just beg and plead at the hospital for them to give me antibiotics just in case? Do the antibiotics cause harm for the baby? My friend had some and her baby was born with a fever and she was told it was probably because of the antibiotics?
I love it, Lisa!!! Everything looks great! Jay is really slacking on finishing the mural...he has been working til 8pm then he is just too tired. I hope it gets finishd soon!
Jaime, How is the Armour working for ya? I ran out of refills on my Synthroid, so I got my doctor to refill it for one more month. I need to go in and see him after Noah is born for lab work...but I think I need to look at my other options. How ya feeling?
You are right. I am just going to grow some cajones and do it. I love your maternity picture! We were supposed to take ours this weekend but Jay has to work mandatory overtime. I so wanted to take them.... A very good friend of mine named her baby Madelyn Grace too. Nice choice! It is a very sweet name.
Ya, I just need to relax. I am such a worrier by nature though.
All this just confirms that I am definitely switching doctors after Noah is born. I wish I could just do it now!!! I don't even want him to be the one to deliver Noah. I wonder what the chances are that he will? Thanks girls....And, Karma I am glad you told us about your friend. I think it made it that easier to voice my opinion about this. Oh and FYI...October is SIDS Awarness Month. This is another thing that stresses me out. Jay asked me last night if I wanted to have another baby and I told him I didn' think so. He asked why and I told him that it's supposed to be the best time of my life and yet it is the most stressful.
I just called L&D the nurse says they will not test me at the hospital. She says that if I am not comfortable with being tested too early to just talk to my doctor. I hate this.
Okay, now I am mad. I just called and spoke to the nurse at my OBs office. She says that he prefers to test earlier and that they have had other women ask why they were tested so early also. The nurse says being tested at 26 weeks is okay. I told her that everything I read says 35-37 weeks and she says 26 is fine. Ummm. NOT what I wanted to hear. I am still going to ask him about it on Tuesday, but WTH? Lisa, the baby dropping I think just means that he is positioning himself for delivery! WOoot!
I was going to ask the birthing class teacher about the test, but I do't know if she would really know? She is an RN, so she might? I am going to mention it on Tuesday and hope I don't offend him. I need to be tested again!!! Lisa, you have definitely dropped! So cute! I am so mad I didn't take pictures like you did! I could still start now, but still...what a slacker I am!
Karma, I have been doing a lot of reading on GBS and everything says 35-37 weeks...why would my doctor test me 8-10 weeks early? Doesn't make sense! Surely he knows when to do it? I will be discussing this with him next week. I haven't had any BH...that I know of anyhow. It's making me feel like Noah is going to come late or something. Although I know not all women get them.... We had our first birthing class tonight. We liked it. Jay learned a lot... I think he thought it was going to be boring, but he actually paid attention. Next week we learn massage techniques for our coaches to do on us. Woot!
You are right Joanna! I have an appt next Tuesday and I am going to casually ask when they are going to test me for GBS and when they say they already have, I am going to ask why so early and that everything I hae read says it should be done between weeks 35 and 37. I will ask to be restested..If he declines I am going to talk to the doctor on call when I go in and deliver and ask when they normally test, show them I was tested 8 weeks too early and ask for the damn antibiotic just in case. I am worried that if I ask my OB to test me again and he does that he may do a have ass job because he is annoyed I asked then I wont get an accurate reading. I woke up at 1am w/ this on my mind and I can't go back to sleep. I don't want to have to worry about this!!
That is horrible, Kelly. Good thing the nurses didn't let him in! Unfortunately, it's just him...he is also a pharmacist, but this is his practice. I wonder if it's not too late to just switch to a new one Except that I have already paid $460, the 10% of what my insurance doesn't pay to this doctor....UGH. I am so frustrated. And, to top it all off, he tested me for Group B Strep about 8 weeks to early and now I don't know if the test came back accurate. WTF?
I just checked my little card I take to my appts, where they write down all my info and they did it on 7/30, which was 2 months ago!!! I was like 27ish weeks! Ugh! I am so frustrated...I am gonna grow some canjones and just ask him to redo it. I just dont want to offend him. I mean, what if he tests everyone this early? I just need to get brave for my baby's sake and do it, right? So sad about your friend and her baby. I hope she makes a speedy recovery and doesn't have any negative setbacks.
GBS? Is that the strep B test? The vagina swab? If so, I have a problem with this because I had mine way early....like 24 weeks or something! I had it before my friend had hers and she was 9 weeks ahead of me! When I told her I had it done, she was shocked...I thought it was kinda early too because I could always develop the yeast or whatever before I deliver! Are we talking about the same thing? If so, what should I tell him? I mean he is a doctor....how do I ask him to do it again w/o insulting him
Thanks girls, I am so frustrated. I guess I can hang on until after Noah gets here. I don't even want him to deliver Noah at this point!
I posted this in the mommy-to-be thread, but there isn't a whole lof of us in there, and I need more thoughts/feeback. It's long, I am sorry. ********************* I had an OB appt and I am SO frustrated with my doctor. I am totally changing doctors after Noah is born. He has been my OB/GYN since I was 16. He is the one that diagnosed my PCOS (after I took him some stuff I found on the internet) and he is the one that removed the tumor from my ovary and half of that ovary...He has always taken his time with me and took time to talk to me and stuff..However, since I got pregnant, I feel like just a number and he doesn't take time to sit with me and ask if I have any questions. He is also my mom's OB/GYN and she says that she has noticed he is real rushed when she goes to see him also.... This is how my appt went yesterday...The nurse does weight check (still only up 22 pounds, no weight gain since my last appt 2 weeks ago), did urine sample, blood pressure. Went into examination room. She asked if I have had any contractions, if the baby is still moving a lot, etc...Asks if I have any problems or issues....I tell her that I still have a lot of vaginal pain and discharge and that for the past week I have had a sweet taste in my mouth that wont go away and that I can never quench my thirst. Super thirsty all the time! She says I still have sugar in my urine, so she will talk to him about it. She writes everything down and has me get undressed for the exam then leaves. After a few minutes of waiting, my doctor & nurse come in. Says that he doesn't know what the sweet taste in my mouth is, but it's probably just because I am pregnant. Ummm. oKay, nice answer. He ignores the fact that my last 3 or 4 visits have shown sugar in my urine. He doesn't ask me any questions about my discharge nor my pain. He does the exam, which is super painful...He is a big man with big hands and fingers. blah! Anyhow, baby is still way up high and cervix is not softening yet. He pulls me up and tells me he will see me in a week. He is a jokester, so I wasn't real surprised when he said, have sex 3x a day to soften up the cervix. I started laughing and said "ya right!" He said "why not? This is what got you in this situation to begin with." I said "ya, but not 3x a day!" He said "oh, well just lay there!" I totally knew he was joking and wasn't offended at all. He was saying all this as he was walking out the door. He never asked if I had any questions or anything. UMMMM HELLO! I had questions to ask....like the sugar in my urine, if the baby is head down, can we tell about how big he is, my vaginal pain..ughhh! He was wearing his hospital scrubs, so I don't know if he had a busy morning at the hospital or what, but this is how all my appts with him have been since March! WTF? You are getting PAID to essentially take care of me. Make sure I fell okay before you just run out. I told Jay and he was upset about the sex comment because he doesn't think the way it was said was appropriate. He was also mad because he is concerned about the sugar in the urine... I came home and Googled to see if I could figure this out on my own. It seems that because I passed the GTT, I am probably okay. Sometimes there will be sugar in the urine because of the kidney filtration. It's not too uncommon with preg women. This is reassuring. I had my dad check my blood sugar this morning and it was 80. So, I guess all is well there, but still!!!!
How are you feeling, Lisa? Anymore stomach issues? I had an OB appt and I am SO frustrated with my doctor. I am totally changing doctors after Noah is born. He has been my OB/GYN since I was 16. He is the one that diagnosed my PCOS (after I took him some stuff I found on the internet) and he is the one that removed the tumor from my ovary and half of that ovary...He has always taken his time with me and took time to talk to me and stuff..However, since I got pregnant, I feel like just a number and he doesn't take time to sit with me and ask if I have any questions. He is also my mom's OB/GYN and she says that she has noticed he is real rushed when she goes to see him also.... This is how my appt went yesterday...The nurse does weight check (still only up 22 pounds, no weight gain since my last appt 2 weeks ago), did urine sample, blood pressure. Went into examination room. She asked if I have had any contractions, if the baby is still moving a lot, etc...Asks if I have any problems or issues....I tell her that I still have a lot of vaginal pain and discharge and that for the past week I have had a sweet taste in my mouth that wont go away and that I can never quench my thirst. Super thirsty all the time! She says I still have sugar in my urine, so she will talk to him about it. She writes everything down and has me get undressed for the exam then leaves. After a few minutes of waiting, my doctor & nurse come in. Says that he doesn't know what the sweet taste in my mouth is, but it's probably just because I am pregnant. Ummm. oKay, nice answer. He ignores the fact that my last 3 or 4 visits have shown sugar in my urine. He doesn't ask me any questions about my discharge nor my pain. He does the exam, which is super painful...He is a big man with big hands and fingers. blah! Anyhow, baby is still way up high and cervix is not softening yet. He pulls me up and tells me he will see me in a week. He is a jokester, so I wasn't real surprised when he said, have sex 3x a day to soften up the cervix. I started laughing and said "ya right!" He said "why not? This is what got you in this situation to begin with." I said "ya, but not 3x a day!" He said "oh, well just lay there!" I totally knew he was joking and wasn't offended at all. He was saying all this as he was walking out the door. He never asked if I had any questions or anything. UMMMM HELLO! I had questions to ask....like the sugar in my urine, if the baby is head down, can we tell about how big he is, my vaginal pain..ughhh! He was wearing his hospital scrubs, so I don't know if he had a busy morning at the hospital or what, but this is how all my appts with him have been since March! WTF? You are getting PAID to essentially take care of me. Make sure I fell okay before you just run out. I told Jay and he was upset about the sex comment because he doesn't think the way it was said was appropriate. He was also mad because he is concerned about the sugar in the urine... I came home and Googled to see if I could figure this out on my own. It seems that because I passed the GTT, I am probably okay. Sometimes there will be sugar in the urine because of the kidney filtration. It's not too uncommon with preg women. This is reassuring. I had my dad check my blood sugar this morning and it was 80. So, I guess all is well there, but still!!!! UGH. OMG, sorry that was so long!