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Everything posted by Martha

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMrsB I just wanted to tell you girls, Bye! We are getting picked up at 7 in the am and I don't think I will have time to get on in the morning. Talk to you soon! You are gone by now, but I hope you have a fabulous time and I can't wait for the pictures!!!
  2. Are you getting married at GBP? If so, it's a new ceremony and no one from here has done it yet because they are not offering it until October or November (I think). If you search for bahia using the search button at the top right of this page, go towards the end of the thread and someone mentions it. I can't tell you what page it is on, because I have my page settings set to show me 30 posts per thread before it goes to a new page and some people have it set to only 10....dos that make sense? ha!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by BlissfulMsMiranda Hmm ... just checked and that album was released in '99 ...so almost 11 years old! It's such an amazing song though ... Ha! Yeterday when you posted that I saw your number of posts and was thinking it was your age for som reason, so I thought you wre 28, not that you had 28 posts! ha! Anyhow...I cannot believe it is that old! Where does the time go?
  4. Congratulations Amy & Hans! Your day has finally arrives and I know it is going to be fabulous! Can't wait for your review and pictures!
  5. We got an awesome deal on luggage recently at Macy's too! I love Macys sales! Good find, Alyssa!
  6. "Stellar" is 11 years old? Cute story! You can whatever song you want! Who said it had to be traditional? I love that song!
  7. Crap, I totally forgot the 50 person min. We are only having 35, so I def. don't wanna pay for 15 extra ppl we wont have! that bites! Okay, more questions.... Do they provide knife and cake server (like the silver kind, not an actual person to serve the cake) for the wedding cake or should I buy one? Also, what about champagne flutes? Should I bring my own or will they have some nice looking ones for us since they are providing champagne? Not that I will be drinking champagne anyway. Okay and I was just looking at some pictures that Jazmin sent me...she said I would be having my dinner there...it's the Tortuga restaurant....but in the pictures it kina looks like a buffet. Anyone know? And, I don't get to pick my restaurant? I thought I did.
  8. Cute pictures! I love the baby pool, ha! The cake pops look so good!
  9. okay, I spoke with my friend earlier who took Lomas to EDR and two of their guests had things stolen from them during the transfer. I don't know exactly how since it was via text and I didn't get in to it too much...I should ask him, I guess. I don't know if it was luggage that someone else on a different stop got or if there were things taken out of luggage....wouldn't that be kinda hard to do though?
  10. Never heard of it...sounds like fun though!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Dez921714 He just left. Screaming about how he can't stand me, the dogs, the house adn wants out. Threatened to take all the money out of our joint account, so I moved all but $280 into my account and changed my password (I don't want payments to bounce). It's all BS and I don't deserve to put up with this. I think I'm done. I don't know how or what I'll say if/when he comes back but I can't keep putting myself through this. I love him, but is it worth it? okay, this is getting ridiculous. He is abusing you emotionally and that is NOT okay in my book. He is hurting you and whether he realizes it or not, it isn't okay. I am sure you are really sad and upset, but you really have to think about yourself. There is a reason he is acting this way....you got great advice the past week or so. But I think the circumstances are changing. Maybe he really does want out....or maybe he is just stressed. No one knows but him. And,until he is man enough to sit down with you and talk about it, you'll never know. Can you get away for a few days, maybe the weekend and go stay with relatives somewhere? I kow you probably don't want to spend money on a hotel after you have to pay for Roto-Ruter, but I think some time to clear your head will do you some good. DO NOT worry about the people that have already booked their flights. I am sure they will understand! Think about yourself and only yourself for a little while.
  12. We didn't even register for gifts. We don't need anything because we have been living together for almost 4 years, so we have everything we need. But, we still have people asking...we just told them that them going down there with us is all we need. However, you really can't stop people from bringing gifts...if they do, you may have an extra suitcase with you anyhow after you hand out OOT bag stuff, wedding decoration and whatever else you take down there that you will not want to bring back. Maybe you'll get lucky and just get money.
  13. Most wait 2-3 before they get them back...it takes a lot of time to edit the pictures to perfection. Plus most photographers have other weddings/engagements/etc to shoot and edit also. It sucks to wait, but I bet you will be so happy with the outcome it will have been worth the wait!
  14. Monica everything looks great!!! You looked so beautiful!
  15. Great review, Amy! I can't wait to see your pictures, I know they are going to be stunning! ETA: I see the pictures now..you guys are such a great looking couple! You looked fabulous on your wedding day!
  16. Maura, I posted this for Amy in our July thread.... When my BFF got married, she had a chocolate theme. Anyhow, her escort Hershey bars were wrapped in tiffany blue paper and our names were in chocolate brown.....she had steak or salmon as her menu choices. If you ordred steak you also had chocolate brown polka dots on your escort card, if you ordered salmon you had stripes. They were SUPER cute, but I got drunk and ate mine instead of keeping it. ha! Maybe a sly little thing like this is possible for you? Or maybe use different color paper for the cards is an option too?
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by happyone I am kinda in mellow do nothing mode right now. I have to put my dog to sleep on Saturday and I am too bummed to do anything right now. The wedding just doesn't seem as crucial right this second. I am cleaning like crazy though. I think it's my way of coping. I am so sorry to hear this. I know you must be feeling pretty bummed. We had to put our baby girl, Cali the Calico, to sleep last summer. It was SO hard, but she was really sick, so I knew it was the best thing for her. We only had her for 3 years, but she was soooo much a part of our little family. I still miss her...I hope you can light in this. :hug:
  18. I swear there was another thread started on this earlier. There are several threads out there already on "must haves." You can search the forum by using the search button located on the top right of this page
  19. Took the words right out of my mouth, Drea. I do not really have a list (other than the traditinal ones)....I am letting my photographer do her thing.
  20. Mo, Ya I had vaginal sonogram, or whatever it's called....I get them every year because they have to check the cysts on my ovaries. I also had the vaginal sono my 6th week appt. and my 14 week appt. It is not that bad, just slightly uncomfortable. It takes a while, like longer than a pap, so that is bothersome also, but really not bad at all. And, it will be so worth it when you see the baby...well, you already know that because you already have a baby.
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