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Everything posted by Martha

  1. None of the Macy's down here carry it....I wonder if it's regional? Thanks, Yari!
  2. I just gave my last 12 away, but Oriental Trading sells them in packs of 6.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by nisha98 Must be something in the water around here; add me to the list of expecting. I'm about 6 weeks and will be 8 weeks when I get married in 2 weeks so hopefully I have no dress problems. I go for the final fitting tomorrow so I guess we will see. Congratulations!!! We are wedding date twins! I hope your dress fits! I am sure it will! I will be 6 months pregnant and I had to get an entirely new dress!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by becks I have an appointment at the Laura Mercier counter at Nordy's on the 19th. I'm excited!! Yay! Do you already wear her line? If not, I hope you love it! Quote: Originally Posted by LadyCheese WoW $420!! I would've been in makeup heaven!! I love makeup but I havent tried the Laura Mercier brand YET....I'm late on this thread but I'm glad I read through it bc pretty soon I want to make an appt at one of their counters and check it out. thx for sharing all the info. Yes, it was a lot, but I bought everything. I am trashing my Clinique and only wearing this, so it was like starting out all over. Next time I won't need so much and won't need brushes too often! I hope you love her line!
  5. Oh and your guests can also stay on the Tulum and Coba side and you don't have to pay a fee for them to go to your wedding or anything.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Chiquita Hi Martha.. I went to MAC and bought their foundation and brush. It works wonders to use a brush.. I never realized because I would usually just use foundation to cover up my problem areas and put it on with my finger. Once I started using a brush it just went on soooo much more smoothly and evenly. I will squeeze a bit of foundation on the back of my hand, and dip my brush into it and apply to my face.. love it!!! Excellent! That's how the artist at the Laura Mercier counter I went to yesterday told me how to do it. I am going to try it tomorrow when I have errands to run. I never put make-up on when I am just going to be home all day. Thanks!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by jkcz0702 I was wondering what kind of rates you gals got for your groups. We are getting them and they seem to keep changing and are a bit higher then I would have expected (even after we reserved 25 airline seats). Also my TA just told me that the standard rooms sold out for the week of our wedding so that means all of our guest will have to book the junior suites, sounds kind of strange right. One of the reasons we booked this resort was due to the number of rooms. If it is sold out already and our wedding is not until Feb now I am starting to panic. hmmmm. That's weird. I would go to funjet.com and check their rates and availability. My TA charged the same exact rate that was on funjet. Quote: Originally Posted by Corvette79 Ladies! I am so excited!!!! Claudia Rodriguez just confirmed that she herself is available for our wedding day, i am putting the deposit down right now!!!!! YAY That is awesome! Your pictures are going to be great!!!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by nikkianddean i hate foundation and never wear it. BUT when I get my makeup done at one of the counter they always use a brush and it looks really nice. You can get lessons from most places if you want to learn how to do it "like a pro" You are lucky! I have to wear foundation! I got my make-up done yesterday, but didn't really pay attention to the technique or whatever. I did buy a brush like the one she used though.
  9. That is so exciting! My SIL is doing hair and that relieves so much stress on me!
  10. I don't think so. I know some Sephoras carry it (mine doesn't) and Saks. Not sure where else. She has a website and you can search for locations near you that carry it. Laura Mercier: Cosmetics, Makeup, Skin Care, Perfume and Bath and Body from the creator of the Flawless Face
  11. Cute pictures! Your FI's mom looks so young! Good genes! And, I have already said this, but you guys make a beauiful couple!
  12. Yep, makes sense! I am a horrible painter...I hope I can do this. I just imagine myself having streaks! Guess I should take a shower and experiment.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Mylee84 you girls need to try bare essentials! It works wonderful, but is only a poweder! no lines around the face!! =) I tried BE and I hated it...I know I am the oddball. Made my face SUPER oily. Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 If its liquid I use the clinique brush its great just like painting you face lol But I've developed an allergy to that so I now use bare escentuals when I use makeup! and I use a kabuki brush mostly cause it takes seconds and i'm lazy and crap at it lol kabuki? Quote: Originally Posted by LisaG I use a foundation brush also from Prescriptives. I love it! Does it take a long time to apply, Lisa? Quote: Originally Posted by jamisoncollette I use a Body Shop brush. The results are amazing and the wear is longer. When I do a party I show ladies on a mirror the difference between a brush, finger, and sponge. Get a mirror and foundation, place foundation on your wrist, and then make three lines down the mirror using your finger, the sponge, and brush. The brush will be a consistent, even application. Fingers just push the makeup to the side and the sponge starts strong but runs out by the end of the stroke. The differences are clear and I always end up selling numerous brushes. You don't have to spend alot, just make sure to get a foundation brush which is flat and full. The kabukis can be great but the application is not as precise. Thanks for this info. I am glad I bought my brush!
  14. I know! I meant to, but I got home kinda late and fell asleep on the couch! Okay, it wasn't late, it was like 7:00, but I was tired! I walked up and down the mall several times and I just can't shop like I used to!
  15. Okay, I usually use my fingers, because they are clean when I put my make-up on. I know some people say this is a no-no because of the oils. I have also used a sponge, but some people say this is a no-no because the sponge holds oil and dirt. I got my make-up done yesterday at the Laura Mercier counter at Saks and the artist used a brush. It took longer to put it on, but the results were awesome!!! Does anyone else use a brush? Sponge? Fingers?
  16. I spent $420 yesterday on make-up and brushes at the Laura Mercier counter at Saks. I bought EVERYTHING! She did my whole face and it looked so great. My blue eyes really popped and Melanie, the artist, was SUPER sweet! I am thinking about returning the concealer and maybe the bronzer. I don't even know why I bought the concealer, she said I didn't need it, don't know what I was thinking. My face is a mess now because of the pregnancy and the foundation covered EVERYTHING. There was no need to use a concealer or cover-up for my pimples! I also bought the 4 eyeshadows that she used and I might end up returning one of them. In all, I love this line already and it really isn't very expensive at all! I didn't get pictures.... sorry!
  17. I looooooooove Matthew! That baby is going to be beautiful!
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