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Everything posted by Martha

  1. Thanks, Christa....I am gonna look into this. The Bose was a little expensive for something we won't use very often.
  2. I did a search to see if anyone was having a DW here. Didn't find any..... I just have one question: Does anyone know if the beach in front of the resort is swimmable. It looks like it is, by looking at the pictures...but, I don't want to assume anything. I have Googled and no luck. Anyone?
  3. This morning as we were both leaving to work he says "Can you check Banana Republic and J Crew to get ideas of a suit for me. Me: "Ok." Him: "Oh, ya know what? Can you print them out too? That way we can put them in our folder and have for future reference." Me: "Ok. Good idea." So, later on I call him. I say "Hey, how about I print them, cut them out, then glue all of them on one cardstock." He says, "Excellent idea, why didn't I think of that?!" ha!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by NABUMBAH love those Natalie. Those are closer to what I wanted but oh well. here is a giant album of Hair be_byte6 - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Wooohoooo! I just found the style that I want! Woot! Now...to get my hair to grow another 6 inches!
  5. This thread is a good idea! I want my hair down...it's very thin and straight and does ok in the humidity (I live in South Texas where it is humid 364 days a year!). I like how Jennifer Aniston's was when she married Brad Pitt.
  6. Good to know sun shouldn't be setting until 8:00 ish when we have our wedding! Thanks for that info!
  7. Your pictures look great. I think I am more excited about getting koozies made than anyting else (ok, not really but, still!)!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian That's hysterical. I wish my FI had a bit groomzilla in him. I swear, other than the date and location, he seriously has no idea what's going on... and not because I've prevented him from helping. He's thinking is, I plan it, he pays. Blah! I need help! I can send Jay over to help you. He would probably have more fun since there's not much going on over here yet. Just send him back in about 9 months, ok?
  9. Ha! He calls his parents and brother almost every day to tell them the small wedding details we have decided that day. Today it was just a repeat of the Riu and what the AI included. Ha!
  10. Yes! Not even a week! I think he's just REALLY excited. It's very endearing though. This is my second marriage, but my first DW, so I am still very excited too!
  11. Anyone know of a site for GROOMZILLA'S that are getting married? I love this man and he is normally pretty laid back. BUT, I swear he has taken on a different personality in the week we have been engaged. We laugh about it and joke around when I call him "Groomzilla" (he also calls himself this). But, seriously, he doesn't get it that I don't have any answers for him yet and it takes a while to get things going when planning a DW. In reality, I think it is super cute and am very glad he is involved....most of the time.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by mexicomelissa What does your FI think? I think this is one of those things that might be better off being left up to him.... I agree. Sure, you may not want her to be a part of it....but, won't it make things much worse if she isn't. And, she may be acting like a biatch now, but she has been in his life for a long time. What a crappy situation she has put you and your FI in.
  13. My engagement story is lame (because of me, not him)...but, I will post it.
  14. I haven't been given a quote yet. Heck, all I have done is rec'd a reference # for wedding availability. Nothing is set in stone yet. I hope someone can give us some ideas!
  15. Hey, ladies! We are getting married at the RUI Palace in Cabo (hopefully). For music, we do not want to hire a DJ. The budget we had for that, we decided to buy an iPod (I think we are the only two people in the world that doesn't already own one...even my parents have one!), docking station, and speakers. Which speakers would you recommend? I know nothing about this stuff...lame, huh? I know we want a good sounding one (obviously) but, in reality I don't know which one that would be. If anyone can help me, that would be great. We are having a small-ish wedding (under 30 ppl) and I don't think the huge DJ speakers are necessary and my brother is going to volunteer (he doesn't know this yet ) to handle the ipod (which will already be set with the diff. playlists). Man, I made a long question SUPER long!
  16. Thanks so much. I am sure I will have tons of questions! I have been going back and forth with having a DW or a wedding here....I am a control freak and need to know everything is in order. However, I am trying to relax and think of our wedding as a vacation for many of our guests who have never been out of Texas! Thanks again!
  17. Thanks! We just sent our wedding request to RUI. Yay!
  18. Ah, that makes sense! Can I ask which package you are getting at the Riu? I really don't need much. And, in reality, most of the things they have to offer in the packages we wont use. I wish we could just customize a package ourselves w/o adding the extras. Thanks!
  19. Hey! This is my second post (first one was to introduce myself). I have a question.... I emailed Diana with RUI and she gave me a link to look at on the RUI website that is suppose to allow me to book my wedding and check availability. BUT, I can not find the place where I can book....do I need to book my hotel first? She didn't say this, but I think I read it somewhere on here. Can anyone help me with this.....Thanks!
  20. Hey! I have been getting so many great ideas from reading this board! I am glad I can post in it now! My name is Martha (FI is Jay). We just got engaged last Monday....been together 2 1/2 years. :heart: We have plans to get married July (25th or 26th) 2008 in Cabo at RIU. I look forward to getting to know you ladies!
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