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Everything posted by Martha

  1. Mo! We want to know what you are having!!! Question...my hands have been falling asleep a lot. Usually at night when I am not moving them much. However, it's not because I am laying on my arm or hand or anything. It gets annoying because it wakes me up. I Googled and all I came up with is "pregnancy induced carpal tunnel syndrome." Anyone ever experience this. Between the hands and my leg above my knee falling alseep, I am kinda getting worried.
  2. Hey, Morgan. How did the pictures from Mpix come out? My photographer recommends Mpix, but I wanted someone else's opinion also.
  3. Thanks girlies! We got the rest of our pictures back...well, on Pictage, but the wind messed up a lot of the pictures because my hair is in my face in most of them.
  4. Julie, Ella is beautiful!!! Mo, I am SO glad you are doing better! I hope the PICC line comes out soon! Noah has been moving around like a mad man! But, I notice I only feel movement on my left side. You think that is normal?
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by BillysBride Martha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Talk about a glowing pregnant lady, you look phenomenal!!! I'm so happy for you guys, and it's so great to see you looking good, and feeling well! Congrats on being a beautiful bride!!!!! Thank you. I have had a crappy day and your post made me smile. I needed your kind words today. Thank you.
  6. Mo, we found out at 20 weeks. We tried at 14 weeks, but he wouldn't cooperate. Silly boy! Lizz, I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed for you. I was so worried about that test! Shea, Sounds like you have been through a lot already. I hope you are just taking it easy. I'll keep you in my thoughts! Lisa, that is so me! I cry all the time now! I wanted an ice cream sandwich the other night and the store Jay went to didn't have any, so he bought me one of those cones with the nuts on them. Normally I love those, but when he brought it home I got SO upset. Poor guy!
  7. I am so glad this came up! I was going to post this the other day but forgot. I have a Chi that I love. BUT...The other day I used my mom's Conair Infiniti and I LOVED it. I have super thin hair and it really grabs it and straightens it. My mom has thick hair and loves it too. I am thinking about buying one and using it instead of my Chi. The infiniti has different widths, my mom has the 1/2 inch.
  8. Wow. What the heck? He is going to be losing a lot of business!
  9. I actually believe that's a myth. My friend's OB told her that it's not the prenatal pills that make your hair grow longer, it's the pregnancy hormones that make the hiar and nails grow.....
  10. Thanks! And, I just realized this is in the wrong sub-forum! It should be in the engagement/wedding pictures one, not this one. OOps!
  11. Thank you! I am pretty happy with them...and I HATE pictures of myself normally.
  12. Oh and the little boy knocked out in the chair is Zeke, Jay's nephew...well, my nephew now too! He is the funniest little guy ever!
  13. Thanks so much girls! These came out so much better than the ones I posted before that my mom (who refused to sit down the entire ceremony) took! Heather is also doing our maternity pictures! Yay! Can't wait! Yes! We really jumped in the pool! We were supposed to do a TTD the next day but were too exhausted, so that is our one TTD pic! It's crazy that a year ago I imagined myself getting married thin and in my dream dress....and yet, I am so pregnant and in a big flowy, comfy dress and I couldn't be any happier. Heather asked me if I wanted her to hide Noah in the pictures and we were like "No way!" He is here with us, let's show him off! Boy did she! I love them!
  14. Here is our photographer's blog! Eclectic Images Blog I love them so far! Heather did a great job despite the HEAT and WIND!!! **Please ignore the one of me putting make-up on....I had too much bronzer on and look silly!
  15. Lisa! That is the cutest baby bump ever! I think I looked like that at 12 weeks, not 24! ha! I am HUGE right now! We moved this weekend and have no idea where my camera cord is, but if I can find it, I will post a 29 week picture. I am such a slacker when it comes to belly bump pictures!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Tracy Martha, maybe we need a San Antonio night?? That would be great, but we just moved from S.A. yesterday! We are only like 2 hours south though! You guys look great! Lisa, I am glad we got an updated baby bump!
  17. You looked beautiful and your pictures came out great! Can't believe those came from a resort photographer! Good work!
  18. Congratulations, Julie! Can't wait to read the story!!! I am so against co-sleeping, but I will have to look in to the new item you purchased! Thanks!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by LisaG This should probably be in another thread, but I didn't want to start a new one. I just found out that a guy that I grew up with was hit and killed by a car last night. I knew his family really well and it's just so sad. I know this is shallow of me, but I'm fat and now thinking what the heck am I going to wear to the funeral. Argh! I have no nice clothes at all. Only jeans and capris and don't want to go out and buy a maternity dress for the funeral, only to wear it once. What the heck should I do? How horrible, Lisa! I hope his family is somwhow able to find peace eventually...that sucks. As for what to wear, you could always dress up the capris with heels and jewelry. Are you still able to wear heels? I did for the wedding, but my feet were killing me 10 minutes in to it. And....you are not fat, you are pregnant!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by cmmdee I was wondering... are any of you thinking babies now? Ya, I've been thinking about it.
  21. Thanks girlies! I went back and skimmed the review and boy did I ramble! I hope it helps some of you out though!
  22. Mo! I am so glad you are feeling better!!!!
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