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Everything posted by jak27

  1. Welcome to the website, you'll love it!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by JenandBrendanWedding I am working with Varinia from Baja Weddings. My guess is that she has probably worked with Elena before or is a friend of hers. Tell your WC to tell her friend to call us back! Ha! I'm not waiting until two months before, my goal is to be completely planned by September 1 (college football season starts!) so I am making decisions now based on vendors that respond professionally! No worries, it'll all work out! Keep us informed on how it all goes!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by JenandBrendanWedding Wow - this makes me nervous because my WC just recommended Elena to me yesterday. Not that I'm even close to talking flowers yet since my wedding is over 9 months away. But this makes me think to just go somewhere else from the beginning and avoid the hassel. Thanks for the info. Jen, who is your WC? I'm still holding out hope for Elena for some reason...but I'm not holding my breath.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by JenandBrendanWedding Jill - Thank you so much. This is great info. I already sent them an email to see if they're available to meet with me when I'm in town later this month. Thanks again! Just a heads-up, you need to make contact with Mauricio. And sometimes email is very slow, so I would call as well...
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by michelle08 You are funny!! I can't keep secrets so well...I am actually really good about keeping them for other people but not for myself!! Can you cut off the texas gal and not pay her any more than you already have?? Maybe you can try and contact the judge yourself?? I am not sure how to go about that though...the problem with Fiesta Americana is that they don't have the wedding coordinators there..not like dreams... I know! I can't really cut her off, and I don't want to either! She is helping with so much here, like flowers, invitations, OOT bags, etc! I might just see if I can hire Maye or Fiestas for the ceremony & maybe as a contact for my event planner here, so she can delegate & find things in Los Cabos she might not think they have...might work best!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by michelle08 Jill, so you already have paid money to the texas coordinator...that sucks! Well maybe you can just not tell your guests that it's not the legal ceremony and then just go on your own..It can be your little secret!! (and ours! That's exactly what we were planning on doing...but apparently I have nosey guests! They all want to know all about the ceremony, who is doing it, etc! I crack under pressure! I have a feeling we'll end up doing it legally in Cabo, just to make it official and more destination-feeling anyway, I like incorporating it into the ceremony, but I just don't want to have to deal with the hassle. So I guess maybe that is worth the $1,200 it's going to cost! Why are weddings so expensive?!
  7. Michelle, looking back on it, I should have engaged an event planner at the site of my destination, but when we hired her, we were getting married in Santa Fe, NM and so it made more sense. We are now finding that we're having some difficulty getting in contact with vendors in Los Cabos, so a local contact would be great, even if it's just to set up appointments. But no, I can't switch now...she's too expensive! But I will make sure and have Maye detail out the costs associated with the ceremony...I don't know if $1,500 (I'm rounding there) is worth it, especially since I already have a coordinator here! UG!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by michelle08 Jill, I am using Maye and the only reason I hired a wedding planner too was because we wanted the legal ceremony down there and I didn't want to mess that up! But for your situation you don't even want her for day of you just want her to arrange the legal stuff...she might work something out with you?? Michelle, thanks for the info. I just got an email from Maye as I was typing this. She stated that cost is $975, plus the stamp that Tammy mentioned and tax... I inquired as to whether that is simply for the ceremony with no other services, or if that means I can use her services for other aspects of the wedding as well...so maybe she can coordinate for me some things that my event coordinator here in Texas is having a difficult time with, for example, people calling her back! Keep me informed, and I'll do the same!
  9. Ok, I'll send her an email and ask. We're just really trying to figure out if it's worth the $$ and the hassle to do it in Mexico. Gracias. BTW, your pictures are fabulous...can't wait to see the rest!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by jpkw You can also do the same with Alaska Airlines. We got a 10% discount with Alaska (and the 5% on American) for our guests. Call the group rate desk to get the discount code. I think there is a post somewhere on here about Frontier discounts too... Thanks for mentioning Frontier...I have some friends coming from California, Denver and Kansas City, and Frontier flies direct from all of those. Great to know, I just submitted my request for a discount! Thanks!
  11. So Tammy, do you think if I asked Maye to coordinate only the legality of the ceremony, meaning: Coordinate Judge Translator Blood work Paperwork That it would be probably no more than $400, since I will have everything else coordinated without needing her help?
  12. HOORAY! Now aren't you really glad you got your passports in time!
  13. fogdog, I made a new post about this topic under the "Travel" section of the website...didn't want to hijack! Let me know if you have any questions about it though!
  14. I realized that this hasn't been brought up yet, or I couldn't find a post about this subject, so in response to foddog's inquiry, here it is! I was able to secure a 5% discount for my guests from American Airlines, and it could not be easier! All you do is request a discount from AA, and they send you a response with the discount code. When your guests make their reservations, either online or over the phone, they use the discount code, just like you would use a coupon code online. I put this code on our save the dates, so our guests will be able to anticipate the approximate cost for their airfare. The reason I used AA is because most of our guests will be flying out of DFW, and other airlines, United in particular, require you to coordinate the travel in order to receive the discount, which I don't have time to do, and all guests were required to fly on the same itinerary. AA just gives you a general discount. Here's the link! "+titleText+" Feel free to ask me questions about it!
  15. Ok all, my fiance & I are really struggling with the concept of getting married at home prior to/after our "ceremony" in Cabo. We have some grumpy guests who could not believe that our wedding they would witness wouldn't be the legal wedding. We are contemplating getting married legally in Mexico. Here is the issue: I have an event planner in Texas that is helping me with everything, but I feel like with this topic, I need someone locally to help with the coordination, local law, and to make sure it's done correctly. For those of you who have used a WC in Cabo, Maye, for example, can you extrapolate the cost of just the civil ceremony cost, including coordination of the judge, translator, bloodwork, etc. Just trying to figure out what it would take to get it done correctly. Thanks!
  16. Jen, Have you checked out either Mi Casa or Edith's? Both are fabulous, and we're using Mi Casa for our Welcome Dinner. See these threads about each: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t4669 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t4667
  17. Love this proposal! I love the ones that are just like life, nothing fancy or coordinated, but just as it would be. That's how mine was as well, over takeout Chinese food with our dogs, but I loved it, because it was so us! Best wishes to you both!
  18. Congratulations Courtney, you will have beautiful pictures for the rest of your life!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by hln321 talk to Lisa!!! (lryates76) That's what I was thinking! Anyway, I think the best thing to do in this situation is to be honest with her. Maybe she is feeling the financial burden and doesn't want to tell you, maybe she's busy with something else, maybe she doesn't realize how important it is to you, etc... Man I'm glad I'm not having bridesmaids...you shouldn't be worrying about all of this, she should be more supportive and hones with you! Be honest with her, since you expect the same in return!
  20. While you're welcome to use your own travel agent, we suggest you use our agent since he/she will be most familiar with our events, changes that may occur, and the destination. How's that?
  21. Great information Bradley, as always. Thanks!
  22. Anny, those are beautiful, and so unique. And so classy! LOVE THEM!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by Nini_Bride lol I just tried it quickly.... and got confused!!! I might have to try it when I get home and have a little more time/am able to focus a little more on it!! lol Yeah, you can't be too specific with it, basically just drag those bars at the botton until you get a color you like, and then keep adjusting! Just play around with it, and it'll seem more obvious how the changes are made (i.e. more reds, greens, etc).
  24. OMG Maria, I haven't even gotten to the monogram template, but your budget template is fabulous! I mean, seriously, I hope you don't mind that I borrowed it, but it's perfect, and yikes, I needed to see the over/under categories to keep me on track.
  25. Quote: Originally Posted by mandm haha... I have no idea how to stagger or overlap? lol LOL! I know, it's like Heidi could have said, "Take the standard deviation of x and multiply by the co-variant as the limit approaches zero" I play along like I understand...I assume there's a "stagger" and "overlap" button on my computer!?! HA! It should be interesting!
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