Quote: Originally Posted by michelle08 Jill,
I have a question...So since you are using the Imperial suite for your welcome cocktail, do you have to rent the room for the whole night? If so, then you are staying there that night and then checking back into a different room the next night? Yes, we are charged the entire $2,000 for it...but there's a good reason we're doing it. We were going to do a bonfire on the beach, which is located directly in front of the massage area on the beach (torwards the west), but then we were going to have to pay FA for set-up, F&B, and have a specified start & end time.
Using the IS, we are going to bring in our snacks, we might hire a bartender for the night just to serve (depends on how many people we get), and this way, we can hang out with our guests that arrive on Thursday as long as we want. And we can get rowdy and get in the pool later! Also, since we have to rent the villa for the night, we will have it from 3pm or so (check-in) until noon that next day.
We're not really changing rooms, b/c it'll be too complicated to unpack, etc, so we're just adding it our Master Account block. We'll probably end up having some friends that stay in it, but I don't want to have to worry about checking out, checking in, etc.