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Everything posted by jak27

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by michelle08 Jill, I have a question...So since you are using the Imperial suite for your welcome cocktail, do you have to rent the room for the whole night? If so, then you are staying there that night and then checking back into a different room the next night? Yes, we are charged the entire $2,000 for it...but there's a good reason we're doing it. We were going to do a bonfire on the beach, which is located directly in front of the massage area on the beach (torwards the west), but then we were going to have to pay FA for set-up, F&B, and have a specified start & end time. Using the IS, we are going to bring in our snacks, we might hire a bartender for the night just to serve (depends on how many people we get), and this way, we can hang out with our guests that arrive on Thursday as long as we want. And we can get rowdy and get in the pool later! Also, since we have to rent the villa for the night, we will have it from 3pm or so (check-in) until noon that next day. We're not really changing rooms, b/c it'll be too complicated to unpack, etc, so we're just adding it our Master Account block. We'll probably end up having some friends that stay in it, but I don't want to have to worry about checking out, checking in, etc.
  2. I can't believe I missed this thread, but I cannot believe you are having such a terrible time with all of these fees...although, I guess it's just Cabo for ya. They nickel & dime professionally. That's why we didn't even pursue Palmilla, $7.50USD for a Coca Cola...with no room to negotiate. The touring fee is ridiculous, especially when you're going to fork over a chunk of change for a villa. Ridiculous. The cake fees I guess I will just consider a "deposit" if you will. I'm using Deena, so I'll put down $50 or whatever and it'll be applied to the cost of the cake. But I'm also not tasting two vendors. Keep us informed for sure. But these hidden fees are exactly how vendors make their profit margins...GOOD LUCK!
  3. I choose the Fiesta Americana as well, but we're only using the Imperial Suite for our Thursday Welcome Cocktail Hour (our group is pretty big, so we needed a larger space, and wanted our music to go on past 10pm, so we're using the ballroom terrace and an adjacent ballroom). Here's a link to another wedding at the Imperial Suite...it is gorgeous! Kendall & Joe-July 22, 2006 Let me know if you have any questions! There are several on here who chose FA! If you want to see more pictures of the FA, here are my pictures I took in April! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...te-review.html
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by JenandBrendanWedding I also found another hotel (just by doing some searches in Google) called Hotel Twin Dolphin. I know nothing about it, but it looks beautiful. You may want to check that one out too. FYI, Twin Dolphin is closed for massive renovations. I think the lady told me they were going to be closed for two years?! I bet it'll be amazing when it's complete though!
  5. Michelle, I would suggest packing whatever you need to bring down. I have yet to hear of anyone successfully shipping to Cabo. But if you do want to ship something, here's the thread with the exact DHL instructions (you can't use Fed Ex or UPS, only DHL!) http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...ag-info-8.html Scroll down, Rebecca posted the instructions. I'm a little concerned about bringing it all down too, but I guess I'll jus have to convince everyone to pack light and bring an extra bag!
  6. Relax and have so much fun! Can't wait to hear all about it!
  7. Ok, I have decided to use MexSun as well, instead of Hive. Hooray! Just need to make reservations now! Can't wait!
  8. Oh I love the white one (calas I think?) with the turquoise beading. That's exactly what I've been looking for!
  9. I was told that no flowers can come into Mexico from the US (this is for Cabo, though), so any florist in the States that would be coming down to do an event, would have to order flowers from Holland, etc just like a florist in Mexico would. Which would explain why they're so freaking expensive in Mexico!
  10. Good to know Tammy, thanks for the info! Makes me think we might just do it before we leave...hmmmm
  11. I think it all depends on where your reception is going to be. We are using a ballroom which connects to a large outdoor terrace so that we can have music as late as we want. We also might set up a karaoke lounge for after the band and have a lounge area to keep our late-night guests entertained. I know some resorts only allow music until 10pm if it's outdoors. I've also read that some villa locations don't allow music past 10pm as well, except for the corridor. I say go for it! Sounds like it'll be a blast!
  12. I definitely had to show my card at the entrance, so I would suggest just getting one here to save time and hassle.
  13. I am using Sweet Dreams (Deena) and she has been fabulous so far. I will be emailing her my wedding cake picture and a few details, so we should be good to go. Just FYI, she quoted approx. $6/slice for her cakes, depending on details, intricacy, and flavors used. I can't wait to taste!
  14. I found this on Amazon while I was trying to figure out if a song I want would sound great by our musicians, but acoustic. For anyone using an ipod, or a Dj, this is a great alternative than playing the original version of a song, whether it's to walk down the aisle or for your first dance. Just thought I would share! Amazon.com: Modern Wedding Collection: Music: Various Artists
  15. I was completely drooling during the entire show! And that sample room at Kleinfelds...what a dream!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by LALA FI totally bought me a ring there and we bought a couple of wall hangings!! Ha! Totally the power of margaritas! Can't wait to go back and see what I end up with!
  17. Matt, First off, Welcome! I love your website. I think you achieve a nice balance between DW and a more traditional as well, obviously your focus is on the DW, but if I were a MN bride, I wouldn't hesitate to pick up the phone and book you. Btw, your work is amazing...I love looking at photographer's work! It gives me so many great ideas!
  18. jak27

    Hello hello!

    Welcome! You'll just love it here!
  19. Welcome, you'll love it here!
  20. I would try my best to get late-June and not July...it really heats up in the summer and the earlier the better! I've been in August and the heat is unbearable, so I woud shoot for June if you can. But the good news is that it does cool off in the evenings, so even if it's super hot, it's always cooler at night to give some relief from that Mexican sun!
  21. Welcome! Cabo is one of my favorite places! You will love this website! Full of information & reviews!
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