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Everything posted by jak27

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by chprfan They are dendrobium orchids that are stem dyed. They are normally the bright pink and white ones you have probably seen but they put them in blue dye and they turn this color. The florist I worked for sold these all the time! So cool! That's exactly what I was looking for! I had no idea you could even do that! How very creative!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by TammyB I think it's an Orchid? Thanks Tammy...I think I knew that much!?! LOL. I thought some of the flower gals on here might know what it's called, besides dendrobium or whatever the name is. I love the color.
  3. Whoa, why is that so big? I tried to resize on Photobucket & the next smaller is really small
  4. I saw these in Whole Foods today, and love them! I just don't know the name for the color. Any ideas??
  5. I would absolutely not worry about the rain. My good friend was in Cabo for her honeymoon in October (hurricane season!) and she said it rained, but only for 10 minutes and it was beautiful and sunny! Plus, on a side note, it's good luck if it rains on your wedding day!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Nini_Bride I was thinking this blue: Or maybe this beige/brown... What do you guys honestly think? I love that gold, but I'm not a blue girl, so I would prefer the aqua or turuoise instead. But I also really like the navy, it looks gorgeous too. Too many choices!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by host i have kind of a funny story about them. Uh-oh...! That's why I asked the third question...since they're young-ish guys, I just hope they aren't too wild! I was hoping gals on here from CA would know of them. We're still working out the negotiation details, but so far, they're going to be our entertainment!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by akh because i am a curious person, can i ask (this is for the folks that had adults-only weddings) ... why did you want adults only? why no kids? (sorry to hijack, my curiosity got the best of me) Ours initially wasn't about not wanting children there, but really just for simplicity's sake. I have a million cousins who now have babies, and they are typically in each other's wedding. I would love to have flower girls and ring bearers, but didn't want the families to feel like they had to come and bring thier children just so they could be in the ceremony. So we didn't officially name flower girls, etc for that reason. But now, after we know who will be attending, we will ask the flower girls to participate, which will make the ones who aren't coming mad, but there's no way to make everyone happy. The other guests don't really have children, only two of my friends have children, and they're too young to travel anyway. I think me & my friends are in that about-to-have-children age, so most are either married w/o children, or single.
  9. Ok, now you're putting thoughts in my head! Ryan & I were going to wait until the morning of our honeymoon to get married legally in the US (we come back from Cabo on Sunday to leave on Monday for our honeymoon). But...flying to Vegas and doing it just the two of us w/o anyone knowing sounds even better! And we could do it before, or after, who cares! I say DO IT! How fun!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by JenandBrendanWedding Honestly, I don't understand why people get upset over stuff like this. For crying out loud, this is a wedding, not a BBQ. It's about the bride and groom - not about Aunt Jane being able to bring her kids. Get over it! And if someone is actully going to cause a fight over something like that, then they're completely being selfish. Who wants them there anyway if they're not putting the bride and groom's wishes first. Honestly, how much have you ever asked of these people? They can't do this one thing for you. Stick to your decision and don't feel bad about it at all. Um, I think you pretty much summed it up. Well done, Jen, well done. We actually had this problem early, when we did our Save the Dates, we only addressed them to the parents/adults, and didn't include children's names (b/c typically they would be on the inside envelope, but we didn't have one). So it started quite the gossip line immediately, and finally I had to send out an email to the family saying that we were only going to be including children of family members, hence the reason we left their names off, but they were still very annoyed. GIVE ME A BREAK. This is my wedding, back off! Ok, I feel better now!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by akh ok, 55 purple pash's for everyone! Hooray! That's exactly what we all want! I want a few tie-dyed too!
  12. Yes, on a side note, it will be expensive, but we have budgeted for something like that since the beginning, so we're *trying* to ignore the $$ part and get the right entertainment. Let me know what she says! I'll be anxiously awaiting her response!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by akh but if i am paying, don't i have to place the order!? lol Yes, lol, I assume Maria will pass the information on to you...either that, or telepathically tell you what to order!
  14. Oh my Michelle you are always so much help! Yes, we're thinking of bringing them to Mexico, but I've never seen them! Just video on their website and reviews from our event planner in Cabo who just did a wedding with them. There are some You Tube videos too, but nothing that gives me a great idea of their work. I know our guests would just love them...we were initially wanting an 80s band at our wedding, no matter where we were, so WB5 pretty much fits the bill, and will be a blast. I'm just nervous to pull the trigger and hire them!
  15. I know Maria is working on it, and was planning on ordering by Wednesday. I think she's got it all figured out, or at least, almost!
  16. Ok ladies, for all yall Californians out there, I need your advice. If any of you have ever heard of, or better yet, seen the band Wonderbread5, I need your opinions! Were they energetic? Did they have everyone dancing all night? Were they ever inappropriate? How fun were they? Etc! Wonderbread5.com
  17. JL, first off, my FI & tried to make "site visits" a one-year profession. I swear, we could have spent a year looking for wedding locations! We went to Santa Fe, Vegas, Anguilla (loved it!), Cabo, and the Virgin Islands...so I envy you! My thought is this: wait, and see how responsive the on-site WC are. If they give you concerns, or you think you'll need help, go for it. If you need somone local to help with pre-stuff (invitations, OOT bags, flowers, etc), then there's always locals to help with that stuff. But the day-of is such a big deal, so feel it out and go with your gut. If only the WC answer your questions b/c you haven't signed a contract, you might need someone!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by akh what about some nice personalized stationary? maybe her married initials, or even just her first name. I love personalized stationary! What a great gift, and you know it'll come in handy for years to come!
  19. Welcome! We love photographers!
  20. Oh Michelle, I completely understand where you're coming from...I have the same problems as well. Every now & then I just get this fear that no one is going to come, and we're spending all of this time and effort on the wedding for just our parents basically...AH! But then I have to just remember, we wanted a DW (although we were totally going to elope, but I'm an only child and my parents would have been really sad), and we decided to do it this way, so who comes is who comes. It is what it is. But I'm so glad you're feeling better! Keep your wishes in your mind, and stay strong to it. Don't let anything sway you from what you and your FI want to do!
  21. jak27

    New Cabos Bride

    Welcome! Let us know if there is anything we can help with!
  22. December in Cabo is fabulous! Keep in mind, since it's on the Pacific side, rather than the Atlantic side, it cools down in the evenings. We were there over Christmas last year and it was wonderful. Warm enough to swim & lay on the beach, cool enough in the evenings to sit outside and not sweat! Be sure to bring a wrap or light jacket - I usually bring a wrap and a light denim jacket just in case. Don't worry, you'll love it! [but only if you want to be somewhere that you won't be sweating all day!]
  23. Ohmygosh, I just saw this thread! We're doing turquoise (b/c it's my favorite color) and lime green too! But we're not having a wedding party, so it'll be incorporated in the chuppah fabric, linens for our reception tables, invitations and lighting that we're doing. Great minds think alike!
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