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Everything posted by RaydensMama

  1. Well lets hope Im on here posting this stuff in December! Im still waiting for prices so who knows if we will be able to go in January!!
  2. All I can say is WOW! Everything is amazing! I am insanely jealous right now!!
  3. Oooh that would be so much fun!! TOo bad kids have to be over 6 though
  4. Thanks everyone! OOT makes sense now! LOL It sounds like a great idea too!
  5. Ya thats a toughie. Its always hard asking people to cough up the cash. I agree that putting in advance for the comedy club would be a good idea.
  6. Can someone tell me what an OOT bag is I asked before but no one answered!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by cheese_diva My stone was loose a month or so after receiving it. Everyone thought I was nuts but if I tapped on it I could hear it hitting the metal. My FI took it to the store where he purchased and the guy fixed it right there while he waited (less than 5 minutes). He said it would have taken alot for it to actually fall out, but I'm glad I wasn't just being crazy or paranoid. Perhaps there's another local jewelry store that does in-house work... I know it's too late for this time, but if any other issues come up, you may want to check into it. The lady at the store was doing that tap thing to hear the stone moving too! If it is messed up this time then I am going to take it somewhere else. I will be going to Ottawa in the summer so I can always take it to the store I got it from if its not fixed this time. Im glad that yours was fixed!!
  8. A welcome letter is a great idea! Thanks Christa for posting yours!
  9. Cute ideas! Im still not sure if I will wear sandals or not. Its nice to see other options!
  10. haha thats true! My luck Id look like a beached whale in it!! Thats why Im trying to shed some pounds BEFORE I try dresses on! LOL
  11. That will be great to get out! Im sure the weather is lovely there too!
  12. Thats so amazing! Thats the thing you always have to keep in the back of your head. Muscle weighs more than fat! I would be scared to know what my bodyfat % is!!
  13. I think its like you dont eat any processed foods, more natural "from the earth" stuff. And you eat 6 meals a day. I dunno exactly, thats kinda why I wondered if anyone had done it. LOL
  14. I think it depends on who it is and the style of wedding. If its a $100 a plate meal then I think you should give atleast $100pp. If its less or you dont know the people as well then I think you could give less. That being said Ive only ever been to 2 weddings. 1 I was in, and one in Vegas, so I never did this kind of gift thing.
  15. Thanks Glenda! It sucks going a whole week without it, but as long as it comes back fixed it will be worth it!
  16. We will most likely get legally married here in Ontario and just do a renewal of vows wherever we go. This way my FI parents can see us get married since they cant come away with us.
  17. Welcome to the board!!! Where in Jamaica are you planning to get married?
  18. No pics! Sorry. I havent even tried it on yet. LOL I saw it in a bridal magazine a year ago and fell in love with it. I know they sell it at a bridal shop in town so once I have to date set I will go and try it on. Then Ill post pics!
  19. Welcome! Im sure you will find tons of ideas on this site!!! Have your FI look around the site as well and maybe it will convince him into having a DW!
  20. Im a photographer so thankfully I know those little secrets! LOL
  21. Great dress! Its always nice to have some less exspensive options for people who dont want to spend a lot on a dress!
  22. I have worked out for 3 days in a row now!! Im so proud of myself! I think the nice weather is helping me because it makes me think about bathing suit season! How is everyone else doing?? Has anyone else worked out the last couple days?
  23. Nice to see you on the board!! And congrats on the upcoming wedding! Im sure you will find this board as awesome as Jason finds it!
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