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Everything posted by RaydensMama

  1. Hi Sally! Welcome and congrats!!
  2. I agree with all of those except #4. Honestly hun, one day you will have kids and you will see why that happens so often. Unfortunately, us people with screaming kids need to eat too! And if you have no one to watch your kid you have to take them with you. And trust me, it sucks for us listening to them scream and having everyone stare at us like we are bad parents, but its not that easy to keep a kid happy every second of the day. Sorry dont want to sound all bitchy here but it just upsets me when people complain about kids crying at stores and such.
  3. Looks like such a great time!!! Where did you get that shirt youre wearing cause I love it!!!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege Now, I didn't see the report... obviously, but is it 28 people from Calgary? If that were the case, then I'd sort of understand... I mean, the ratio of how many people go there with how many people die... it might be interesting. I still wouldn't be concerned about traveling... as long as you are safe. This is awful... and I'm sorry to everyone I'm about to offend... by I've heard many people that are afraid of being raped or something like that. I'm sorry, but you get what you ask for. If you are completely drunk, you know it's not necessarily the safest place for tourists, and you decided to wear your two year old's outfit which barely covers the censor bar areas... what do you think could possibly happen. I think you might get a LITTLE more attention than you ask for. Given, nobody asks for something awful to happen to them, but use your brain! Seriously! I just read this and wow, I am in total shock. Like honestly I have never been so shocked by something written by a woman on a message board. NO ONE I repeat NO ONE asks to be raped. Walking down the street fully dressed or half naked doesnt matter. No one has a right to take advantage of another human being like that.
  5. As a Canadian Gal I can say the media is really blowing this out of proportion. Like always! Honestly, how do we know this guy didnt fall off the second floor? I know his family claims he was never on the second floor, but really, how do they know what he was doing while he was away? Also the young guy from woodbridge, he was out at a club in town at night. Its horrible what happened, but they always tell people to be careful about going out at night in a forgiegn country. I would tell your guests that hundreds of thousands of people travel the mexico every year and they all have a great time, unfortunately people sometimes get killed, but this can happen anywhere! Would your guests be scared to go to the USA? Because I bet more Canadians die there than in Mexico.
  6. Yay! Thats so exciting! Im so glad that you get to have your pics done by the photog you want!!
  7. Thast so weird! Ive never heard of that show before.
  8. I am making my invites myself and dont plan on spending more than $100 (including envelopes and stamps) I am not doing STD magnets, but if I was I would do them myself. If you are crafty you can buy magnet at Michaels and you could use that to make your own! Good Luck!
  9. I dont think there is anything wrong with just a few dances. Ive read many times about people doing the first dance and then off to the reception. I really think you should dance with your dad though. It will really mean so much to him and Im sure it will mean a lot to you as well. I cant dance worth anything either but you just have to slow dance. Not too much involoved there! Aaron will probablly be happy if you make him do it....in the long run. LOL
  10. What a sweet song! Im going to have to run that one past Robin!
  11. Aww Im sorry hun! Im sure if it does happen to anyone else they will understand that sometimes that can happen. I wouldnt get too worried about it.
  12. Heidi that sucks! I cant believe they are being so hard on him. Like its his fault? Gotta love insurance companies! Hopefully it gets worked out soon and then you can get your car back!! In the meantime, maybe you could go jogging or walking for some exercise? (see I got us back on topic here! LOL)
  13. Anyone know any good songs for the mother and son dance? Robin will dance with his mom and I will dance with our son, so Im trying to find a song everyone could enjoy.
  14. I had my wisdom teeth out a couple years ago. 2 impacted and 2 partially out. I had zero problems. No swelling, no bruising, easy peasy! I just kept ice on my face Robin had his out and wasnt put totally under, just frozen and he had no problems either. So dont worry itll all go totally fine!
  15. I just talked to the lady yesterday and we are going for our visit on Sunday at 2pm!!! Were really excited to go! I kinda forgot it was mothers day though, what a jip for me! LOL Ill take pics when Im there though
  16. I am so stuck on this one too! I dont like country, but those seem to be all the father daughter songs! LOL
  17. OK this site is the BIGGEST RIP OFF if you are in Canada. The shipping seemed cheap, 13 bucks american and the exchage rate is really good right now, 90cents to the dollar, so Im like sweet, I go to the checkout and theyve added on what they call "additional fee" of 27 bucks!! No reason why, they just add it on! So my order that was around 70 bucks is now over 100 bucks! Grrr, I was so angry! No new FOH bras for me!!
  18. Good luck! Sorry I have no real help, but I just hope your FI gets the passport intime!
  19. Reggies car was stolen?? OMG if you posted that I didnt know! Im so sorry! Think itll be found?
  20. Ooooh I got so much exercise yesterday (and the sunburn to prove it!!) Rayden and I went for a 1 hour walk! And the whole walk home is uphill, plus the added weight of pushing a 25lb kid in a stroller! LOL It felt so great to get out that I think Ill do it again this afternoon!!!!
  21. Ooooh looks so pretty!! I love the wedding bells site too!
  22. haha thats crazy! I didnt know guys came up with unique proposals! LOL
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