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Everything posted by RaydensMama

  1. Courtney, how does it make you feel to see your ticker say 11 months!??!
  2. Those were table gifts. im looking at the flowers for centerpiences and Im just weighing options. I dont know what the heck I want!! I am very indecisive.lol
  3. I would go for the Canon. Personally I find they are a better quality. I also like that you can use the zoom in the movie mood (if you are planning on using the video camera too)
  4. OK are they real or fake flowers? and how do you make a flower pin??
  5. Sorry hes putting so much stress on you hun! That is totally not fare for him to be blaming you! Really, if he wants things done a certain way he should be helping you out! I hope he will now smarten up and give you the help that you need, considering this is both your home!
  6. haha oh man, that could turn out bad! Maybe just swim in the tub first, to make sure it stays on!!
  7. haha that would be funny. We arent having a flower girl though. I am not carrying a boquet either, I just wanted to use them in the centerpieces. I think Ill just try to find a similar looking flower.
  8. I really want a large flower in my hair for the wedding but I dont want an updo. I kinda want it long and flowy with the flower to the side. Do you think thats possible to do? Would I just have to buy a flower, or would I need some sort of flower pin?
  9. ya I was thinking that too. I did see something cool in the WeddingBells magazine though. They used cherry blosom printed Sake cups and put flowers in them. (not cherry blosoms, orchids I think) and it looked really cool. So I may go with that. I dont want to spend too mcuh either, and they would probablly cost a fortune.
  10. haha sorry Courtney! Ive been looking all over and I cant find anywhere that carries them!! (not the chocolate! LOL)
  11. Im so glad your FI got his passport!! What a huge relief for you two!
  12. haha they should be sending you some free products for all your promoting!! I have never heard of this product but I am glad its working for ya!
  13. Thanks Kelly! Its great to know someone has been to these places. For the 1st location, they do have an area on the deck for the ceremony and all 3 places have indoor areas. Im just still waiting to hear back from #1and3!
  14. See! Told you it wouldnt be bad! And Courtney should not have any worries now
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Nini_Bride Laura, it's only the cinderella castle that you have to have reservations for. They only take reservations 180 days beforehand, but they apparently book up fast. We didn't know this and went when we were there last year and they looked at us like we were retards! lol. I'd just prefer to make the reservation to be safe rather than sorry - not that it's a huge deal! I love splash mountain too!! Last time it kept breaking down though, so we'd spend like 20 minutes at a time stuck in one place on the ride! It got old fast! One time we were stuck almost right at the top of the big fall! That was nerve wracking!!! lol No that makes sense, but just so you know, we ate at the castle. Upstairs in the tower and we didnt have reservations. But better to be safe than sorry!
  16. Open your control panel on your computer then drag and drop the saved font file to the fonts folder
  17. Anyone know if you can actually order the flowers from a cherry blossom tree from a florist??
  18. First of all I would apply for your passports ASAP. That is the one thing you dont want to be left without!! I wouldnt worry too much about the dress fitting though. It seems that they always wait until a few days before the wedding to be done, but they always finish!! So take a deep breath, get on those passports and then just relax till the big day!
  19. OK I asked before for sites that sold parasols, I checked them all and they have gorgeous ones but not what I am looking for. So if anyone comes across the following type parasol PLEAS let me know!! Large (atleast 36in diameter) white/cream for base colour bamboo spokes cherry blosom pattern in green If anyone sees something like this pretty please post it! Thanks ladies!!!
  20. The only thing I would really recommend is make sure it has a multi zoom lense and a high pixel rate. (Atleast a 6) Then you will be able to blow up your pictures! Also, a large view screen always helps out! maybe get a cord to put around your neck too so you dont drop this one! LOL
  21. OMG I love Disney! May I ask why you have to book dinner in advance? We went on Christmas Eve and we didnt have any reservations. It was awesome though! Ummmm, I LOVE LOVE LOVE Spash mountain!! Its my favourite ride! Have you thought about going to Universal Studios?? They have really great rides there as well! Also downtown disney is fun if you wanna go to bars and stuff. There are a bunch of different types of theme bars there! We are planning on going to Florida next year too! I love it there!!
  22. Wow Heidi, I cant believe I just read this story now. What an emotional journey for the two of you. I couldnt even imagine going through all that. I am so glad that you have found such an amazing man, and it really was a very romantic engagement.
  23. Wow thats so beautiful! What an amazing engagement story. I wish my story was that good! LOL
  24. Have you looked into the Dreams resorts? I really wanted to go to the one in Cancun, but we are no longer having a DW. We may honeymoon there though! And BTW our at home wedding is going to cost about the same as our DW would have. I think it just depends on how elaborate you want your wedding to be.
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