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Everything posted by RaydensMama

  1. Gorgeous pics!! It looks like you had an amazing time!!
  2. I think they are great!! And I dont think a BYOB is bad. Its just a big party! Im sure people dont mind bringing a case of beer
  3. I used it. It wasnt bad but I stoped after about a month. They claim all this great stuff but when you get on there its just okay. Theres never anyone on the message boards or anything. They do give you meal and excercise ideas though. I did find that there were lots of internet errors too. Like Id log in and click a link (say to the workout page) and Id have to log in again. But for the price it really was pretty good.
  4. haha dont worry youre not alone! My sister had a tiara and veil to lend me and I was all about using them till i saw pics with flowers in the hair!
  5. Welcome to the board!! Im sure you will find tons of help on here!
  6. Ya Im gonna ask on Sunday about the bug issue. Im hoping they do a "bug bomb" before the service. I just got emails from the other 2 venues and am picking what days I want to tour them!
  7. I think I am going to try and make my own too. They have tons of fake flowers at michaels so I may just pick up a few. And I forget who asked about wearing a veil with your hair down. But the answer is yes, you can!
  8. YOu would probablly have to pack it in your suitcase. They do fold up though. Im not having a DW though so I never really thought about it.
  9. aww Im sorry you arent having any luck! Keep looking hun! And thanks for telling me what it is! LOL
  10. Neat idea!! And those would store really well for travel!
  11. OMG too many gorgeous dresses!! I think my favourite one of your choices Heidi is the Ruby Rox Lace Dress
  12. Welcome to the board!! Hope you find lots of help here!
  13. OK what is craigslists? For some reason this link doesnt take me anywhere
  14. Oh ya it is worth it!! It is exspensive though. I think it was around $25US for a meal. But it was good and its really beautiful in there! I think you would really enjoy it! And how many people get to say theyve eaten in Cinderellas castle??
  15. OK, I may be the only one to say this, but if it was me I could never spend that much on a dress I am going to only wear once. But thats me. You have to decide if its worth the extra money for the dress. It is very goregous though. Any chance you could post a pic of the other dress to compare?
  16. CONGRATS!!! Cant wait to see the pics!
  17. I feel like Ive been engaged forever and the ticker doesnt help!!! By the time my wedding comes around Rayden will be 28 months old. I was 7 months pregnant when we got engaged, so you do the math! LOL
  18. haha well Id be excited too!! All my stupid ticker says is OVER A YEAR AWAY! Like geez, thats helpful!
  19. Grrrr i hate when sites do that!!! And really, who would choose the holliday inn? No thank you!!
  20. haha oh man, that just made me remember this time at work. When I was a teenager I worked at Shoppers Drug Mart. and this chick came in for her shift one day and she had black mascara allllll down her face! Like im talking lines down the cheeks!! So of course I tell her and she says, OMG I guess thats why all those kids looked at me like I was nuts! LOL
  21. I would go ahead and call. Its always better to be safe when its something this important!!! Good Luck!
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