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Everything posted by RaydensMama

  1. Im getting married in my city, not having a DW so Im no help with that! Sorry!! Try asking some of the girls who have gone on site visits
  2. That really sucks! My sister did that too but thankfully we hadnt sealed them yet! HOpefully people will understand that weddings are stressful and we forget stuff! Dont stress about it
  3. Happy Belated Bday Tara!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. You all look so beautiful!! And Tammy you looked way too cute!!
  6. Haha okay, considering its 3grand just to rent the place (NOTHING ELSE) you would think air conditioning would be included!! LOL But on the brite side, I booked my tour for Southshore Centre!! I am going on the 23rd! And I will FOR SURE have pics! LOL
  7. OK I cant find the picture, but I found this veil on ebay! eBay.ca: Feather Birdcage cage french bridal wedding veil (item 250113451027 end time 17-May-07 04:10:55 EDT)
  8. Rockabilly style is a retro 50's kinda style. Its sorta a culture of people. Thats sorta the style I think you are going for. I could be wrong though. LOL In the wedding bells magazine there is a girl wearing a cage veil and I think its gorgeous! Ill see if I can find the picture and Ill post it for you!
  9. Because they can. LOL I think thats the biggest reason so much wedding stuff is exspensive. They know people will pay the price so they jack it up. You can get cheaper ones (Michael's sells them) but they wont be as nice of quality.
  10. Wow what great OOT bag ideas! Now Im sad that I dont get to make one!!
  11. Great photos Mishi!! Cant wait to read the review!
  12. Welcome to the board Leah! Good luck with the planning!
  13. I have heard of it, but never looked into it. Im going to check it out online and if these other 2 places dont turn out I might take a look! Thanks for the idea! I have to call today to make an appt for the Southshore Centre and Im waiting for the Nottawasaga Resort to email me back. Hopefully one of these will turn out better!!
  14. Is this the style you are looking for? Unveiled Bridal Designs, Designer Dorene Vandermeer, 1940's wedding theme, birdcage veil, french tulle veils, french netting veils, vintage veil, hats wholesale, veils, blusher veil, flyaway veil, fingertip, elbow length, custom veils, chic veils, re Id try looking it up on some rockabilly clothes sites or ebay. Good Luck!!!
  15. OK first of all I apologize for no pics! I forgot my camera!!! Sorry mommy brain today Anyways, here is a bit about the visit. (DRYSDALES) When we got there it looked really nice. All beautiful trees and just a really nice country look to it. The woman who worked there was super nice and helpful. She took us through a door into this kinda wearhouse looking area. She said, OK this is the reception greenhouse. So in my head Im like ?? This is it?? I kinda expected more. I guess since it wasnt done up yet it didnt look to great. In all honesty, I think it would look nice decorated, but of course all I could think about is how much extra money it was gonna cost just for decorations! So then I asked her if it was air conditioned and she said NO! Again, another shock. My wedding is in June and I cant imagine being in a greenhouse with no air! She said that it would be warm but all the walls of windows opened. Granted this would cool it down, but it would also let all the bugs in. Also what if it rained?? Then it would be hot and humid. So after she showed us the room she told us that there are no bathrooms in the reception area. And people would have to go to the washrooms around back. Ya, cause thats fair to all the old people coming! OK so now we take the walk over to where the ceremony could be held. It was nice but nothing amazing. It kinda looked like getting married in someones yard (ironically that is where you get married, the old owners live there! LOL) I agreed with her that you would get great photos, but for the price I dont think its worth it. The woman was very nice and helpful and the place is pretty but I think we are crossing this one off the list. OK sorry for that long post!!!
  16. Oooh this is a great questions Courtney!! I hope you get some responses soon!
  17. You should post it on ebay! Im sure youd get a hit there.
  18. Awww thanks ladies!! My mothers day was really great! I got to sleep in and didnt have to cook any meals or clean! Of course now the house is a mess...but it was nice for a day! LOL HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all the other mothers on here!!!
  19. Honestly I didnt even know people did that at resorts! LOL
  20. Great dress!! I think Im going to go do the same thing now! LOL
  21. I like the cylinders, but I think if you just put one on the table it wouldnt look big enough. Why not try getting a larger shallow dish and put some floating flowers in it with water? I Think that would look really great!
  22. I think she just wants you to spend more money! Dont listen to her!
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