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Everything posted by RaydensMama

  1. I think the dress is gorgeous!! If you love it wear it! Tons of girls on here have worn very formal dresses. Just because its a DW doesnt mean you cant wear your dream dress
  2. You could ask a family member to MC. We had my Uncle do it and it was great. You could also talk to your wedding planner about this. Im sure she would have some great ideas!
  3. OMG BONKERS!!! "Bonkers bonk you out!" haha I used to love them!!
  4. LEAVE IT! Honestly the name you have now sounds totally fine, its not too long and if people are planning to go back to it often they will most likely bookmark it! Thats my 2 cents for ya
  5. Every engagement is differnet. I was 7 months pregnant and my now husband came home walked in the door got down and one knee and that was that. No fancy meal, no nothing. I was in PJs and I think I side, jesus, about time.lol Not really a "picture perfect" story. My sisters now husband walked in and handed her the box and said here it is.lol So I think as long as you love each other thats what matters, and personally a re-engagement sounds kinda wack to me!
  6. OMG I love it!!! I think if it feels like "the one" go for it! I know once I put on the dress that felt that way I was sold and bought it and never regretted my choice!
  7. I LOVE shutterfly! I have made so many photobooks on their site and ordered tons of prints! They always turn out really amazing and are great quality, plus you get all those cool coupon codes from them!
  8. I know that most of the stores in our mall will do it. You just pick the setting (like you said 4 gems/white gold) and then pick the colours and they make it for you. I would check with any of your local stores.
  9. OMG I am late on this!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY GLENDA!!! I hope it was an amazing day!!!
  10. OMG that sounds crazy insane, but you looked super hot girlie so thats all that matters.lol
  11. Oooh I have a HUGE slightly scary I Love Lucy collection.lol I have collected this stuff for years and have all the dolls, books, DVDs, lunchboxes, games, kitchenware etc. Robin collects comic books. We have about 10,000 (no joke) When we fight I threaten to use it as kindling.lol
  12. OMG is it okay if I say I prefer the second one? You look absolutley amazing in it!!! But if you want to altar it, do what feels right to you! Youre the one wearing it
  13. Great find! And I think it was perfect timing, on sale and tax free!!
  14. Maura thats amazing!! Your wedding day is going to rock so much!!
  15. I LOVE #1!!!! They both look amazing on you but thats the one I would vote for!
  16. Hope you have a great time tonight!! Take lots of pics!
  17. OMG too cool! And that sounds like a really great price too! Its pretty freaky how big they are though!
  18. Wow that was horrible! I didnt even watch it all. I cant believe people would be like that!! YOu think people would quiet those assholes down!! I really hope it is not like that for your big day!!!
  19. Oh man, that sucks! Wedding nightmares are horrible!! I always had them too except I was always forgetting to bring stuff like the favours, rings etc.lol Dont worry they go away after the wedding! haha
  20. YOur photog will probablly just photoshop the shiny parts out. Its pretty easy to do! I wouldnt be too concerned about it!
  21. Ouch, that is beyond horrible! Make sure you talk to her about what shes going to do before you let her rewax them. Also ask if she can recommend an eyebrow filler to make them look less uneven. I really hope it works out!
  22. Why not buy really big stainless steel buckets and fill them with ice? That would keep everything cold and look nice. You could decorate them with your wedding colours.
  23. I would imagine so!! Its funny, I graduated college 3 years ago and I still have these dreams where i fail and dont graduate. Its horrible but I think we all worry so much about failure! Im so glad you are done now and can breathe a bit!!
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by amdecker Does this man have a history of violence? Has he ever been in trouble before or did he just snap? It is such an awful situation and it also causes mass panic and a loss of trust in mass transit. Very sad... They are not releasing anything on the man. They have released info on the victim but that is it.
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