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Everything posted by RaydensMama

  1. I vote Courtney (Nini_Bride) because shes always so helpful and has lots of ideas!
  2. OK here is how you say it... NOT AHHHHH WAAAAAHHHH SAW GA. LOL OK, so the Nottawasaga was the last set of pictures. Ill post again so you can remember. I like that it is not too far away for everyone coming and that it is a resort so we dont have to worry about rooms and stuff. I also like that I dont have to worry about getting a lot of rentals (tables chairs etc) like I would have to at other places. I dont like that its a huge place though. I kinda wanted something a bit more private but it doesnt seem possible. I have been there though and it is gorgeous and the food is awesome. My sisters SIL was married there and she said it was amazing! I will for sure bring a camera this time!!!
  3. Yay Sarah!!! I hope everything goes well today!!! Ooooh Im so excited for you and I cant wait to see the pics!!!
  4. Is it? Thats awesome! Such a great day!
  5. Love them!!! Just one suggestion. I would bump your names over a bit to the right so they are centred. Right now it looks like its leaning a bit too far to the left.
  6. I know this sorta sounds dumb but ever since we first started talking about weddings we always said that we would wait until June 28th was on a saturday because that was the day of our first date. (ya cheesey I know!) But when we started talking about a DW we decided to throw the idea out the window. And now since we are not going away we really want it back on our anniversary date. It will be 6 years on June 28th 2008 and it just kinda means a lot to us. I really hope stuff goes well at the Nottawasaga too! Its so gorgeous there, I just hope the price doesnt kill us!
  7. Nottawasaga just got back to me!!!! We have an appt at 1pm on the 26th!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Haha, ok Melissa I took your choice and I tried to contact them for info and every time I hit the "submit" button it gives me a freakin error message!!!!!! Its a sign! LOL
  9. Thats amazing!!!! 3lbs is a huge step for you! Keep up the good work Leigh!!!!!
  10. I never went to see it because it was booked. ANd its not any cheaper on Friday or Sunday. Only Monday thru Thursday. Also you rent it out for the whole day so it books quick I guess. I didnt like the 1st place because it was a lot of money for not a lot (no a/c no bathroom in reception area, etc.) and I am still waiting for the people to contact me from the 3rd place. So if anyone is in the GTA area and knows a good place let me know!!!
  11. Looks great! I like that its subtle, but your eyes still really pop!
  12. Well I had it all booked to go and check out the Southshore Centre. (That was the 2nd set of photos for anyone who saw the pics I posted) Well the girl set me up for an appt and then I emailed her to check what weekends were available for June 2008 and she told me none!! I couldnt beleive it! They are all booked up for June. The only thing we have wanted to keep the same since we have to have our wedding at home is the date. I was really wanting to get married here and now I cant! I didnt like Drysdales (the no a/c thing did it for me) and Nottawasaga isnt getting back to me. I am so stressed because I thought it was going really well now that we arent having a DW, but nope, all the same BS is coming up again. Im so sick of it!!!
  13. Its totally normal hun. Different brands have different side effects. The type that Im on (tricyclin) also clears your skin which is a side effect I like. So enjoy the bigger boobs! LOL
  14. Wow great deals! Sunscreen is so exspensive so its always great to get a deal!
  15. Welcome and congrats on your recent marriage!!
  16. How did you all find your B-photo photographer? I never thought I would have these done, but like so many girls have said on here, they turn out so nicely that its making me want some! I would need to find a photographer in the Toronto area. Any ideas or reccomendations?
  17. Those are so cute!!! I think they are cheesy in a good way!
  18. That sounds really good! I love crock pot recipes!! Im gonna have to try it!
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