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Everything posted by RaydensMama

  1. BTW thats pointing at YOU Courtney. LOL
  2. I dont get all this point stuff. I dont think I could ever do it!
  3. You sayin I got problems? LOL (jk) I like reading about everyone else too. Makes you feel not so alone with things.
  4. Im one of those random thread people I think. LOL I just have no friends so I gotta share my stuff with someone!!
  5. I think its a great idea! Its a good way to get stuff of your chest, and that way, only people who want to read it will.
  6. Yay Jen!!!! Im so glad that everything went well for you!!! I cant wait to read your review and see those pics!!!!!!
  7. Welcome to the board!! I would say your new step would be to make a guest list, start looking into STD cards and pick your wedding party. Just post any questions you have and someone will deffinetly have an answer for you! Everyone is so awesome on here!!!
  8. Welcome Morgan!! Dont worry you are not the only woman on here who is not yet engaged. I think its never too early to start getting great ideas!! I hope you enjoy the forum as much as we all do!!
  9. If its dark enough I think it would look really nice during your entrance. During the first dance would be really romantic too!
  10. Welcome to the board!!! I think you made Heidis day joining! LOL
  11. It sounds like a really great idea! And Im sure it would be great for packing!!
  12. Hey Melissa!! DOnt worry that you arent having a DW because I am not either. When I joined the board I was going to have one, then things changed and now we are staying home. All the girls told me to stay and Im so glad I did!! This site has so many amazing woman on it and so many great ideas!! So dont worry, just enjoy all the great help and people!!! And congrats on the engagement!!!
  13. That sounds like so much fun Courtney. One thing that we did for a date once was went to the Zoo. OK Im sure that sounds kinda lame, but I had this thing that if a guy would take me to the zoo I would be with him forever (long story, saw a couple at the zoo when i was a kid and said i wanted to do that with a guy) It was the greatest day! We packed a picnic and took lots of pictures! I dont know if you have a zoo around you but it really is fun! LOL
  14. Aww what a great story!! An amazing day to always remember!
  15. Aww Sarah those videos were great!!!! Made me want my wedding to come quicker! lol Im so glad that everything went well and you had such a great day for a wedding!
  16. YAY!!!!!! 2 great girls to be the new mods!! Im so happy for you two!!!
  17. Robin and I are planning on going to Vegas for our honeymoon. He can gamble and I can shop so its a win win situation. So I wanna know from all you ladies where should we stay?? IVe only been to Vegas once for a wedding and we stayed at the Imperial Palace and I was 17. I want a really glitzy hotel with a great room (king size bed, jacuzzi tub, great view, etc.) Any opinions?
  18. My sister rented the crinoline for under her dress and she paid around $100 CDN.
  19. Usually the dress is too big after the first fitting. I wouldnt worry about it. Its gonna fit fine after this fitting.
  20. Have an amazing time!!!! Best of luck with the wedding!
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