Quote: Originally Posted by Just Martha Since you bowed out of this thread, I guess it is pointless to say this, Calia, but my best friend's ex BF had to have a circumscision when he was 20 because of an infection. Had his parents had him circumsized when he was a baby, there would have been no need to do it then. Like I said every parent has the right to raise their child the way they see fit (within reason, of course) ...your comments about it being unnecessary is not appropriate to me...some religions find it is necessary. What would you say to them? I was just stating how I am choosing to raise my son...I do not think that by choosing things will make me a bad parent, just as I do not think your beliefs make you a bad parent. I think it's great that you want to offer advice I am sure everyone here appreciates it.
On a different note, I am finally having late night cravings! I want peanut butter and jelly every night!
OUch, my MIL's brother had to be circumcised when he was 8 and that always freaked me out! I know my sister says a lot of older men have to get it done as well (shes a nurse) I cant even imagine how hard that would be at that age. We had Rayden circumcised when he was a day old and Im glad! He slept like a baby (literally) through the whole thing and we were able to take the bandage off the next day! No muss no fuss, he was perfectly happy afterwards!