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Everything posted by RaydensMama

  1. Thanks everyone! I know we will have fun!! We might see some shows, but we are just going to kinda do whatever. Theres so much to see and do, we dont want to plan anything out too much, just run around like kids and have fun! (Its been way too long! lol)
  2. Well its all official. We are flying out of Buffalo on April 2nd and come back April 6th!! Were staying at Mandalay Bay Im so freaking excited! Robins a little scared cause hes never been in a plane before, but aside from that we are just thrilles to have an early honeymoon!
  3. Were planning on going the first week of april, so Id love to see the rates you got! Thanks everyone!
  4. Its rated the #1 hotel in Vegas on Trip Advisor, so I was wondering if anyone has been there and if they would agree with that. Its so hard to pick a hotel when there are so many options! And this one looks nice and is a decent price.
  5. Those pics are amazing! What a great photographer you had! I cant wait to read the review!!
  6. Thanks ladies! I think it will be tough at first but Im determined. I am doing pretty well but I got a pound of maple fudge and I cant stop picking at it!! I hope someone else eats it soon so I will stop. Thats my biggest problem, I love to pick at sweets!
  7. I dont think I would know the difference.lol Im not a wine drinker though so that could be my problem!
  8. I dont know if you ladies have seen this but its great! You just punch in the Fat/Calories/Fibre of any food and you get the points for it!! Try it out! Weight Watchers Recipes
  9. IN the WW club.lol Hence, posting it in here. hahaha
  10. Well Im sorry that things arent working out as you had hoped, but honestly I think you are going to find trouble in some way or another wherever you go. It seems a lot of hotels have dining restrictions and I can see why they wouldnt want children in certain areas. I say if you love the place and dont mind the surcharge then stick to the resort. But if it really bothers you then I say shop around and see what the rules are at other resorts. Best of luck!!
  11. Welcome to the board! You will find tons of info on your location here!!
  12. Welcome to the board Manda! You will love it here!!!
  13. OK ladies, after tons of consideration I have decided to give this a go! So I really hope it works out and I am sure you ladies will all give me tons of support, cause I have very little willpower!!!
  14. OMG I love it all!!! YOur dress is gorgeous! I hope you have an amazing time and I cant wait to see the pics!!
  15. I love this!!! WHat a cool idea and the branches look so real!!
  16. YAY!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!! I hope you have to most amazing time ever!!! Cant wait to hear all about it and see the pics!
  17. OMG I love love love the first one!!! But really either of them would look stunning on you!!
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