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Everything posted by RaydensMama

  1. Im not because it seems like a huge expense for something you can get for free.
  2. I made a hair appt for the day before my trip to Vegas and I have no freaking clue what to do with it!! I want something different because I used to have super cool hair and now it sucks Im wanting highlights and a cut I think, So give me idea! Here is a pic of what it looks like now
  3. RaydensMama


    COngrats and welcome!!!
  4. Love the bands! Robin bought his ring from Titanium Kay too!
  5. Jen its gorgeous!!! I love the dining room especially!
  6. Actually today isnt Raydens bday.lol It was Feb 12th, I just keep forgeting to delete that from my siggy.lol Thanks for the advice ladies! Wish me luck talking to Robin tonight!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacqueline Yes, or this approach is better than mine, haha haha, it is better. But trust me, I would usually go for the more bitchy way considering the temper I have.lol
  8. Im going to try and talk to Robin about it tonight and see if we can figure this out. Honestly, Id rather Robin not have a best man and just keep his one GM instead of this guy.
  9. OMG I wish I knew you needed a bird sitter!! My mom lives in Cambridge and she had birds for years! She has 2 cats, but that never seemed to bother the birds! I could have asked her
  10. Usually we get along pretty well. Ive known him since I was 14, so about 11 years and hes always been pretty nice (he has his moments) but this wedding thing has just made him a total asshole! I just dont know what to say to Robin about it because he really wants him as the bestman.
  11. Morgan that is horrible! Im really sorry about your car!
  12. I cant beleive how frustrated I am by the best man in our wedding. Every time we ask him to do anything for the wedding he bitches at Robin for picking him as the best man and says he doesnt want to help. He refuses to help with the Buck and Doe because "thats for girls to do" and he only wants to plan the bachelor party. The GM, BM and FI went tux shopping on Sunday and all he did was bitch about the price and about being in the wedding. I keep telling Robin to just tell him to f-off and not be in the wedding, but he thinks Im making too much out of it. Well, sorry its my day and all the BM can do is try and ruin it! My feelings are so hurt and I am really worried that he is going to ruin my day. I can see him not writing a speach, and he already said hes just gonna get drunk the whole time! I dont know what to do or what to say to Robin about this. I am one of the most easy going brides, but this is the one thing I am being bridezilla about. I couldnt even sleep last night because I kept worrying!!
  13. Wow already? I hope you have a great day girl!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Raeka I'm hijacking your thread Laura... sorry I miss seeing you around the forum!!! How's all the wedding planning coming along? Did you end up having your bachelorette party with your sister? I know, I am a horrible BDW poster these days. I am just so busy. I work 2 days a week and then I watch my sisters 2 kids for her on my days off. She works 12hr shifts so it makes for a really long day! The plans are going really well. I am just finishing up my invites so that I can mail them out next month. MY shower is in 2 weeks which will be super fun! No bachlorette party yet. I think it wont be until May. Quote: Originally Posted by MelissaH Expect an email a mile long when I get back from Vegas next week full of all the things you HAVE to see and do Isn't it super exciting!? I would love an email of what to see!! Ive been there once but I was only 17 so Im sure its a lot different when theres actually st uff to do! lol I hope you have an awesome time!!
  15. OMG Congratulations!! I am so happy for you!
  16. We did ours at Sears and it was really easy. We need so much stuff so we didnt have too much trouble finding stuff there!
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