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Everything posted by dragonfly

  1. It has to be Sarah!! Can't believe she's never won. Kelly~ Now if we were nominating sweetest, funniest, cutest, courtney it would be! She cracks me up Kelly~
  2. It sounds like wedding panic is setting in. Just remember to breath, all will turn out well, your dress will be beautiful on you! Kelly~
  3. Oh, it sounds like you had the perfect wedding, I am so happy for you. You were a beautiful bride. You make me want to get married in Cabo, I can only hope that my wedding is as beautiful as yours was. Congratulations, I wish you nothing but love and happiness in your future~ KellY~
  4. Stick with what you want. I agree Erik needs to talk to his mom. Explain that you both want a small wedding, and that you do not want to have to explain to family members why all his family is coming but not all of your family. He needs to let her know that would be putiting everyone in an awkward position. Can you imagine "why is Eriks Aunt so and so is here but Aunt so and so wasn't invited", hurt feelings will happen. You also can not invite people with the hope that they won't make it. You will be surprised at how many peope will actually show up, especially a long weekend most people will then be able to take the time to go to your wedding. This is not a stress you or your mom should have to go through. So unless your fmil is willing to pay for the extra guests for both sides so that the numbers are fair, (if thats even what you and Erik want) then she nees to respect your wishes. Kelly~
  5. I went for a quick 10 k run this morning. I had to drag my ass out of bed, we had a party and had little too much fun last night, everyone left around 3:30 in the morning. Glad I did though felt so much better about 10 min in to my run. Going clubbing in T.O tonight, lots of dancing, so that should count as exercise also!! Kelly~
  6. Awwww, Karen he's a keeper!!!! Kelly~
  7. If every bride waited to be at their perfect weight goal to buy their dress, then most would have to buy off the rack. A big congratulations to you, I bet you can't wait for a highschool reunion. Kelly~
  8. Welcome, you will become very addicted to this forum, you can't get enough of these girls (and the occassional boy) you will find tons of helpful info, especially if you choose Cabo, I wish I could be a Cabo bride (LOL) Kelly~
  9. Wow!! That sounds like a lot of work, hats off to you. What a great idea, I wish I had the patience to do something like that. Kelly~
  10. Tammy, I actually think your makeup looks better. Your eyes are popping, trust me, your eyes look much bluer. If you want it the same, then the differences I think are you need a little more mascara, and darker lip colour. I think your skin looks nice, and if you want more eyeshadow but I really do think your eyes are really pretty as is. Kelly~
  11. We are doing similar things as all of you. We have arranged for a welcome coctail party, the wedding, reception dinner, and dancing. We have welcome bags, ceremony favours (fans), and reception favours. We have also arranged for a farewell/thankyou dinner, but we are at an ai so there will be no cost for this. To keep costs down we have arranged for activities that are included at the resort. We are having a basketball tournement and we have arranged for beach vollyball. Things with price tags are a spa day (I included the list of prices in the oot bags), and we have chartered a boat for a deep sea fishing excursion, we broke the price down per person (it is really reasonable), and again, included the price of this in the oot bags. We are also paying for my nephew to come, to help my sister. Who you help out (if anyone) financially is a personal thing and does not need to be disclosed to anyone else. Of course, I am paying for all travel costs, clothes, jewellery, and excursions, for our wedding party of five. Kelly~ hehhehehe, The wedding party consists of just me, Everton, and our five children.(lol)
  12. We bought a Hugo Boss tan linen/silk suit, a white cotton shirt, tie and leather sandles. We chose a shirt that looks great with or without a tie. Everton is going to take the tie and Jacket off after the ceremony. Kelly~
  13. I was posting as you were, glad to hear all is worked out. Everthing usually gets worked out in the end. No one really thought your hubby was awful, we all have men in our lives so we know what it's like, we understood you were just venting. We are all great, and we can all be awful, we are human after all. Glad you made up, I hope the making up makes the fight worth having. Kelly~
  14. I am just so happy to know that other girls on this forum fight with their hubbys, sorry I don't mean to find happiness in your anger, but everybody seems so freakin happy all the time I was wondering what was wrong with me!!LOL Now the most stressful thing you can do together is construction, we just had our home built, and it was oh so behind schedule, we were homeless for 6 months. There were days that I didn't think we would actually move into the house together (lol) Mistakes happen, thats life, tell him to get over it, move on and do it himself. Why isn't he blaming the guys building your house, don't they have a better idea what height things should be, after all isn't that their job. Tell him to go and yell at them!!! Kelly~
  15. Beutiful, I would never have thought to spray my flowers, it paid off I fell in love with the flowers right away!!! Kelly~
  16. I'm curious you girls talk alot of engagement photo shoots. Is this an American thing? I don't know of any one who does this here in the GTA, certainly none of my friends, and I don't hear talk of this practice (the little pic in the local newspaper doesn't count) anywhere I go. I can barely afford what I budgeted for the wedding photo's, I can't imagine throwing engagement pics in the mix lol. Kelly~
  17. Hey Paula v, Whatever did you decide to do? Just curious. Kelly~
  18. Congratulations girls, wise choice, I know you are both going to do a great job. Kelly~ I don't know how you mods do it, keepng up on this forum is a full time job. Thanks
  19. Don't erase your post, wishing someone well more than once is nice, it says you definitely wanted her to know how you feel, that can never be bad!!! Congratlation's Kay, love and happiness to both of you. Kelly~
  20. Don,t laugh but I am going to let you in on my skin secret. I have perfect skin, I don't have a wrinkle on my face (I'm 39) and I am never dry or oily. Want to know how? Ready for this, baby wipes, no I'm not kidding, these are the absolute best for cleaning my face. Cheaper then expensive face wipes, takes makeup off great, and makes my skin nice and soft. I don't know what it is but they truly work great, they are meant for babies so I guesse they must be gentle. I use the one's with aloe vera, I swear I can't be without them. Now you want to know what I use for my face cream,hehehe, baby lotion, good old Johnsons baby lotion (in the pink container) You guys must think I am crazy, but it really works for me, I swear. I truly don't have wrinkles, and people always think my teenager girls are my sisters (I love it, my girls hate it).Any way think I'm nuts, but try it you never know Kelly~ Oh yeah, another part of my regiment is lot's of water, lot's of running, and always, always, always protect my beautiful irish skin with sunscreen.
  21. I'm sorry to not agree but I think it is your responsibility to pay for the day passes for your guests. I don't think you can invite people to your wedding have them travel all that way, and tell them where they have to stay, or it is going cost them money, to attend your wedding. It is not something we would ever do if we were having a wedding at home, and that is so much more convenient, and inexpensive, for you guests then a destination wedding, I do think it would be in poor taste. I believe that as dw brides we must be prepared for this to maybe happen and budget for it. It may mean you have to give up something else that you want, but being a gacious hostess and appreciating how far your guests have come for you, and having them feel that appreciation, is much more important than money. Kelly~
  22. Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you happy birrrrthdayyyy dear Rachelle Happy birthday to youuuu Kelly~
  23. Go with the photographer you love. A more experienced photographer will probably need less time to get the right shots, so the half hour difference will probably not matter, he may even be the better deal, since you will be saving a $100.00.
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