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Everything posted by dragonfly

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by TAMMYM Joke of The Day Male Comebacks Man: Haven't I seen you someplace before? Woman: Yes that's why I don't go there anymore. Man: Really? I heard it was because everyone there thinks you're slutty. Man: Is this seat empty? Woman: Yes, and this one will be if you sit down. Man: Probably because you'd be on your knees greeting my crotch. Man: Your place or mine? Woman: Both. You go to yours, and I'll go to mine. Man: That's cool, 'cause after I get done nailing you in the back of my car... I don't give a crap where you go. Man: How do you like your eggs in the morning? Woman: Unfertilized. Man: No problem, I can always withdraw onto your face Man: Do you want to dance? Woman: No! Man: I think you misheard me. I said you look fat in those pants. Man: If I could see you naked, I'd die happy. Woman: If I saw you naked, I'd probably die laughing. Man: That works for me... as long as you're still warm when I do you. Kelly~
  2. Wow a man who actually plans stuff! I am impressed, and a little jealous! Kelly~
  3. I think I told you once already, but you can never tire of hearing how beautiful you are. So once again, Rachelle you are beautiful! Kelly~
  4. I got Europe, Venice Greece, France. Funny, Everton and I were just talking about if we should do Greece for our honeymoon instead of Jamaica or Mexico. Kelly~
  5. Speaking of ribbon I thought I would share my wedding idea with you. Instead of a guest book we are having a long wide white ribbon, which our guests will sign their names and well wishes on. We are then going to have the ribbon intwined in the arbor so we get married under the well wishes of our family and friends. We are also going to have the people who can't be at our wedding sign it so that they will be there in spirit. Kelly~
  6. I am so glad you like my compass idea. Everton actually will not be getting this from me, the idea originated with the graduation of my oldest daughter from H.S. I have purchased compass necklaces for all of my children, they are beautiful, very antique looking in white gold, I found them at the one of a kind craft show in Toronto. Everton and I purchased 5 of them, to be given to each of our children upon graduation. We also purchased white gold dog tags which we added to the chain, we had engraved on the dogtags "so you never get lost in this journey called life" we will add the date of their graduation later. I also engraved the date of Nicole's graduation on the back of the compass. I gave Nicole hers this year, and she told me it was going to be the possesion she most treasured. Anyway I also thought this would be a appropriate gift to celebrate your wedding day, I am happy that some of you girls like the idea. How about- To always find our way...Sonya & Rob 05/23/08 Or- To never lose our way...Sonya & Rob 05/23/08 I will try and think of some ideas other than these, I also like #4 & #5 Kelly~
  7. Hey Jamy, with your wedding quickly approaching, did your girls work it out? I hope so, just curious. Kelly~
  8. I solved these problems. I send Everton grocery shopping. I hate grocery shopping, I plan our meal plans, I make the list, I will put it away, but I will not do the shopping. Everton doesn't mind so it works out well for us. We shop for 5 kids imagine our cart every week, it's crazy. In regards to children calling mom, mommy, mommy, if you don't have kids you clearly have no idea, how many times a day we hear this. Sometimes we need to tune all out to regain our sanity, doesn't make us neglectful mothers, and to be honest I don't care about the sanity of random strangers around us. LOL Honest to god, there is not one silent moment in my entire day. Laura, when I was a new mom I was fairly young (19) I cared so much about how I appeared as a mom to everyone, including strangers. I wanted to be the perfect mom, with the perfect kid. Well that doesn't exist! Who cares what others think, we know were good mom's. ( I kick ass at the whole mom thing), I know it, my kids know it and at the end of the day thats all that matters. I wish I had learned that earlier, I would have been a more relaxed mom. Enjoy your son, temper tantrums and everything. Kelly~
  9. I like the beach. I don't like the flower arch thing though, I love simplicity, and all I think that is needed is the beautiful backdrop of the Ocean. How many are coming to your wedding? Kelly~
  10. It was hot today so went for a midnight run with my dog. I love running at night, it is so quiet, no honking horns and cat calling! Kelly~
  11. Awww Thanks Glenda, You could never sound creepy. I know what you mean about eating him all up, I can't get enough of him and he's even cuter in real life. Speaking of Liam, he is driving me crazy. We moved into our new home, and we basically live in a construction zone right now. We have no grass, lots of dirt and mud. I hate it, he loves it, it is heaven to Liam. Every shoe he has is caked with 5 lbs of mud. I let Liam, And my 85 lb huskey Echo, pretty much get as dirty as they want(whats 5-6 showers a day?) So I shower Liam all ready to go out, got to get my older son, Timothy, to football, and I send Liam to the van, I run in the house to grab a blanket come back out and where is Liam, he is waist deep, in a mud puddle. He is throwing the mud up in the air, landing in his hair, and having a great old time. What do I do get mad at him or laugh and grab the camera! He uses that face to his advantage, hard to get mad at a face like that! Timothy, who ended up being late for football, not all that amused. It's going to be a long summer!! Kelly~
  12. Awww, Your ring is top heavy, I will say it again "oh the problems we have" LOL Kelly~
  13. Your too funny Courtney. You never know, when you are 80 and your boobs are down to your belly button, and your ass is all cottage cheese , they may be the first pictures you reach for!!! I can just hear you "Hey kids lets see how hot great gramma use to be" Never say never!! Kelly~
  14. I think if you are going to buy a wedding present , they should be something sentimental, something 50 years from now you can pass on to your kids, or talk about with nostalgia. A pocket watch, or my favourite a compass (so you never lose your direction). Tie clip, cuff links, id bracelet (engraved), a journal, art, anything that may stand the test of time. Ultimately that is what marriage is all about, and wedding gifts to one another should be representative of this. Hey girls, feel free to tell me to shut up, I being an artist and a writer, probably put too much emphasis, in my belief that everything we do in life needs to have a purpose, I should probably just lighten up. LOL Kelly~
  15. Courtney, I think Laura officially began your blog, take it away! Laura, breath all will work out. It really sucks about your teeth, I hate the dentist!!!! Kelly~
  16. My problem is my knuckle is bigger than my finger, and my ring spins all the time. I hate it I have this beautiful diamond and it is always on the bottom of my hand, it's a size 5 and I am wondering if I should take it down a size also, or wait til I have my wedding band and see if it keeps it in place. I don't know Tara, you may want to make it smaller. You never know when the urge will overcome you to shake your hand furiously, while wet. To committ to never doing this again is a committment that will take dicipline, do you think you have it in to make a serious committment like that? Be honest Tara you want to do it now don't ya, the more we talk about it the more you want to shake, fight the urge, stay strong!!! Oh the problems we have (lol) Kelly~
  17. Just got back from a good, fast 10k. I am training for a half marathon, I better get my butt in gear, it will be here in no time. I do the Canadian running series every year, it is so much fun. Other than running (running is my drug of choice) I am not very deciplined about any other exercise, I wish I liked the gym, but it completely bores me. Kelly~
  18. Well Courtney, you found your solution, now you have no excuses!!!! Kelly~
  19. Oh Andrea, I am feeling for you, I had a mother in-law, that came between me and my first husband. She was always causing problems, wanted her own way, and went crying to her son (my husband) whenever she had something go wrong. He always took her side, he said it was easier, or ignored it. I felt like my felings were less important than his mom, in the end I was right. You must win this battle, it's your freakin wedding, and Erik must support you, it will set the tone of your furure relationship with her. You need to know Erik is going to be on your side (even if your wrong) a united front you must be, Erik must learn this lesson, for the future happiness of your marriage. Good luck, eloping sounds like a good idea, don't ya think? LOL He can no longer be a son first, He must be a husband first, son second. Stay strong! Kelly~
  20. Welcome, you will love Jamaica, one of my favourite places in the world. Kelly~
  21. No, but I imagined myself exercising many times today! Does that count? Kelly
  22. Let us know what you need from us, and we will be there to help. I also agree send your std's right away. Then the tough part of securing your rates will be the next huge project for you to undertake, we will try to keep you sane through that process!!LOL By the way I'm Kelly, and welcome~
  23. Welcome, fill us in on some of your details.......ooohh we love deails!! Kelly~
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