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Everything posted by dragonfly

  1. We are doing a welcome recepton, all we need to cover is the cost of the wait staff, and some hor'dourves. We have not decided if we are doing it in the afternoon before dinner the day everybody arrives (we will be there already), or after dinner. I am leaning towards the afternoon! Everton is hosting a deep sea fishing excursion for the guys, and we have organized a beach vollyball game, and a casino night. volyball is free, and the casino night is just the cost to get there for whoever wants to join us. Kelly~
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by tvt I'm wondering why you ended up with more than one. (aside from if you are getting a second one to trash) Did you end up with 2 because you started shopping too soon and your tastes changed? Good question, I have always wondered how that happens also!
  3. Mine was $600.00, I also loved a $1600.00 dress. I had to ask myself "do I love it $1000.00 worth more?" The answer was no. I wanted to spend the extra money on other things that were more importrant, such as photography, oot bags, food, or even being able to help my sister out so she and her family could all jon us. Everybody has different priorities, you need to ask yourself if it is worth it to you to have your dream dress regardless of cost.
  4. I would say start looking, you may not care where you get married, because you find the dress of your dreams, and have to have it regardless of whether your getting married on a beach or a mountain top. That is what happened to most of us! Kelly~
  5. Happy Birthday, and have fun! Kelly~
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by mlb36 I think I've heard the song. At least I know I've heard a song by Secondhand Serenade on the radio & I love it. But, I don't know any of the words. It has a great acoustic sound. That might be it. I just had to tell you I really like your Logo for your wedding, did you do it yourself? It is really great! Kelly~
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by jilly76 I only know the DMB song, so I can't really say what I think of the others. I'm doing the same thing overthinking the song. I also like: when you say nothing at all (there is a country version with a man & woman, but I can't find it on itunes, but thats the one I really want I like Alison Krauss's version of this, I think that would be really pretty and romantic for you to dance to with your fh. Kelly~
  8. Every one has such good song ideas, it really is hard, because the world is full of great songs. Since no one seems to know the song, Awake by Secondhand Serenade, I thought I would share the lyrics to Awake. What do you think. I also like the idea of a spanish song so I think I will do that for my walk down the isle, I just have to find a great one, and since I don't speak spanish it is not going to be easy. LOL. Awake-Secondhand Serenade With every appearance by you, blinding my eyes, I can hardly remember the last time I felt like I do. You're an angel disguised. And you're lying real still, but your heart beat is fast just like mine. And the movie's long over, that's three that have passed, one more's fine. Will you stay awake for me? I don't wanna miss anything I don't wanna miss anything I will share the air I breathe, I'll give you my heart on a string, I just don't wanna miss anything. I'm trying real hard not to shake. I'm biting my tongue, but I'm feeling alive and with every breathe that I take, I feel like I've won. You're my key to survival. And if it's a hero you want, I can save you. Just stay here. Your whispers are priceless. Your breathe, it is dear. So please stay near. Will you stay awake for me? I don't wanna miss anything I don't wanna miss anything I will share the air I breathe, I'll give you my heart on a string, I just don't wanna miss anything. Say my name. I just want to hear you. Say my name. So I know it's true. You're changing me. You're changing me. You showed me how to live. So just say. So just say, That you'll stay awake for me. I don't wanna miss anything. I don't wanna miss anything. I will share the air I breathe, I'll give you my heart on a string, I just don't wanna miss anything
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Christine Kelly, my FI is a huge DMB fan and I am going to have to say no to crash into me because its actually about a guy stalking a girl...might be a little weird for your 1st dance. I say go for the one that you love and imagined you would dance to. My dad recently got the idea of dancing to a particular song, but in the end I had to tell him that my whole life I had dreamed of dancing to brown eyed girl with him, so moral of my story, go with the one that means the most to you Good to know about crash I didn't know that is what it was about. I always pictured us dancing to awake, it's funny how the closer I get to the wedding I start to overthink everything and second guess all the decisions I have made. Kelly~
  10. I understand what you are going through right now. Everton's family didn't make our wedding a priority and it truly hurt my feelings. Everton is most hurt by his brother, but there is nothing we can do so we have to remember what this day is about and if we can help in any way we do, and if we can't then marry the man you love and take lots of pictures and video's to share with the people you love who couldn't be there. I also think there is nothing wrong with helping one person in a family, and not others. I paid for !/2 my nephews trip to help out my sister. I expect that my brother wouldn't care, and if he does oh well, all you can do is to try to do the best you can do! Kelly`
  11. Everton and I are having trouble deciding on our first dance song. We have 3 songs that all mean something to us (wish we could use them all). The songs are: 1. Crash into me-Dave Mathews Band. This is a song that we both have always liked, it is one of Everton's favourite songs, and the one he most wants. 2.Love Song-Pink. This song really describes us, and our journey together, it is a little sad though, but we do love it, and it is one of my favourite songs. 3.Awake-Secondhand Serenade. This is the song we always thought we would dance to, Everton always sings it to me whenever we play it. This is just a really great song. I don't know if anyone knows any of these songs, but if you do tell me what you think. I would have made this a poll but I have know idea how to do that. Kelly~
  12. I really like them, and I chose blue and green, and they are not my colours lol, I just like them, so there you have an unbiased opinion! Kelly
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by RAENJAY I've added the timeline template again. Thanks I am going to also going to borrow it, it is so cute! Kelly~
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by jilly76 Mine hates it as well, but does know its beneficial because I don't bore him to death with all kinds of wedding talk and because I would have no idea how to plan a wedding in mexico without all of you! he calls this the "psychobrides forum" LOL, too funny!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by MikkiStreak Kelly- what a fabulous way to do your invites!!! Almost makes me wish I had a small child!!! You need to post them, I'm dying to see the results of Liam's hard work!!! I promise as soon as Kenda find the cords to our camera I will post everything, you will get everything all at once. You can borrow my small child, do you think you could meet us in Punta Cana the week of the 12th of August, Liam could use a playmate (babysitter lol), so his mommy and daddy could enjoy their first week of married life!!LOL I will bring the art supplies!! Kelly~ Oh yeah I have a few more kids who could help you out also!! The more the merrier, right....
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Chicago80 Also, I didnt want my guests to have our names plastered all over the shirt. I'd like them to be able to wear shirts again. I agree about the names, we chose not to put our names anywhere, just place and dates, and a claddagh. This way for sure they will use anything we personalized for our wedding. I know everyone will look at the date and claddagh, (our symbol for our wedding in honour of my dad) and remember what a great time we all had. Kelly~
  17. Everton works such long hours that it doesn't bother him at all, he laughs at me though when I talk about you girls like your my best friends. LOL I just got to bed with him, and since I never sleep, I then get up and can have my bdwf chats. Now my kids on the other hand can't stand you guys. Mom never wanted the computer before I met all of you guys, but now the kids have to share computer time not only with each other but with me (and I don't have a time limit, like they do). We have two laptops, and 7 people wanting them! Oh and our apple laptop needs a new cord to charge it so we are right now down to 1 computer, so the kids are truly hating on all of you guys
  18. I just sent out my std e-vite, and then my formal invite Liam and I made. It was really, really cute. Liam has an art computer program and he drew a picture of the sand, water, sun, palm tree and himself, all curly haired and stick figured. His body was a heart with this stick figure legs and arms. We then smudged his picture to make it look like a watercolour, it was really pretty when we were done. Across it we put "My mommy and daddy are getting married!" and then all of the info was on the back of the picture. We worded the invite with the children's names asking everyone to join them in celebrating their parents marriage. I printed them on shiny cardstock paper. The total project was about $5.00. I love them and so did everyone else. We printed in the bottom corner art by Liam, age 4, so everyone would know that it was Liam's creation. Liam was so proud and I now have a beautiful keepsake that our son made. These invites were very appropriate for Everton and I considering this wedding is a family affair. I think you can spend lot's of money on invites but there are ton's of idea's out there that really don't have to cost much at all. Kelly~
  19. Are you just going to use the e-ring for your ceremony? I really can't see a band with it either, it is so beautiful all on it's own.
  20. Oh so much wasted time Ann, well it could be worse you could be stuck there without Paul, now that would truly suck. Kelly~
  21. I pre ordered our copy. Me and the kids can't wait, we read it out loud to each other, nutty I know, but it started when my kids were little and I read the first book to them. Can't wait we will bring it on holiday with us. Kelly~
  22. I sent out e-vites as my save the date, with my formal invites in the mail later. Kelly~
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by michelle08 Kelly, Wow!!! that's a nice long trip!! I think it's good that you are going out early to be able to relax before hand. Given the recent events taking place, you need to make sure you are refreshed and ready! I need this vacation I am so tired, I never, ever stop. I really want to breath our wedding in, I didn't want to wish it to just be over just so I could rest. I am going to read, and relax and enjoy my family, and then I will wake up the day of my wedding and be rested and relaxed and finally marry the man I have called my "husband" for the past 7 years. Can't wait it's almost time!! Kelly~
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