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Everything posted by dragonfly

  1. Thanks guys one more thing to think about!!! LOL
  2. We found Everton a really beautiful suit at Mexx, I was surprised it was not somewhere I had thought to look earlier when I had been looking. His suit is the lighter tan (stone) colour and it is a blend of cotton and silk, it was really reasonable priced. We also saw tanned suits at H&M. Kelly~
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Chiquita Hey all.. just a quick update.. we have set our wedding date for November 5, 2008 in Maui! Yay!! That gives all our family/friends time to plan and save for the big trip.. Hello, sounds like heaven, welcome I look forward to geting to know you. Kelly~
  4. Welcome, I am not getting married there, but we may be honeymooning there in April or May, haven't decided yet. It is between Jamaica, and Mexico! Kelly~
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild Mmm....Maria we've never tried grilling pizza but why not? Sounds great. We grill year round out here too, I guess it helps that it never rains. Few things beat the smell of grilling food! Jaime good prep work, it will make the day of so much easier. I'm sure your burgers will come out very tasty! We also grill year round, and what is impressive about that is not even snow, and 40 below temps, keep us from grillin our fave foods. Kelly~ Enjoy your bar-b-q Jaime. With my crew, I unfortunately get to prep food for a crowd everyday of my life! LOL
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Nini_Bride Howdy, howdy (it's Stampede week in Calgary - the best outdoor show on earth... or something like that!) Anyways, my first choice was St. Thomas. I love love love love love it there! I had some information on my computer about it, but have been planning a Mexico wedding instead for the last 6 months, so I may not have it anymore. I'll check when I get home (thank goodness for interenet at work! hehe). What have you found out so far about St. Thomas? Also, we've had a few St. Thomas brides here. Most recently, Jessica (username: Jessicalovesbrian) and Mishi (username is the same). You might want to check out some of their threads: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...-pictures.html http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...shis-pics.html http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...eview-now.html Or some of these: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...-pictures.html http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...st-thomas.html http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...g-planner.html http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...n-resorts.html Hope that helps! Welcome, lots of help to be had here, and Courtney is one of our number one helpers. ( Oh yeah one of our fastest also ) Kelly~
  7. Try throwing salsa in some of them, hmmm so yummy....
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by MikkiStreak Kelly, that is great that Everton's family got their shit together (kicking and screaming the entire way, I'm sure) and will be present! As for the TA, take the passive aggressive route right back around---- tell her how sorry you are for the inconveniece and that to save her from sacrificing her admin fees and dipping into her commission, you'll take the business elsewhere for the big family reunion trip everyone is planning on taking to Jamaica next summer! hehehe... Hehehe that would be great, love to see her face!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by JaimeLynne Tell me about it, lol. (Have you seen what a hard time I've had picking a date?!? ) Part of me really wants to do it in '08 but we've already told ppl '09. And by then we will both have graduated and be out in the "real world". I love the idea of a May wedding, and we wouldn't feel comfortable doing it as early as May of '08, so that would put us in Nov. '08, which is still a slight possibility. 2009 seems so far off! BUT, we want to plan a scouting trip down to PV sometime late this year or early next year. Y'all need a second honeymoon there, right?? Jaime, we actually are planning our honeymoon (DR is not a honeymoon since we will have all the kids with us) early next year or spring, we are undecided between Mexico and Jamaica, so who knows it might actually work out that we could meet at least for drinks somewhere!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by JaimeLynne I'm totally down for a Mexico meetup - or Jamaica! I've never been to Jamaica but Martin and I both are dying to go, it's one of my Dad's fav places on Earth (second only to Costa Rica) and so I've heard nothing but wonderful and enchanting things about it. We are planning on getting married in PV and then honeymooning in Jamaica. Our wedding isn't until '09 so there is plenty of time to plan! It is also my favourite places, ever, so I can def be convinced to vacation there! Your wedding is so far away though, I think you should move it up, LOL.
  11. Aww that's sweet Jaime Lynn, I would like to meet you also . How about we meet up in Mexico one day, Everton and I try to go away every year. Hey when's your wedding, sounds like a good time for a vacation, LOL Kelly~
  12. Oh yeah sure, That's your story and your sticking to it, so you are covered when the # shows up on you phone bill. Hehe, too funny! Kelly~
  13. You look happy and beautiful, your son is sooo cute. Kelly~
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Nini_Bride Wow. Well I'm glad it's all sorted out. But whats up with your TA?! Seriously, who complains to their clients all the time about the bride's family? Also, I've never heard of TA administration fees, but I also haven't used very many TA's before. I'd fight them if she brought them up though No she didn't want them from me but she always wants me to know how she is doing this for us free of charge and that out of the goodness of her heart, and how she is willing to cut into her commision to help some one out. I told her it was all BS, that she gave us our price per peson and that is all she should expect, the rest of her costs are the cost of doing business, just like anyother ta who wanted our business. I hate freakin passive aggressive people, she def falls into this category.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Julesr I am soooooo happy to hear that things are working out. I am so happy that everton stood up to them and stood up for you and your family. YAY!!!!:elefan t: Thanks Julie, when are we going to have that drink? I could head Barrie way, since you don't drive, Everton and Liam fish every weekend and I could convince them to head that way to fish, and then we could head out for coctails. How far is Unionville from you, they have the best patio's so that could be an idea. Of course it would be great if Laura came also. Kelly~
  16. I am sorry I am not alone in my family dilemma. I do agree that friends are easier to deal with then family, I guess they are our friends for a reason. Well here is my update, after much stress, and alot of fighting between Everton and I, Everton's whole family (except his brother) worked it out and paid the rest of their trips. I don't know how it happened but I think Everton told them that if they didn't find him marrying the person he loves most and the mother of his child important, then they can stop expecting him for any of the family things that they find important. He dealt with and I don't want to know all he details. I do know that some words were had with my ta and with some of his family, and my ta phoned to complain to me, and Everton took the phone and told her to stop bugging me with the nitty gritty details, that his family was not my responsibility. My Ta has loved telling me every conversation she has with my guests who are not happy, she also loves to tell me about admin costs that she is eating for us?? Didn't know I was suppose to be responsible for any of these fee's?? I was fed up with them all and E finally told them back off and leave me alone, and follow through on what they had committed to do. Anyway everyone is booked, we are 44 people now confirmed and paid in full. Thank god this part is done and over with, it really is the most difficult part of planning a dw. I am going to concentrate on the rest of the details and work on forgetting this blib ever happened. We will all go on vacation, have a beautiful wedding and maybe Everton's family will finally see how much Everton and I love each other, what a great family we have, and what a beautiful sweet boy they have missed out on knowing. Good luck to all of you who also will go through similar experiences, I have no good advice for you on how to handle it, I wish I did. It is easy to say don't let it bother you, or hurt you, but we all know that this really is easier said than done! Unfortunately the people who are able to hurt us most are the people we love most, or in my case the people who we want to love us. Thanks for all the words of encouragment, this would have been so much worse without all you girls supporting me and helping me deal, you girls are truly great. Give yourselves a hug and as Glenda would say, Kelly hearts you Kelly~
  17. Everton pretends to care about the details, I know he is trying for my sake. I did however have a breakdown before he reacted. I think guys really need to be hit over the head about things. I wouldn't be surprised if your fi also thinks there is lot's of time to do things, they seem to have a different perception of time then us. Everton was slow on the suit thing also, until I had my little breakdown, then he played hooky from work phoned me and said he had bought his suit (was awful, but that's another story), but the point is he finally got it. He is really making an effort now, he really doesn't want me in tears again. Good luck, trust me it will all come together as one of the girls here told me when I was having the same issues you are, your fi is not going to be standing at the alter naked, so relax he will get his suit. Kely~
  18. Congratulation to both you girls. Kelly~
  19. It looks perfect on you, it doesn't look as though you will need any alterations or anything, lucky girl. Kelly~
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by akh that's the site that i searched daily for my Lazaro dress - but never found it. and that's the site where i will list my dress once i am ready to sell it. i think that's the site TammyB just listed her dress too! I saw TammyB on the site, so it is def where she listed her dress. Quote: Originally Posted by amyh I love this site! If I find my dream dress I would def go for it. They actually have a new Jim Helm dress that I posted in my "I wants" in the gallery. But its still a little too much for me ($2650) Oh it is so pretty though, Jim Helm is one of my favourite desighners, the dress would be beautiful on you. Kelly~
  21. I am so sorry for the loss of both of your parents. I love that you are getting married on your parents 50th wedding anniversary, what a beautiful testiment to them and a wonderful way to make them such a important part of your day. Kelly~
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by LALA When I first got engaged Jcrew had dresses on sale. I got one for $70 and one for $80. I figured at those prices I might as well try them out. If I loved one great - if not no big loss. Neither was the one so I ended up with my "real" dress. Now I'm going to use a cheapie for TTD and sell the other. Kate isn't you who has 5 dresses? I thought it was, if not who is it who does? Kelly~
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