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Everything posted by dragonfly

  1. We brought all 5 of our children, we just couldn't have imagined getting married without them there, as they are the most important people in our lives. I think the age of the child is a factor, would she be upset if not included? You would hate to start out your life together with one very important member of your family feeling left out. I think the idea of having her return home with someone else is a good idea. We just decided that our honeymoon would have to be later (this april/may) and enjoy our friends and family for the week. We had my mom look after the kids the night of the wedding, it worked out well. Good luck on this tough decision. P.s don't forget a notorized letter, joint custody or not, you will need it. We did get asked to show ours.
  2. I had my band custom ordered, got to pick my stones and have the width match nicely with my e-ring. My jeweller did a great job, exactly what I wanted and it was under $500.00. I was like you, tried on way too many rings, so I am glad I talked with a jeweller and went this route. Good luck Tara.
  3. Scoliosis can definately become worse throughout your life, it is why we opted to have rods put in Nicole's back at age 17, because we were afraid of deteriation as she got older. If it was ruled out then that is good.
  4. This is a tough one, maybe you can suggest to the girlfriend that is bailing on your other friend that you and her split the difference to cover the cost of the room for your othe bm. Explaint to her that you don't know how to handle this considering you bm has made all of her plans based on sharing her room and it is unfair to ask her to cover the cost. $150.00 is not really that much money and Kelly may be open to this suggestion. The other suggestion, which we did, was if you have any children going could you bump them up to the adult price it could be cheaper then the $300.00(it was for us) and then on paper she has a person in her room, but she then gets a room of her own. Fighting over a small amount of money is just not worth the drama, friends are to important for that:)
  5. My very favourite place in the world, breathtaking, a wedding would be beautiful there.
  6. I suggest a doctors visit before you head off to see a chiropractor. Your allignment being off and scoliosis are very, very different things which need different treatment's. If it scoliosis you can not have a chiropractor manipulate you back into alignment as it is the way you spine has formed and is much more complicated then the other. This is what my daughter Nicole has, and unfortunately is why she is now in a wheelchair after opting for a serious surgery to put rods in her back that ended up puncturing her spinal chord. Before this she led a normal life had a fusion of the spinal chord that stopped the curve from getting any worse, and she wore a lift on her shoe, there are exercises that a physio therapist can reccomend to you to help with the scoliosis. Anyway my whole point in this response is please see a doctor before you see a chiropractor and get a proper diagnosis, if you don't a chiroprator could do you more harm then good.
  7. Welcome Jennifer, a DW is so much fun, have fun planning.
  8. Hello Kara and Congratulations.
  9. I will be sure to welcome her, Jenn!
  10. dragonfly


    Welcome, there are great people to help you out here.
  11. Love the colours, looks like your pretty organized, thanks for sharing.
  12. JaimeLynn I am thinking of you, I know how hard life can be when there are health issues. You are a smart, determined girl and in the end you will get where you want to be. If it takes a little longer that is okay, life is sometimes like that, who knows what you will learn during the detours
  13. Welcome Dana, I am sure there are lots of girls on here who will help you.
  14. Welcome Nanci, have fun planning this exciting day with your daughter Kelly~
  15. I bought mine on e-bay, pamperedbride I think. I got two for under $20.00. I got a gardenia and they were beautiful, here is a picture of it in my hair My girls each had one in their hair also, and everyone thought they were real.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by lambert13 ***update*** Potential name list (AKA the cool kids) lambert13 lucky k72 Mrs.B 2008 Heidi Christine lauren c. JessicaLovesBrian Lizz dragonfly amandalovesryan MelissaH jamisoncollette jilly76 starchild JUSTUSTWO NYJen carlymcmullen TammyB Tentative Date: June 7th 2008 (open to suggestions otherwise) Tentative Place: NYC (once again open to suggestions once more people get on board) Wow now this looks like the making of a bdw get together It seems you worked your magic, once again, Jason Time and place are good for us. Kelly~
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by lambert13 One of my matches was Lee Harvey Oswald. Too funny!
  18. I apparently look like Neve Cambell, Keira Knightly, and James Blunt. It keeps coming up that Liam looks like Drew Barrymore.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by lucky k72 I am so glad Jay came up with this idea! It will be soooo much fun. OMG! If enough of us got together and we decided on NYC, maybe we could do a luncheon or sunset dinner cruise around NY harbor out of the seaport. It would give us the opportunity to mingle and talk and see some sights at the same time. I did that for my Senior Week booze cruise in college. I'm kind of talking out of my ass because I don't know if something like this would be feasible or affordable. Worth checking into. Oh and we could go to a club later on forthise staying over or up for a late night. I'm so excited!!!! For those of staying at a hotel, we could see about the same hotel, then we could do dinner, drinks, dancing, and brunch the next moning, make a real gathering of it. I love, love, love the idea of the cruise Karen, but then again Everton and I are always up for anything. I too am excited
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Lizz That's the response I know I will get. He just doesn't get it. No problem though, I'll be there by myself! You must convince him to come, I am sure he would have a great time. Everton thought I was nuts for wanting to drive 2 hours to meetup with Karen and Jason, but he came and had a great time and met some new friends. We had no awkward moments, the 4 of us hit it off right away and our time with each other ran out much to quickly. Everton actually was asking just recently if we were going to meet up with them again sometime soon. If he is worried that it will be all wedding talk, assure him that that will most likely be a small portion of our visit, Karen, Jay, Everton, and I barely talked wedding at all. We will have a few beverages, some good food, and many laughs, how can you go wrong with that:) I really hope you come Lizz, you are one of the people I most definiatly want to meet from this forum
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by lambert13 We will pick you up at the airport. Of course our Canadian friends are welcome. I was thinking about NYC because I knew that Kelly & Everton are down there every once in a while as it is, and we would love to see them again. This week I will start a list of interested people and come up with a few potential dates. Off the top of my head I was thinking about Saturday June 7th. As far as I know we are open to just about every weekend around that time as well. Jay, I talked to Everton and he and I will definitely make it, we would love to hang out with you guys again. That weekend works fine for us keep us posted on the details. Hope lot's of others can also make it, including my fellow Canadian's.
  22. Oh Sarah what a wonderful business to start up, it is perfect for you. I haven't done anything with my wedding pics yet so I will def be contacting you. Congratulations!!!!
  23. Tammy your veil is so beautiful, and perfect with your dress. I wore a veil, tiarra and a flower. I loved my veil, I tucked it under my hair at the back and it made me feel very bridal. I originally was niot going to wear one but I fell in love with this one and had to have it.
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by amy&andy08 Those are adorable. You can also order cute skivvies from CustomizedGirl - Custom T-Shirt Design I got my boyshorts there for my BD pics and they turned out super cute. I also got my boyshorts at custmized girl, they were cheap and timely. I wore these undies under my wedding dress, so comfy. On the back I put Just Married.
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